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Everything posted by Tea-rex

  1. Ooc: not sure if I mentionied this properly, but SIREN IS MISSING AN ARM. Ic: Siren groaned and looked at the shout, and saw two of the Rahks from the group there. She let out a small laugh and collapsed again.
  2. Ic: She didn't see the string being pulled back, being distracted with Phogen. She did however hear the arrow being released. She turned to see an arrow whistling through the air towards her. It hit the wall next to her, and then everything happened at once. The arrow exploded, she was deafened, she was flung back, she hit the ground, she uncloaked, she saw lying next to her her arm. "Oh sw-" she blacked out. Perhaps choosing a prototype version if the armour wasn't the best idea.
  3. Well uh... Perhaps she's translucent like a baby cuttlefish when moving?
  4. Ic: "Your bow doesn't scare me you know. Not loading an arrow gave it away." Siren said to Snakey. "Poltergeist? I am nearly doing what would be best for the future of serving under Makuta." Siren continued to Phogen.
  5. Ic: "She simply is in all she is worth. Worthless." Siren responded to Hoto, then moved on along the platform.
  6. Ic: Siren hadn't really left the scene, she had just waited to see who might have the best chances of saying something that might give her an advantage. She chose Omega. After following him for a bit, she saw him run up to one of those level 3 Rahks, Phogen she thought it was. Upon hearing something about the fight & how she had said "She's weak", she decided to pick up on that. "She was. She doesn't deserve to be called a Rahkshi." She then quickly changed position onto a nearby ledge above the group to make sure she couldn't be followed.
  7. IC: Getting up, Siren said "Thank you. Now go." She cloaked and walked away.
  8. IC: "What are you doing? No, stop!" Said Siren, and turned her Katana in her hands and attempted to stab Vaalku in the chest with it.
  9. IC: Siren turned her head towards Squid, her katana raised in an attempt to block the oncoming mace. "I did it bec- UGH!" She said, as a flail hit her on her head, knocking her head first into the sludge. Now all of her was on fire. As the Axe flew over her, she got back up and shook her head, dousing the flames on her head and looked for the assailant.
  10. IC: The katana pinged off of his armour, dousing the flames. However, Omega was foolish enough to show her that he was planning an attack, and as his fist swung at her, she swung her sword upright at the exposed wrist. OOC: Does anyone have some fitting music for this fight?
  11. IC: The Sparks blinded Siren, and she stepped back and to the side, her arm covering her eyes, and heard two arrows whiz by her. She opened her eyes to see Omega charging at her, and (matrix style) ducked under the sword, then lifting back up swung her katana, still ablaze, at him. Her entire lower half was now on fire.
  13. IC: It didn't matter to Siren. She unsheathed her Katana and cut off the main arrow from her legs, leaving the barbs in, inflicting more pain upon herself. She didn't show it outwardly, but it would soon affect her. She bent down and sliced her katana blade in the slop, setting it alight. "As I said, it would be your downfall."
  14. OOC: Seriously Arctic? Right now? IC: The arrow hit her in the knee. She reached down and picked it out. She uncloaked, her legs now surrounded by flames, the arrow wound not helping matters.
  15. IC: "Cowardice? I hardly think so, it's called "Using your abilities and surrounds to your advantage"." She walked forward into the middle of the slop, unfazed by the fact that her feet were on fire.
  16. IC: "This has gone on for long enough. Play time is over." She uncloaked and quickly grabbed three knives from her belt and threw them at the combatants, then re cloaked and ran over to another blind spot.
  17. IC: "Interesting tactic." She said, as she saw Bullseye throw the "food" on the floor. "You are learning. That is good. But it shan't help you. You have left large blind spots where I can traverse, and many places where I can still hit you despite this."
  18. IC: "She ran... crying... from a battle that she had no part in. And her name... No Rahk should be called something as disgraceful as that."
  19. IC: "She is weak. She is a disgrace. She does not deserve to continue living." Replied Siren.
  20. IC: Siren moved her hand out of the way of where the arrow would be (she predicted it) and then backflipped out of the way of the new Rahk that appeared. She then re-sheathed her blade and changed position.
  21. IC: Siren walked over to Bullseye and drew her katana, placing it in his bow between the string and bow, blade facing towards string. OOC: Siren is cloaked, but when she draws anything off of her while cloaked, you can see it. Waitwaitwiat, how could Bullseye see siren? She's cloaked.
  22. IC: Siren threw Melody at Omega and cloaked, Katana hilt in hand.
  23. It uh... Kinda sorta got forgotten in the whole mish mash of the taking of the Koro. So yeah.
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