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Everything posted by Zeb

  1. Yeah, I noticed that too. Nice to see some landmark consistency across the Bionicle media. Also... That is Umarak.
  2. I wish the masks could come in every color with both blended and non-blended variants, but I'm fine with what they have this year. It sort of helps to set the 2016 mask apart from the 2015 ones, or at least the silver-blended regular masks, since the gold-trans-bland was already done last year with the Skull Villains.
  3. Are those poisoned versions of Tahu's, Kopaka's, and Onua's masks I see next to the Beasts? Also, I'm glad that there is finally a good way of having baby minifigures in sets now.
  4. Maybe LoSS could show up again, try to get revenge, and get beaten up again. They could make it a running joke where LoSS shows up and gets defeated every year.
  5. That's fixed now, but it looks like Green Skull Spider is still nowhere to be found.
  6. If Ninjago (which is basically the Bionicle of minifig themes) ever ends, I would think that in 5 years it could probably be rebooted like Bionicle. Space Police IV could also happen, but other than that I don't think there are any story-based Lego themes that will get a reboot any time soon. Hero Factory (), Master Build Academy, and DesignByMe. Not exactly obvious choices, but most other themes tend to return in one form or another. (Alpha Team -> Agents -> Ultra Agents, Dino Attack -> Dino, Aquazone -> Aqua Raiders -> Atlantis, Rock Raiders -> Power Miners) These 3 themes are kind of unusual though. One is, well, Hero Factory, the next was a learn-how-to-build-like-a-pro series of kits, and the other was a service for designing your own sets in LDD and then buying them and getting custom instructions and a box. Ninjago will probably get rebooted when it eventually ends, Bionicle could get a third gen when this gen ends, and Space Police IV could wind up being the next space theme. But as others have said, most of the time Lego just recycles and/or reimagines older themes into new ones, rather than doing direct reboots, such as the aforementioned Rock Raiders -> Power Miners and such.
  7. The CGI Mask of Control looks like the preliminary version, and I'm guessing Gali's mask is either also preliminary coloring or just a CGI mistake.
  8. The Toa Kaita would make a lot of sense in a year themed around unity...
  9. This image keeps bugging me because it's pretty obviously the MM vs SG packaging art with the head sliced off crudely (you can still seem a sizable chunk of it) and a front view of the Mask of Creation slapped on. I don't ask for much of LEGO's web developers, but I do wish they had done something less glaringly sloppy. Argh, I didn't notice the original mask still being partially visible until you mentioned it, and now I can't unsee it! But anyway, this is a nice update to the website. Definitely an improvement from last year in terms of the sizing of navigation elements. (The characters section is a lot easier to quickly browse through.)
  10. Neat! I wonder if this is going to be the kind of polybag they sell in stores or the kind given only in special promotions. I'm hoping for the former, simply because that would be such an easy way to get several Masks Of Creation, as well as that neat cape/cloak/shawl/thing.
  11. 10/10, this model is absolutely fantastic! Amazing! Increidble! Detailed! This is definitely the best Great Spirit Robot MOC I've ever seen anywhere, and the attention to the little details and features like Metru Nui and the M-Tron magents in the hands is really really neat! I'm not really sure what else to say, other than the fact that you did an amazing job on this MOC!
  12. I would definitely think it's possible... and luckily the set already comes with a rock to kick!
  13. HYPE!!! I was wondering how Lego was going to top last year's sets, and now I know! The new gear functions, new parts and recolors, the new eyestalks, the color schemes... almost everything is great! Pohatu's mix of colors makes him look kind of messy and dirty... which looks fine to me, seeing as that stones tend to look dirty and vary in color. Also, is Umarak's eyepiece RED? It's been a while since we got trans-red eyestalks/heads. Kopaka's gold kneepads look a bit out of place when he isn't in unity mode, though it does help balance out his gold when he is in unity form, so it's not too bad. I kind of wish Tahu just a tiny bit more azure on his arms somewhere, though I'm not quite sure where it would go.The creatures having gear functions is fantastic, and unexpected as well. Interestingly, the back view of Gali shows the axle in her head as being BLACK, while the picture showing off the head by itself shows it as being RED. Hmmm...
  14. They're minifigures. Maybe there are studs on the ramp that they were standing on.
  15. Just got back from the Irving Convention Center... This was my first Lego convention, and it was great! There were a lot of really impressive and creative models there, and I spotted some familiar creations in the BZPower section, as well as some really neat ones I'd never seen before. Overall it was a really great day full of really great Lego creations. I hope to return in the future, and/or go to more Lego conventions in the future as well.
  16. I wish I hadn't noticed Kopaka's chestplate add-on being upside-down, because that's going to bother me forever. But anyway, that was pretty funny. I wonder how long it's going to be before we see the Toa riding vehicles again...
  17. A bit sad, but seeing as that most either conflicted with a current/upcoming Lego set/theme or probably had IP issues, it's not surprising. As for the next review group... Adventure Time: Perhaps, if they can get the IP, that is. Caterham Super Seven: It's probably too big, but if not, then it could pass. Modular Library, Rivendell, Lothlorien: Too big, probably won't pass. Lego Physics: Seems rather big, but I suppose if a marble maze can pass then maybe it can too. Ghostbusters Stay Puft Marshmallow Man: Since Lego already has the Ghostbusters license, that may hinder this project's chances. But you never know... Indominus Rex: A white, slightly modified Tyrannosaurus Rex from the previous review? There's no way. The Little Prince: Maybe.
  18. The pieces will be especially good for making Sentinal characters. I know... I'm still waiting for something that looks like the Inventor Rank 3 helmets, though.
  19. So many 2016 references! Also, nice Nuva symbol easter egg. Unless of course it's more than an easter egg... TOA NUVA 2016 CONFIRMED!!! I really wish these animations weren't so rushed because of the time limit. It's a good thing we're getting a Netflix series next year, which should allow for more in-depth story. Also, that box of obviously 2016 parts looks pretty cool...
  20. BIONICLE 2001-2015 CROSSOVER CONFIRMED!!! But seriously, that's a pretty neat easter egg.
  21. Cool! I would love to fire this weapon (though reloading would be quite a pain...).
  22. Unless that's the summer wave. (Highly unlikely.) Hmm, it looks like we're getting a wave very similar to the Winter 2015 wave (assuming Umarak is a villain), with a bit of a variation with the Kopaka and Melum set instead of their sets being separate.
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