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Sergei Rahkmaninoff

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Everything posted by Sergei Rahkmaninoff

  1. @Click I would have as well, but I've only got one red Rahkshi foot, unfortunately. Maybe I'll see about adding on to these. Thanks!
  2. Jeez. I didn't realise I was so influential OOC. I assume most of the time that no one listens to me anyway. I can't tell if that was sarcastic or not... (It didn't help that Zakaro Kapura'd me in calling for a vote. If he hadn't, I would have called for the same and Exxan would have been noting that everyone agreed with Jayar.)
  3. I don't think it's as significant as Exxan thinks it is that everyone listened to Chekquars. I at least was influenced OOC by your 'you guys are so dissapointing' posts. Probably others were as well.
  4. We've kind of finished the circles now, though, I think. The last few library posts have pretty much all been characters agreeing to Chekquar's proposition to confiscate Torch's weapons, put him under constant guard, and have Melody try to rehabilitate him.
  5. Alright, here are the pictures of my MoCs of Jayar, Vlad, Ivan, Hoto, and Short that I've been promising. Since the point of these pictures is to depict the characters, I've done a bit of digital fiddling (cheating ) with some of them, from adding lights on Vlad's cape (yes, it's really a towel) to recoloring entire pieces. There's two folders, one with large (absurdly large) pictures, in case you want them, and one with reasonably sized pictures.
  6. IC: Jayar / The Gym "I second Chekquar's motion." said Jayar, glad the Darkness Rahkshi had stepped between Exxan and Pyre's bickering. IC: Vlad / The Infirmary Vlad dreamed he was dueling himself. One of him was lit with a golden fire, and his eyes blazed with hunger, bright as the sun. The other was completely unremarkable, a normal Rahkshi. He watched as Vlad dove at Vlad's neck, and Vlad responded by grabbing him around the neck and punching him, hard, in the face - Light filled his vision. It took him a moment to realize he had opened his eyes. Beside him, as if through water, came Ivan's happy squeak at his awakening. He tried to sit up, and his head spun. He lay back down and looked about the room, moving his head as little as possible. Beside him was a ragged Rahkshi with a blackened headplate, but a mostly white carapace and heaplate that seemed to have been white before being charred all to Karzahni. And, most importantly, pointed teeth. Had he found another like himself? "Excuse me," said Vlad, weakly, to Fang, "vould you happen to be a Rahkshi of Hunger, like myself?"
  7. IC: Jayar / The Library "We had come to a similar conclusion ourselves," said Jayar. "Some of us, at least. But even if he is innocent by insanity, we still must prevent him from harming anyone by that same insanity. I agree that therapy is a good step, but solitary confinement for him seems unlikely to be granted to us. After all, he got into the school in the first place. He will be expected to attend classes, insane or not. Thus I return to the idea of confiscating his tools and of appointing someone to watch him, as she," he pointed to Melody, "has agreed to do." IC: Ivan / The Gym When the Limited Invulnerability Rahk didn't respond, Ivan flew into his face and squeaked frantically, hoping to get his attention. OOC: ArcticFreeze, that's Stronghold.
  8. OOC: Vlad is meant as somewhat of a comical character. IC: Jayar / The Library Jayar saw a Rahkshi of Laser Vision leap at Torch, and with lightning speed whipped out his staff and held it in front of the attacker's chest, blocking him from reaching the Fire Resistance Rahk. "Don't you understand? Attacking him will make it worse."
  9. Does Torch have short-term memory loss, Sil? He seems have forgotten setting fire to the Library, and the whole trial thing, entirely.
  10. IC: Jayar / The Library "No, it is not. Death is a final punishment, to be inflicted only upon the most cruel and unchanging of villains. Perhaps he cannot change - but have we given him the chance? And if he cannot, does burning a dozen books qualify him among the most evil beings of time? Hardly! I cannot permit such a harsh punishment to be carried out against one whose crimes are so minor in comparison." IC: Ivan / The Gym Seeing his Rahkshi companion collapse upon the ground, the Ice Bat fluttered over to an observing Rahkshi of Limited Invulnerability and squeaked out a plea for help. OOC: That's Stronghold. If he would deliver Vlad to the infirmary I would be gratified.
  11. IC: Jayar / The Library "I admire your idealistic ideas, and wish that they might succeed," said Jayar to Melody, "but this Rahkshi cares little for us at the moment. Merely asking him to promise repentance is unlikely to be effective. That is why I suggest that we need someone to get to know him, and earn his trust - only then will they have the influence needed to truly change his ways. 'Rotten through and through' some villains may be, but not this one, I feel, at least not certainly. He deserves a chance to change, and someone to help him do so. Until then, the confiscation of his tools is likely to be necessary."
