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Everything posted by Owlexander

  1. Eh... I've tried doing that once or twice... most of them snapped. :c Not sure if this is your real opinion or you're trying to stir up trouble. So you want me to explain what is bad about everything in gen 2? I think so. Please, make your point. Story: Who likes it? DO YOU REMEMBER THE OLD ONE?! If you wanted bionicle back, then why liking the one that is just the same but the best parts of the story gone? Do you know the old one? it was thousands times better! It's a reboot, besides most of the story hasn't even come out yet, so be patient. At least wait until the first year is over to start judging Bionicle G2 on its story.
  2. I've heard the "not enough new parts" argument before. However, yesterday I did some tallying up. Not counting the Manas RC elements or basic Technic elements, the 2001 sets had about 36 new molds across 24 sets. The 2015 sets have about 27 new molds across 18 sets. Also, keep in mind that Bionicle 2001 was COMPLETELY new, meanwhile Bionicle 2015 can borrow from Chima and other constraction sets that were made before it. (I'm sure Bionicle 2001 did this too, but Bionicle 2015 just has a lot more to work with.)
  3. Yes? It's not new. It was in last year's Chima constraction sets, as well as Queen Beast. So while they're somewhat rare (particularly for U.S. MOCists, since the 2014 Chima figures weren't released here), they're far from unobtainable. Huh, didn't know that. Stupid ol' me.
  4. https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7662/17191795392_9dabf97c71.jpg https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5346/17007291499_698ca9e12e_z.jpg https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7707/17007257279_bee4ec2380_z.jpg IS THAT A MASK MAKER ARMOR PIECE FOR THE CHEST?!
  5. I've never seen a knock-off that says it's compatible with the actual product it's knocking off. o_O
  6. What if Okoto is just one of the alternate universes that Takanuva visited when trying to travel to Karda Nui?
  7. To quote your current signature, "My friend went to Po-Wahi and all I got was this lousy rock." Maybe that's why?
  8. MNOG all the way. Fun Fact: Only game to EVER make me cry when it ended. (I was like around 6, 7, or 8 when I played it. )
  9. I notice that, in explaining why he's "the worst", you couldn't name a single objective flaw. In fact, you pretty much highlighted all the aspects of his design that have the potential to give him any distinct appeal. Trans. Neon Green? An intentional part of his color scheme! Maybe you don't like it, but it's no more a mistake than Kopaka's Trans. Light Blue or Tahu's Trans. Neon Orange. Same goes for the bone spikes (which give him a Mad Max-esque aesthetic appropriate for a desert setting), and the assymetrical arms—which are actually done really well, with one arm clearly designed to be more heavily armored and the other designed to look like it's pulsing with energy. And what's weird is that Pohatu DOES in fact have a fair number of actual deficiencies that set him apart from the other Toa and lessen his appeal in comparison, none of which you mentioned. He has the lowest part count of the bunch. His build is by far the most basic and least innovative. Unlike the other Toa, he lacks back armor. His weapons, while unique, tend to flop around due to the pins that connect the two halves losing friction over time. Those specific flaws are why he's my least favorite of the new Toa, as well—but the things you mentioned are actual design choices that play a big part in making up for those flaws. Trans light blue = Ice Trans neon orange = Fire. You don't really see many translucent green stones. Pohatu? Lewa?
  10. Simple to use, easy to make more complex designs. Quality instead of quantity. Style, smooth, futuristic, actually robotic.
  11. "I DIDN'T SLIP" -Kopaka, Master of Ice But in all seriousness: "There are 1000 ways I can kill you, and 941 of them hurt."
  12. I've always liked white and gold, being my favorite elemental power is light and all.
  13. So go cast your vote and help move the story along! View the full article LOL WAT Hopefully kaitas will come back.
  14. Just remember all the man-children on the Internet and think, "I'm doing something with my life" ...always works for me. I don't think adult Bionicle fans (or any Adult Fans of Lego) are in any position to be calling anyone else "manchildren". I don't mean to say that that's an accurate or fair descriptor for us, either. But those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, you know? WHOOPS! Completely forgot to say I was joking! Sorry to all those who were offended. >.<
  15. Oooh oooh boooooooyyyyy... this'll be a fun thread.
  16. Just remember all the man-children on the Internet and think, "I'm doing something with my life" ...always works for me. Only joking. ;
  17. CCBS vehicles mixed with the Bionicle theme? Take all my yes.
  18. Well, let's remember, we're only into month 4, there's still plenty of time for the story to evolve and grab people into it. :3
  19. Where, instead of the Bohrok, there's a mass army of Voodoo Heads!
  20. Yes, I wouldn't mind some vehicles coming into G2, think it'd be quite interesting seeing some more CCBS-bionicle style vehicles. 1st; @Forgetta: your single post responses are bordering on SPAM. Hope a staff doesn't notice. What spam? ;3
  21. That's something I don't think many people seem to comprehend about G2's story so far. They're expect so much and getting mad just because there's not much of a story so far. That's the thing, we don't know. For all we know (this is just an example), Okoto could be located on Spherus Magna, and CCBS might be in use because that's what Spherus Magna's inhabitants look like (I know that's probably not the case, but then again, it's just an example of how much we don't know). I agree.. There's not that much substance to G2 yet, and I think trying to force the canon to expand or assigning it to be an extention of the G1 canon is kinda silly... If Lego hasn't said anything about it, I'm gonna chalk it up to cool box design. Like those things in the Toa Nuva rising promo art, in the protodermis with Tahu Were those things ever mentioned again officially or farshtey-wise? Right right, but it's still fun to try and guess what's going to happen. Also, do you have a pic you could share of the Toa Nuva Rising promo art? I'd like to know which you're speaking of? http://www.bzpower.com/galimage.php?galimage=/Imaging/stories/bumps_enhanced.jpg Those I thought those were the other toa, still being melded into nuva form?
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