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Everything posted by Tea-rex

  1. Ooc: Sorry, completely forgot about this! Ic: Krakant jumped at the sudden appearance of the Matoran, OOC: He is a Matoran, right? but let him talk about what this establishment did. "So, what kind of weapons are ya sellin'?
  2. Ic: "Gah!" Exclaimed Hashan as Chekquars dug his fingers into his hand. Still, that only made it worse as Hashan pushed deeper. (Timeskip, causeway). Curse Chekquars Hashan thought to himself. After that run-in with him, he had overslept and had to quickly rush his way over the the Causeway, where people were making group. Balls. He wandered around, seeing if there was any space. OOC: Open to interaction.
  3. I might be coming, depending on whether Chekquars decides to be strangled or not.
  4. Ic: Despite the struggling protests of Chekquars, Hashan placed his hands on Checkquars neck and pressed down.
  5. IC: Glad that wasn't me... Highly regretting this choice in adventure, Alsorate waited for further instruction.
  6. Ic: "Now of all times?" He thought, hearinghearing the announcement overhead. "Oh well, better late than never." He stepped out of his hiding spot. Luckily everyone was facing the now open door. "Yes." He started to run, staff on his back,and then pounced at Chekquars exposed back.
  7. I think you forgot some: Will X ever get into the game?Will X ever get into the game in Y way?
  8. Ye gods, what have you got in store for us yet?
  9. I think it's a fair assumption to say that they disturb us all.
  10. Ic: Well, this was interesring. He was dragging his target to the infirmary, while one of his goons was struggling with the door. "Perfect" he wispered to himself. He hid behind a nearby wall?
  11. Oh my god I just called Krakant Hashan. :facepalm:
  12. Ic: Hashan was not in a good mood. Everything had gone wrong today, and he was feeling utterly annoyed. Hr became even more annoyed when he walked into a door. "Why you litt-" Before he broke down the door, he saw the fact that the shop was still intact. "Odd" he thought. He opened the door cautiously, poked his head through, and then walked in.
  13. Yeah, I stated he was "chasing the moving black cloud", seeing as how level 2 Darkness Rahk's can only shroud a certain area, and as Chekquars is running away while still using his power, the cloud should be moving with him. Also, do the powers work like Toa powers? Such as if you use them for too long you tire out?
  14. IC: Alaorate gasped at the immense size of the cavern and the sheer heat of it all. This was most certainly a better job than trudging after Rahi all day.
  15. Ic: The arrow came out of nowhere, and hit Hashan in his rear arm. "Ah, you little &%-(!" Of course, he could survive longer than Chekquars as the fact that he hadn't been using his ability, or dragging a fighting body. He continued after the darkness cloud. Ooc: I presume the powers work the same way as Toa powers?
  16. IC: Feeling the chain being tugged, he moved forward... To nothing. "Oh " he thought. Where did he go? He started to look around, and then saw the moving darkness. "Well that was easy". He started towards the darkness.
  17. IC: Hashan saw the chain coming towards him and jumped back from it. He managed to grab onto it as the darkness enfolded. "Perfect." He said. "I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU!!" He said, feigning anger, waiting for chequkars to reel in the chain. He couldn't help it, and let out a little snigger at the fact at what he had done.
  18. IC: "Oh you littl-", Hashan said, as he was hit backwards by the random rahk. And then, as if by happen chance, the beefcake helped him. "That's new." He couldn't see much due to the squabble that was going on infront of him, but he saw his target dragging what he could only presume to be his target away. As the squabble landed on the ground, he jumped over them and extended his staff, pointy bit facing to wards chequkars and ran headlong at him.
  19. I had a feeling that Vahki was my assassin.
  20. IC: (Corridors) Hashan was now bored, wandering aimlessly through the corridors. He heard some squabbling going on, and saw Chekquars and Vir fighting. Well, more-so Chekquars strangling Vir, "Perfect." Hashan brought out one half of his staff, mad the stick flatten up into a dagger-like form, and started to sneak towards the "fight". He spun his "dagger" in his hand, not taking his eyes off the fight. He stood up and quickly slammed the pointy end into Chekquars exposed back of the neck. OOC: Yay, I have a target again!
  21. IC: Photu (Mangai Volcano) Photu wasn't sure how he got here. He was in Ko-Koro, saw a fight, and gone walking off to a nearby cave. This place was once alive, he could feel it. The lava was resting, but was once, not too long ago, alive with activity. The minerals and ores here were nothing special, perhaps a rare lava-gem here and there. He heard a loud rabble, coming from the other side of the rocky bridge next to the lava holes. He readied himself. OOC: Photu joins the party...?
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