  12. IC: Jayar / The Library "There are a few wretched crimes for which the ending of life would be a suitable punishment," said Jayar grimly. "But the destruction of a handful of books is hardly one of them. I will not condone, or allow," he said, a warning tone in his voice, "the murder of this Rahk. There are better ways to protect the Library that do not require a senseless loss of life." IC: Vlad / The Gym For a brief moment, Hashan's energy flowed into Vlad, a glorious feast! Vlad almost hummed with delight. But then Hashan let go of Vlad and punched him in the face, dislodging his teeth and cutting off the flow of the delicious energy. Hashan's flying fist packed quite a punch - enough, in fact, to knock the already injured Vlad into unconsciousness, but not before knocking him out of his frantic, hungry state. His last thought before slipping into unconsciousness was ######... I failed... Then he slipped into a dark and fitful unconsciousness.
  13. Vlad's trying to bite Hashan's arm and drain energy through that. There's not much way around it, but I didn't want to autohit him. Meanwhile in the Library we've got Torch on trial, although it's really more deciding his punishment.
  14. It's a Nui-Kopen (http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Nui-Kopen). The Komau does have the restriction that it can't make the controlled do anything they consider immoral, but then, if it's used by a Toa on a villain that doesn't mean much. It is pretty OP, but I'd rather have a Mohtrek. If you took the time to put on a Komau, then a Mohtrek, you could summon up yourself with the Komau when you need it.
  15. IC: Jayar / The Library "I agree with the destruction of his for equipment," said Jayar. "And, to an extent, the watch officer idea. I feel it would be more effective if we could have one Rahkshi watch him, treating him with kindness, so as to form a sort of bond with him, so that they might even be able to convince him not to start fires in the first place," he continued. "Of course, this would be a large commitment. I would not wish to force it upon anyone, so I must ask for volunteers." He knew that if his plan has been accepted before, it would surely be rejected at 'volunteers,' but he had to try. OOC: last post of night
  16. Good wor... I mean, VahkiDane what have you done!? @Roman: he did use his fame to quiet the Library before the assignment started, and to get the whole trial thing going. But that's not the point; the important thing is, he's famous.
  17. @Toa Komali: But Rhotuka must be some form of matter, since they can be ridden. I'd say they're probably protodermis like everything else in the MU. Again, I'm not sure on this one. Bionicle science is too complicated to really rationalize, so the answer is pretty much arbitrary. It could go either way, methinks. (I'd rather no one ask Greg on this one, though. It's too relevant to the present state of affairs on SM and could easily be a major factor in a fanfiction.)
  18. Exxan has been reveling in his fame, hasn't he? Jayar knows he's tightly allied with Phogen, and as a moralist, he disapproves of that. It's not that strong though. Exxan's latest post almost echoes (though Jayar doesn't know) Fang's ambitions to prove to the Makuta that the Rahkshi are capable in their own right. If Exxan does steer the trial towards justice it might be rather mitigated. It's kinda tough to keep hating the guy for being allied with Phogen when Funky hasn't posted in weeks.
  19. Well, Exxan is the one who started the whole thing, and he did say to Chekquars "what I'M trying to do." (emphasis added.) To Jayar, it seems that Exxan is making a loosely veiled play for power among the student body. Keep in mind that he already isn't exactly a fan of Exxan anyway. From an OOC perspective, I understand, but IC Jayar doesn't. @Smudge8: *bows*
  20. IC: Jayar / The Library This was hardly justice. Chekquars either wanted to about Exxan or wanted credit with Tridax for turning in the arsonist, Exxan hoped to prove that he was an effective leader, and Rider was in it for revenge. The concept, not the Rahkshi. Of all of them, only Squid seemed to actually care about improving the lives of the students of Corpus Rahkshi. Jayar sighed. He knew he would get nowhere, but he had a duty to justice, and if he had to fight for it, he would. "This isn't justice," he declared. "This is an assembly of self-interested vigilantes. Can we not look past the petty rivalries, power struggles, and desire for revenge to seek out a solution? Not revenge, not necessarily punishment, but a solution which will benefit as many, and harm as few, as is possible."
  21. Since they are protodermic (like everything else in the MU) they probably can't be used by SM inhabitants, since they aren't protodermic. For the same reason, I'm not sure that they would affect SM inhabitants, either. Seems like it could go either way. The Ignika could affect SM beings, but it's kinda special. Pretty sure the GBs could create Rhotuka, since they created the beings which create Rhotuka. Rhotuka are indeed tangible, and can be ridden somehow. I would think this would result in the rider getting very dizzy, but the Hordika managed it just fine in WoS, if I recall correctly. Hope this helps
  22. IC: Jayar / The Library "That would be a start. But it would be more effective in the long run to make him see the evil in what he's done. How we can do this, I do not know. But if we do not, then he will surely find new tools, and we will be worse off than we were when we started, for he will have tools and a grudge against us." IC: Vlad / The Gym Vlad writhed in Hashan's grip, trying to free himself, and clawed at his captor. He had to get out - he had to feed! But his efforts were futile, Hashan's grip too strong. Vlad smiled, however, and plunged his sharp teeth towards Hashan's arm, just above the wrist, and activated his power. He knew the energy he absorbed this way would taste dull and mechanical compared to the energy right off a Kraata, but it would be like honeydew compared to the slop he'd been foolishly forcing upon himself.
