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Everything posted by bohrokman

  1. pohatu makes the tornado out of his jettarangs on his feet. but i like the theory
  2. While I didn't see it demonstrated, but seeing as the set comes with extra ammo, I'd say that yet, it does function. if you look closer on the pic of the end of the hammer it does not have the piece that is yellow and ejects the studs
  3. Did anyone else notice the hand grabbing for the mask on the box art I think the skull army? Is protecting these mesterious new masks. Also is skull grinder Makuta because he has a red/black color scheme and is fighting ekimu
  4. What is your favorite toa weapon of all time? Any toa any element
  5. I want to buy these so i can moc a toa inika sword and jaller
  6. Maybe ninjago, but probably bionicle first i mean it is what the site is about.
  7. how about a whole 30 mins stretch it out a bit ya know like a real show on cartoon network
  8. What is your favorite toa of air ever? mine is either Lewa or Nihdhiki before the betral.
  9. light, air, gravity annoys me that onua has to a of gravity colors
  10. I know the Bohrok are mutated av matoran, but what about the bahrag how did they come to be? How did they get into control of the crane?
  11. that was epic! form was a bit low powered , but there is so much more posibilities with form just look at matau. I am so getting lloyds jungle raider
  12. Amazing great gob love the mask though shoulder arm our is wrong color. Love it though buitifull
  13. Mask of teleportation you can teleport whenever someone attacks you and creation too
  14. One:Capital letter I.Two:It's kraata, not karate.Three:After the word, "pet" you need to put a comma. A kraata would be like raising an oversized bug (since they level up) plus, there's a lot to choose from. Skull spiders can possess you and there's only three to choose from. I might say kraata so I can get him a rahkshi suit and help me fight, or a skull spider that's like a faithful companion. I don't think I have a preference so I'm gonna say both. Stupid auto correct
  15. i was wondering which creature would you rather have as a pet a karate or a skull spider?
  16. merry christmass i got original takanuva ultra agents hq
  17. [Leaked content removed] This is romoured summer wave sets for bionicle. This was on eurobricks Edit: Please see BZP's Leaked Content Policy. -Wind-
  18. i liked vezon, but i also love lariska can't choose. (We all know who really wins though makuta teridax!)
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