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Everything posted by Owlexander

  1. Nah, dude. Sounds pretty cool! I always see it in your signature, but never had the time to check it out, I'll make a note to watch some of it tonight!
  2. What kind of hardware do you need to run blender? I can run it, and I don't have a high end computer.
  3. GL;HF bro, hope that turns out well!
  4. I've always thought of myself as an Av-Matoran disguised as a Ko-Matoran... so why not both? :3 I mean I'm going to do both, just can't decide which Ko-matoran. Oh... try Matoro, I'm sure he'd like a Matoran revamp... haven't seen many of those around, actually. I've got his G1 mask anyway, and Sand blue CCBS is coming out later this year...okay then, I'd like some more gold, white, and trans blue pieces... just for variety... totally not gonna horde them all to myself and use them all on an ultimate form of my self MOC... >.>
  5. You gotta post it in the MOC forums once that awesome sauce is ready, bruh!
  6. Not sure... Also lol @ skeleball.
  7. But then everyone would think you ment the Battle droid. And with the new Star-Wars constraction sets coming out... yeesh, the confusion would be real.
  8. I've always thought of myself as an Av-Matoran disguised as a Ko-Matoran... so why not both? :3 I mean I'm going to do both, just can't decide which Ko-matoran. Oh... try Matoro, I'm sure he'd like a Matoran revamp... haven't seen many of those around, actually.
  9. I've always thought of myself as an Av-Matoran disguised as a Ko-Matoran... so why not both? :3
  10. G1 is short for Generation 1 of Bionicle... and I was never able to get into Transformers, as had as I tried.
  11. I believe that's what G1 did... XD
  12. Once I'm done with the Guardian series, I'll move on to one of the minor characters and make a story on him as well. Pretty fun all in all.
  13. Anyways, back on topic: I gotta get a few gearboxes for some characters besides the Guardians (Which I will post when ready). I coupdnt find any 2015 bionicle gearboxes on bricklink, suggestions?
  14. Dude, nothing's wrong with this topic, it's not gonna get locked anytime soon.
  15. Not sure if this belongs in this forum or not, but pretty good for HF, though I think you'd like to update to the CCBS HF system.
  16. Normally when this happens it's because it belongs somewhere else (which in that case, it's moved to the correct forum by the moderator), or someone has already posted a similar topic. Not trying to be mean, just trying to help out. Also, this should go in general discussions.
  17. I like it... but it needs a bit more on the upper arms, I get you were trying to go for a skinny upper arm, but there are smaller armors that add texture without taking away that feel.
  18. ...I just listened to it... omg... XD Yes! I love it!
  19. O_O No thank you... that's like that guy on TV that eats like fried tarantulas and stuff... EWWWW! >~<
  20. Fear Factor = How loud you have to scream "Boo!" for a skull spider to run away...
  21. Oh, thank you! Once they're all out I'll put them in the MOC forum so you guys can all see them for yourselves! (If you want a look at the Guardian of Water, you can check her out over at my imgur, along with some new weapons on the Guardian of Ice.)
  22. All you gotta know about CCBS: Shells = things you put on the ball joints on the bones Bones = endoskeleton
  23. Stuff just got real. It's ok, we're pretty forgiving here at BZP!
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