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Everything posted by Owlexander

  1. I haven't even listened to it yet but something called the "Piraka Rap" deserves all kinds of support. XD
  2. Is that what your picture is of? The Guardian of Ice I'd assume? Yeah, that's the guardian of ice, going to look a bit different once we get Skull Villain sets, but his basic build will stay the same. I also got a pic of the Guardian of Air on custom bionicle wiki (name's Garrus).
  3. >Says he's making a Bionicle website >Says it like it's no big deal >MFW
  4. Bruh... that sounds too cool. You gotta show me when that all comes out!!
  5. Well, I'm currently working on my Guardians of the Elements for upcoming stop motion I'm doing, just got done with the Guardian of Stone a few moments ago, already got Water, Air, and Ice/Light (self-MOC) done. Going pretty well so far!
  6. Everything here is just a trainwreck (no offense). XD But rare masks? I only got gold masks.
  7. If you're half-blind and brain-dead? Sure, it might look something like that to you. But most reasonable people will recognize that a breastplate like that isn't gendered or atypical for armor. Dang, calm down. No need to call someone brain-dead over a chest plate! XD
  8. What's wrong with bras? In Gali's case, it works very well. On the other Toa, their shoulder armour mitigates the effect well in person. The wider torso armour on Tahu and Lewa also helps. You still have bionipples. Both genders have nipples, ya know.
  9. Have you ever played To The Moon? Grim Fandango made me want to cry more than To The Moon.
  10. if G1 did it ONCE, then i would obviously not be the Bionicle fan i am today, so clearly G1 did it at least TWICE. or maybe MULTIPLE TIMES when humor was needed. (also why are you CAPITALIZING certain WORDS in your SENTENCES?) So to be a BIONICLE fan you have to like dumb kiddish jokes? This explains so much about you Wait, what? Since when? Sure, I like the comedy, but I like Bionicle for more than just that!
  11. "Onua snores" is a subsection of "Onua falls asleep a lot because of his laid-back and peaceful attitude" which actually gives us a nice amount of info on Onua. :t (the snores part is to be funny, yes, but is that a bad thing? being funny? :0) When this is suppost to be bionicle, there is no room for stupid comedy. G1 did it ONCE G2 is doing it IN THE BIOS. ...I remember G1 having some humor more than just once...
  12. Decepticonwarrior, do you ever actually listen to things people tell you when they are defending CCBS and Gen2? I feel like if you did,you would understand the points we make: that CCBS, or "Skeleball", as you insist on calling it, is, in many ways, better than the classic system. The pieces are no longer brittle and breakable. They are far more resistant to dust-collection. The pieces aren't "simple", but rather unspecialized, so multiple lines (Hero Factory, Chima, Bionicle, Star Wars, and even Super Heroes for a time) can use it. So far, the story seems so, but I don't understand why everyone is so quick to judge. You're right. Let me reformulate my statement: The way the story is being presented to us is currently horrible. Like I just said above, wait for the books. Really, that's where everything is going to come into place, more so than the 15 minutes worth of video we have now. 1. Well, the parts of the old Bionicle system could have been revised to be less brittle, but, CCBS is just a lot nicer IMO. 2. The books are honestly our best hope for the story at the moment. Perhaps they'll put it in a way that appeals to all audiences, but for now, we can only hope.
  13. For now, I like the sets, the story is a bit iffy though, who knows, might be something beautiful. To each their own.
  14. I mostly get stuff for my Defender/Guardian MOCs (my self MOC included in that group :3), and tan seems like something I'd only use for my Defender/Guardian of Stone, and not even that much of it. Though a holographic Obi-Wan... all the trans-blue... *0*
  15. So far, the story seems so, but I don't understand why everyone is so quick to judge. You're right. Let me reformulate my statement: The way the story is being presented to us is currently horrible. Well, you're not wrong.
  16. For my budget, Bionicle (or whatever constraction line I like the most) normally comes first when it comes to Lego, so I'll most likely get all the Skull Villain sets, MMvsSG being the first.
