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Everything posted by Owlexander

  1. I would be ok with the foil bags, I loved those, but I also wouldn't mind a canister. I just don't want a cardboard cereal box for Bionicle's reboot.
  2. Huh... I don't think that'd be all that profitable either. Truthfully what they should do is have Villager sets for next year. Explain the concept of villager sets, please? They'd come with standard villager masks (solid color) and their own unique weapons and builds separate from the protectors. Maybe different armoring patterns as well if some of the Star Wars add on shoulder pads fit well with the sets? They could be wanderers that search for adventure instead of staying within the protection of the villages. Lego could also make a standard villager template and put it up online for people who buy the sets to use in order to make their own villagers and build a world around them. Easy instant world building. That was my exact idea.
  3. Huh... I don't think that'd be all that profitable either. Truthfully what they should do is have Villager sets for next year. Explain the concept of villager sets, please?
  4. I was wondering to myself what extra sets I would like to see come during the June and July months (since that's when Summer break is) to hold me over until August, when the sets are releasing. Go and discuss, my friends!
  5. I saw a topic poll specifically on canisters and I thought, "Why just canisters?" So go ahead, discuss, please no hate towards others... that'd be baaaaaaaaaaad... :c
  6. ...if not mask packs... THEN MATORAN POLYBAGS!!!! 6 unique matoran per element, each with their own build/color variation. Also, 200 PAGES ON BONKLE 2015 DISCUSSION!!!!! WOOT!!
  7. And extremely rarely in Ta-Matoran packs you'd be able to find some blue. From the Takua's Previous Mask topic? Goodness, please don't bring that here, too. Perhaps blue parts in a Ta-Matoran set could be like a contest, to find the "rarest parts" or something, similar to the WMKK. People would mix in parts from their Ga-Matoran to cheat. Maybe the package would have a card/certificate or a special code printed on the inside to prove legitimacy? This needs to be a thing.
  8. Mata all the way, 2015 coming in as a close second, and Nuva being despised to the depths of .
  9. Gravity Hurts, my friend and I love that song so much, it's sorta become our 'theme' so to speak. MNOG had the best OST though... imo.
  10. From what I've seen of Toa Kualus, all the Toa Hagah look pretty sick, and Kualus looks so freaking cool. *_*
  11. Hmm... This does look intriguing, but, for the reasons already stated, TLC will probably not do this. Some enterprising individual with a 3D printer might make a bit of extra cash, however, since the MoCing crowd would almost certainly like these. Being a MoC'er myself, I can say that for one that I would enjoy just getting these if this were all lego would give us, but would like to have more protector mask base and trans color combinations. Also, you seemed to use an odd shade of each color, which is why the masks look so (as Cwog put it) garish. I agree 100% with this.
  12. If it's only Toa, then probably Kopaka's Jian. I love Jian-like swords. But if not limited to toa, then the Protector of Fire's flames on his hands.
  13. That's my least favorite part about all the sets.
  14. You mean Metru, not Mata. Otherwise, I totally agree with you. I believe he meant they came from Metru-Nui in those pods, but appeared in the first wave back in 2001 otherwise known as the Mata-Nui wave. No, the canisters were from the Toa Metru, not the Toa Mata. Hm, guess my memory is fading on me again! ; ...you mean he ripped out his thumbnail... on a foil bag...? HOW?! XD I was talking about the mistika canister... Would you like a cup of fail Yes, I would, though I don't think I can afford it in this economy though.
  15. SNIPSNIPWell, it didn't exactly look that way to me. A lot of people are comparing Gen1 as a whole to Gen2 as a whole, so I can definitely see where both of you are coming from. I see people constantly thinking and saying that G2's story is going to follow the same footsteps as G1's story, which I'd be okay with. But the animation style doesn't exactly make it look that way, but who knows, maybe G2's story will be better than G1's... I don't think I'd be okay with gen2 following in gen1's footsteps. I saw that story already. It'd done, over. I don't want it back. It was nice, but let's get something new! I want new characters, new islands, new stories, new villains! You know, new ideas that blow your mind when they do a big reveal, new danger that our heroes need to overcome! Gen2 isn't Gen1. Let Gen2 is Gen2. I'm not saying follow the story EXACTLY, but sorta keep the feel of bionicle, do a few things the old series did while also blowing your mind with all the epic new stuffs.
  16. ...you mean he ripped out his thumbnail... on a foil bag...? HOW?! XD
  17. Just as long as you are not a ZwardAx... and being a ZwardAx is a very very bad thing (trust me, you will understand why I say that) I looked up ZwardAx and the first thing I saw was, "Slenderman's Prey Has a Boyfriend" ...no thank you.
  18. You mean Metru, not Mata. Otherwise, I totally agree with you. I believe he meant they came from Metru-Nui in those pods, but appeared in the first wave back in 2001 otherwise known as the Mata-Nui wave.
  19. Which is exactly what we got with every setting post-Metru Nui. We got an island shape, some concept art, a few descriptions (maybe) of some local villages or landmarks, and that's it. People act like G1 was this massive story where the landscapes and places had character themselves, but after the first two islands, they were simply settings glossed over to focus on the Toa and villains at the expense of everything else. Were it not for MNOG or the Metru-Nui films, honestly we wouldn't have even had real settings there either. In G1 we got "the scary island of doom, the water island, the cave ceiling, the swamp, and the desert planet". That's about all we got, though Bara Magna did at least give us "we have villages that are giant robot parts apparently and we fight in arenas". Still not seeing much more than what we have now in that. Sometimes I think people have built up this vision of this grand storytelling adventure in G1 that the reality just doesn't support. We had four books a year, with months in between them where there was no story information. It felt more exciting just by virtue of having Greg to constantly answer ceaseless questions, but nothing really happened in those down times. And even then, we weren't allowed to talk about the books on BZP for stupidly large amounts of time after publishing to avoid spoilers. We were all younger and passionate- things weren't as intense as you remember them being. Or perhaps I was mostly reffering to Mata-Nui/2001 when I was saying gen 1? Maybe I wasn't entirely clear about things, but sometimes I feel people like you just go around hunting for reasons to say people with different ideas/opinions are wrong. I never said the original Bionicle was perfect, but at the beginning things were a lot more fleshed out/interesting than they are now. Also nice to see none of my other criticisms are even relevant, so long as you find some way to pull some miniscule satisfaction out of saying one of my points is wrong. I'm not blinded by nostalgia, I'm looking at things realistically, and though later years of Bionicle weren't completely fleshed out, they weren't even part of the point I was trying to make. It's completely idiotic to try and compare one year to ten, so I had hoped it would be implied enough that I was only using the beginning of Bionicle. Well, it didn't exactly look that way to me. A lot of people are comparing Gen1 as a whole to Gen2 as a whole, so I can definitely see where both of you are coming from. I see people constantly thinking and saying that G2's story is going to follow the same footsteps as G1's story, which I'd be okay with. But the animation style doesn't exactly make it look that way, but who knows, maybe G2's story will be better than G1's...
  20. ...must... contain... hate... Nah jk, I can understand, Lewa Mata was like an aquired-taste dessert, you either loved it and wanted more of it, or hated it and wanted it away asap. I liked the Miru mask and is my favorite mask to date, as well as a lot of mata masks.
  21. Yes, I loved those pouches. I now really want them back... darn it, Aanchir.
  22. I'd much rather have an easy to open canister than a hard to open box.
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