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Everything posted by Tea-rex

  1. IC: Walking towards the library, Hashan noticed a Rahk with his hands in a wall yell a curse loudly, and then crashing his hands out of the wall, before entering the library. Well, that's new. Haven't seen him before. Is swearing a new power nobody told me about? He thought to himself. He then entered the library behind the swearing rahk.
  2. IC: Hashan made his way back to the square, only to find it empty. Odd. He dropped his decorations then made his way back to the school. He walked in the doors and started to walk towards... somewhere. Probably the library, if only because he wished to quench his boredom by distracting himself with equal boredom. OOC: Open to interaction.
  3. Ic: After wandering around aimlessly gathering more decorations than he could carry, Hashan finally decided to go to the place he hoped he never would have to - the library. He walked in the door, only to find his teammates in there... Reading. He dropped all 129 decorations he was carrying. "Oh, gee, thanks for telling me where you were guys!" He shouted at them. I "I've been wandering this godforsaken island gathering decorations, and for what? To find you on your asses reading! Is my last in this group pointeless?!" He continued to shout, and then turned to a bookcase and punched a hole through it.
  4. So, uh, what's happened since I last posted? I tried to keep up, but I've been browsing 3 forums at a time and the other 2 have had lot's of new announcements which has taken my attention away from the RPG. (I mean seriously,listen to this song that has been announced today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npTDzIN_3ko)
  5. Well I uh I umh... I really didn't think this one through. Okay, I've given Unknown more of a backstory.
  6. IC: "Well I uh-" But my words were cut short by the abrupt departure of the "Toa". I left to examine the area.
  7. Ooc: oh, okay, didn't know that. Ic: After saying about her "boyfriend's" actions, I dropped him as he swung a punch at me.
  8. Kalmah or Maxilos & Spinax. Both are very solid sets (both literal and functional), with lots of playability and functions.
  9. IC: "Childish? I hardy think so, I-" My words were cut off as smoke appeared out of nowhere. "Now what's this then?" I said, coughing. My response was something small bumping into me. I look down to see the Grey "Toa" had tried to push me over by running into me. I picked him up by his head. "Now, look here. I'm trying to help you out, but your responses are far from... justified. You make yourself out as "defenders" and "guardians", but you seem to be trying to murder me this very instance. So, are you going to tell me something, or am I going to have to run you through?" I said, motioning with my sword up and down Wisp's small body.
  10. Ic: "Oh? Really? Is that how it is? Well then, you'll be pleased to hear I'm the best swordsman for miles around!" I un-sheath my sword and swing it around a bit as an example. "Go on, try to hold it." I say, placing my sword out in front of me, hilt facing towards the "toa". Obviously they can't hold it because it's very heavy.
  11. IC: "Well, that sounds like good fun! I might join you." I said, beaming away.
  12. Ic: Hashan walked back to the main square, arms full of decorations. "Hey guys I go-" He looked at the mess around him and dropped the decorations. "Oh."
  13. What is the Ko timeskip? I've heard about it, but what is it?
  14. IC: "Foreigners eh? Doesn't sound too interesting to me. So, what are you two doing?"
  15. IC: Hashan was waiting for orders. This job seemed very menial for Rahkshi like him, only taking down the items, not simply destroying every item in sight. Still though, a job was a job. When Kat gave the signal, he wandered off, already bored.
  16. IC: "Well, uh, thanks! So, what do you do around here exactly?"
  17. IC: (past) A hit on his face made him spiral to the ground in the darkness. (present) As he approached the group, he saw that they were full. Thank God.
  18. Something makes me feel that Hashan would go a little power crazy, perhaps
  19. IC: "Well, that makes more sense." Her partner, after getting out of the water asks if I remember how I got here. "Well, I was chasing my brother down around the seas of many islands, we got into a fight in a storm... And that's about it." I shrug.
  20. IC: "The city of Ga-Koro eh? Interesting name for a island." I responded to the natives. "My name is Kier."
  21. IC: Seeing one of the natives fall in the water and then both of them come towards me, I say "Terribly sorry for that, but could you mind telling me where I am?"
  22. Ic: Galu. As I walk down the beach, I see something similar to a town of sorts. As I move closer I see it is a town, made out of lillies or something. When I start to get close to the gates, I see two beings, much like my own, but much more refined in nature, as if Vortixx's got the short end if the stick. "Hello there natives!" I shout to them, waving as I walk forward. Ooc: That's you Roman.
  23. Ic: Hashan went to follow Cat, but then saw where she was going to, and stopped. He weighed up his own options, grudges aside, and then continued to follow Cat.
  24. So, Garnu's been plopped down on Ga-Wahi's beach and is making his way towards Ga-Koro, so if you want to pop on over and say hi to him, then go right ahead. On another note, where would a homosidal manic be most suited right noe? (Aside from Ko).
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