  17. And he does it so eloquently, too. It's heartening to see the staunch defenders of a children's toyline's maturity argue their points in such a well spoken manner. Hey! It's not just a toy line, it's OUR toy line! And we will defend it from this new scourge who dares to take its name.No, it's their toyline. TLC can do what they want with Bionicle, and frankly, I love these guys much more than the Mata, who were only good for waving their weapons around and making Kaita. I can actually pose Gali with one hand on her hip and one leg up. Admittedly, this doesn't look as good as the animated Gali's pose, but the fact that they can have a hand-on-hips pose and gear functions at the same time puts her, and the other, above their stiff, unposable G1 counterparts. And disagreement in 3... 2... 1... Your opinion, not mine. Personally, I like the Mata, but to each their own.
  18. So far, the story seems so, but I don't understand why everyone is so quick to judge.
  19. And he does it so eloquently, too. It's heartening to see the staunch defenders of a children's toyline's maturity argue their points in such a well spoken manner. Haha, the sarcasm in this comment is hilarious. XD
  20. it's only dumbed down if you want to see it that way. *wink emote* also, it can be rather impolite to bring up "goofy character quirks" as a downside to someone who considers such quirks to be a much better writing direction than forgettable, dismal characters. u-u Yeah... SOME OF US HAVE A FEAR OF THE DARK!
  21. MMvsSG is the only set I'm planning to get from Summer (Winter here) 2015. Mostly so I can have the Six Toa guarding Ekimu (wearing MoCr). I'm buying as many sets as possible this time around. I know I'll need the parts at some point or another... plus a cool powered up version of my self-MOC would be pretty cool, along with the rest of my guardian/defender series.
  22. I notice that, in explaining why he's "the worst", you couldn't name a single objective flaw. In fact, you pretty much highlighted all the aspects of his design that have the potential to give him any distinct appeal. Trans. Neon Green? An intentional part of his color scheme! Maybe you don't like it, but it's no more a mistake than Kopaka's Trans. Light Blue or Tahu's Trans. Neon Orange. Same goes for the bone spikes (which give him a Mad Max-esque aesthetic appropriate for a desert setting), and the assymetrical arms—which are actually done really well, with one arm clearly designed to be more heavily armored and the other designed to look like it's pulsing with energy. And what's weird is that Pohatu DOES in fact have a fair number of actual deficiencies that set him apart from the other Toa and lessen his appeal in comparison, none of which you mentioned. He has the lowest part count of the bunch. His build is by far the most basic and least innovative. Unlike the other Toa, he lacks back armor. His weapons, while unique, tend to flop around due to the pins that connect the two halves losing friction over time. Those specific flaws are why he's my least favorite of the new Toa, as well—but the things you mentioned are actual design choices that play a big part in making up for those flaws. Trans light blue = IceTrans neon orange = Fire. You don't really see many translucent green stones. You do in locations where uranium ore can be found. And that's not as rare as you'd think—uranium is 40 times more common than silver and 500 times more common than gold. Uranium ore even glows under a blacklight, like Pohatu's bones. So it wouldn't surprise me if that was a direct inspiration for the new Pohatu's color scheme. oh i was gonna say some green gemstone, like perodot. Peridohatu. I suppose that makes sense, but personally I think colours representing ores would be much more fitting on Onua. Yes, definitely. Though the purple is a lot better than forcing tons of different colors to represent ores.
  23. Given that it's cancelled, I doubt it'd count as canon. I just want to explore Mata Nui and feel the magic of 2001 one more time. Heh, don't we all?
  24. I think they are good for hero factory but for bionicle, THEY SHALL NOT BE USED!!! Do you remember the old ones? They were PERFECT FOR BIONICLE!!!Now, we got parts that shall not even be used in bionicle! So instead of reviving bionicle, THEY DESTROYED IT COMPLETELY!!! You mean the brittle, overspecialized pieces that were relatively hard to MOC with? How exactly were those perfect, and how did the CCBS ruin Bionicle?Do you remember the fun for building the old bionicles? They looked better and had more possibilities for MOCs! Now, you assemble a skeleton and put a shell on it.I remember the old bionicles, they DID look better and had far more possibilities for MoCs. Now everything's boring old skeleball. I wouldn't call it boring, I mean PoS showed how much detail you can put onto the shells and how much CCBS can EVOLVE. But it's your opinion, to each their own.
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