  23. Not really. Based on the definitions we have put forth, fanon is the interpretation of canon which is basically obvious, but not confirmed to be true or false. Headcanon, however, is one fan's interpretation of canon, which may be pretty much anything, and may contradict canon. So for example, there's an alternate universe known as 'The Melding Alternate Universe.' That name isn't canon, but since the Melding was the major event of that universe, it's a pretty obvious name. That is fanon. There's also the idea that Tamaru is female. That blatantly disregards canon, but some hold to it anyway - it is headcanon. Anyway, this is all semantics. But basically I'd like to get the point across that there's nothing wrong with people calling their personal beliefs and/or interpretations of Bionicle headcanon. Because that's what it is. If you've only heard in two areas, then how do you know that one usage is more widespread than the other? If you listed a dozen communities that use headcanon your way, and only BZP which uses it this way, then you would have substantial evidence that BZPers use it incorrectly. But one other community doesn't really substantiate such claims. You're being rather definite about this, aren't you? Every question asked is either answered on BS01 or a foolish, pushy canonization request? No, it isn't. There are quite a lot. But many of the actually viable questions (e.g, what element was the final Toa Mangai) have been asked in a fair and respectful manner by BZP members. And Greg answers them by telling us to have a poll, which we do. And on the current LMB Greg thread, there are quite a few questions not even related to Bionicle canon necessarily. I've seen questions like, 'Do you enjoy working on Bionicle or Hero Factory more?" or "I'm trying to write a story, but my characters seem bland. As an author, do you have any advice for me?" It seems what you dislike is not BZP's canonization efforts, but those of younger, individual fans (although it's hard to tell because your whole post is drenched in mockery of what actually goes on.) But Greg is pretty good about filtering out those. And here on BZP we can't do anything about them. But we have done our best to promote intelligent questions from BZP members, encouraging showing both sides of the argument, giving Greg the runner-up answers after polls, and the like. Uh, we only know the underlined points. I think you're using some form of hyperbole, but seriously, your whole second-last paragraph is so filled with it that it looks somewhat ridiculous. Greg isn't writing any more serials, we don't know any more about the Toa Cordak than what I underlined, and (at least on BZP) people are doing everything they can to make sure canonization requests are well thought out, make sense, don't contradict canon, and are reasonable. Again, it's those who operate individually who ask the foolish questions, and Greg is pretty good at rejecting them. It's a matter of taste. You feel that it's absolutely bland to know that there was a Toa Mangai of the Green, but a lot of others think that it's really cool that we finally have one in the canon. You really enjoy Dark Souls, maybe some others hate the story for being so secretive. These things are all based on opinion. This is why I, and others, have supported 'I don't want this canonized' options on polls henceforth. If a majority of people vote that, then no canonization will happen. Otherwise it's clearly shown that fewer people find these things boring than interesting.
  24. IC: Jayar / The Library Jayar's reading was interrupted by Exxan's distant shouts. He sighed and closed the book on healing he was reading - he had almost finished anyways, and accrued at least a basic knowledge of healing techniques. It wasn't like he'd have time for anything fancy on a Nynrah battlefield anyways, but a simple remedy might end up being the difference between bringing someone back for Palma to fix up more thoroughly and bringing someone back to be buried in the Courtyard. He shelved the book and walked over to the center of the Library, where Exxan was holding some sort of vigilante trial for a charred Rahkshi of Fire Resistance. Apparently it had been he who started the fire. "Why don't we try to figure out why he did it, so that we can bring him to understand why he should not?" Jayar declared. "Are there any Mind Reading Rahkshi here who could help us with that?" IC: Vlad / The Gym Vlad breathed a sigh of relief and rushed, ignoring the pain in his leg, to where Ivan had been flung. The Ice Bat looked more or less intact, if a little woozy. Vlad helped Ivan onto his shoulder. "Thank you, my friend, for helpink me, but I could never bear it if I vere to lose you. Zer battle vas mine to fight." Ivan gave a little screech. Vlad looked at Hashan, and anger filled his mind once more at the sight of the smug look on his face. He could feel it bubbling up inside him, wrenching at the door of the mental cage he'd tried to create around the part of him that delighted in sucking the life from helpless victims. He tried to calm himself, but another look at Hashan and the door flew open - the beast was free - As Hashan turned away, Vlad lunged forward at him with uncanny speed, completely unaware of the pain in his leg, and attempted to grab his carapace and wrench it open to reveal the squishy, vulnerable, living and above all DELICIOUS! Kraata inside.
  25. @UltimoScorp Oh yes indeed. Before CCBS I could barely bring myself to touch a socket joint, lest it shatter into innumerable pieces.
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