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Everything posted by Tea-rex

  1. What will happen to the fate of Melody in the face of the arrow?! Will anyone be able to save her!? Who will, if the even can, stop the evil methodical being that is Siren!? Find out next episode on: Corpus Rahkshi!!!
  2. Ooc: okay, two people with one more coming. Ya'll 'bout to have a real bad day. Ic: Siren was preparing to strangle Melody, when she heard a "twang" come from behind her. She turned around, still holding the wriggling Rahk, to see an arrow fly towards them, now aiming for Melody's chest. Ooc: Dun dun duuun!!!
  3. Ic: "Fighting makes you stronger, more alert, more ready. Wanting the best for all is a Toa's way, a cowards way, a terrible way." She grabbed Melody around the throat and mouth and uncloaked. "I could end it for you." She said in her ear. Ooc: it's 9:39 PM, I'm gonna go to sleep. Signing off for the day.
  4. Ic: "You are worthless. A rahkshi never cries, never says to stop fighting, never does anything opposite Makuta's orders. You are a coward and a fool." She said, and walked up behind her, still cloaked.
  5. Ic: "That of whom is better than you." Replied Siren. "You are a disgrace to Rahkshi everywhere." She said in a sardonic voice
  6. Ic: Siren Siren had waited in the dorm corridor for the weak one to step out. She did. She walked over and stood by her, still cloaked. "You're weak." She said, and then changed her position. Ooc: that's you Smudge (Melody)
  7. I'm just wondering something - why would Fang dismantle (to put it in nonviolent terms) Siren? I've seen nothing in his profile that would go against Siren's terms & personality. On another note, Siren isn't a robot, she's just very close to one (as close as I could make her without actually making her a robot, Ultron made that very clear back when this was in the RPG planning topic). However, her armour is a prototype to the armour everyone else is wearing, so that's an interesting point.
  8. Absolutely. POHATU! CHECK THIS OUT!Siren'd still find it and end it in a horrible mess like she did this one.She hears all, sees all, knows all... When Raptor finds out she's a freakin' robot, there's nowhere to hide...Did the monotonous almost masculine voice, jerky movement and off the beaten track armour not give it away?
  9. Absolutely. POHATU! CHECK THIS OUT!Siren'd still find it and end it in a horrible mess like she did this one.She hears all, sees all, knows all...
  10. SECONDED.Well, Pohatu (Squid) tried to create a peaceful non-violence Rahkshi club, but I (Siren) quickly ended it.
  11. Ic: Siren halted as the rahk who shouted ran out of the room... Crying. "Defective." She said to herself. She turned back to the room and uncloaked, a few Rahks leaving, some talking. She uncloaked after a strange Rahk shouted into the room. She said, to no-one in particular "Violation... Desecrated."
  12. Do we even have this rule? Eh, I just used it to make Siren sound smarter. I have no idea if there even are rules. Also, Siren may come off as a D-bag, but truthfully, she's just... a robot with no emotions who likes to point out the obvious.
  13. IC: This Rahkshi might be more trouble than he's worth. Siren thought to herself. She then heard another Rahk shout, and saw her in the doorway. Another trouble maker. Siren cloaked and ran towards Melody.
  14. No thanks to Revenge. Huehuehue. On another note, playing a robot is fantastic fun! Almost as fun as playing a Gentleman.
  15. IC: "False. Makuta tells you what to do. We are but slaves for a better good. Accept your fate and disarm."
  16. IC: "Incorrect Revenge. You are insulting yourself. I have already said why." She gave a false smile at Vaalku's doings.
  17. IC: Siren turned towards Revenge. "Incorrect, Revenge. You fight because you fight for the good of Makuta and stopping the foolish Matoran. Comparing yourself to a Toa is an insult and incorrect."
  18. IC: "Violation: Subsiding of natural Rahkshi intent to fight." She replied. She watched the two Rahk have a small squabble. "Perfect example." She pointed to them. "Fighting makes one stronger, tougher, far less easy to beat. Conclusion: Violation. Violations will not be tolerated."
  19. Well, found the right place to introduce Siren. Wonder how this will go down.
  20. IC: Siren Siren was in the room with the other Rahks. She was always with the main group, listening in to their secrets, their tactics, their policies. Nobody had seen her since... well ever to be precise. The plain coloured walls were perfect for hiding in plain sight, never saying anything, always watching, hearing, knowing. However, this time it had gone on for too long. She uncloaked next to Squid, seeing as how he was the ringleader for this. "This goes against school and Rahkshi policy." She said, in her monotonous and robotic tone, aiming it at Squid mainly but to all the other Rahks as well.
  21. After wading through 10 pagespages on both Rahk things: I'm lost on what's going on currently.
  22. OOC: Guys, staph with the posting. I can't keep up.
  23. Ack, late to reply... Could you do Dodge and Green? Same here (Darn you GMT!!), so could you perhaps do Hashan & Siren?
  24. Just wait. It'll all happen SoonTM
  25. You see, Omega's situation would have been a perfect entrance for Unknown, coming out of the shadows, silently slitting Omega's throat with a mear grunt, and then sulking away into the shadows. *edit* Wait, thinking about it, I might make a new character. Name: Siren Variation: Chameleon Level: 2 Gender: Female Gear: Katana & Throwing knives Appearance: She has a more robotic appearance than other Rahkshi, with red armour and green patches throughout Personality: Almost robotic, she lacks any emotional output, never changing her near-male voice from tone to action. She has been known to give almost-emotions, but these were just guises. Bio: After being created, she herself moved differently, more jagged and sharp, and chose a prototype shell as her armour instead of proper functioning armour, making her movements more sharp and pointed. Tridax looked upon her as being a proper warrior, never ushering out of any command, she performs actions with deadly efficiency.
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