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Posts posted by IcarusBen

  1. The first thing I thought when I played Minecraft was "I wish this was LEGO." Sounds like a game I'll be interested in! The trailer, however, makes it look like a totally sandbox game, like a game version of LDD without any challenge. I hope there's some sort of gameplay that's not just building virtual LEGO; the trailer shows some gorgeous terrain, I'd like incentive to go exploring.

    It looked like there was combat in it, so there's that. Also, many people want to see multiplayer, so that might be a thing.


    I'm not sold on it, the game looks way too much like minecraft and I honestly don't see much point in cloning that thing (in the sense that's it's already dominated that market). 

    There's always Terraria, which is a Mineclone done right. This... also looks like a Mineclone done right.

  2. It's a bad idea to have any controllable thing being completely indestructible, even if it's controlled by a GM (sometimes especially if it's controlled by a GM).

    *cough*The Asylum*cough*


    Speaking of which, would anyone like a sort of Wild West, iron horse spaghetti western-styled RP in the near future?

  3. Firstly, this looks awesome. Finally, GGGManlives might find a Steam Early Access game that doesn't suck.


    However, since I am lacking both money and a gaming rig, I shall instead nitpick, for it is truly the only thing I can do. Namely, I'll be a graphics snob. I've always disliked the style of animation used in LEGO games, since it doesn't look like real LEGO. I would've instead liked to see the style used in The LEGO Movie, where the least realistic part of their movement was them shrugging a little bit. That was awesome.


    Other than that, though... Yeah, this looks great. If I'm allowed to build whatever I want in an open world LEGO game, then it'll be the best LEGO game ever. As of right now, though, I can't even play it due to my computer being a lemon. When I do get a gaming rig, I'll make sure to get this game, as long as it's full release doesn't suck.


    Who knows? It's looking to be the next Minecraft, maybe it'll fix the problems I had with that game.


    EDIT: Dina, I think it's time to get the reptilian ancestor of a monkey off your back and admit you have a bit of a dinosaur addiction. You're hooked on hadrosaurs.

  4. At first, I was thinking "it's all gonna be superficial evidence," but now that I see it... dang. That's a lot of "coincedence" for a supposedly original IP. Still, it's probably mostly coincedence.


    Xenoblade was released in June 2010. I believe around that time was when the big battle took place.




    Xenoblade was in development since 2005 and was revealed at E3 2009. Now, I can believe that maybe 2 years were spent on the engine, and 1 on the gameplay basics, but don't tell me the story wasn't already coming into focus around the start of development.


    As such, it's merely a coincdence. No actual rip-offery.

  5. I'd recommend watching Somecallmejohnny's review of Majora's Mask (I won't link to it here, since it's a little bit on the sweary side of things) because that goes over the entire game. Fair warning, it's rather spoiler-heavy, but it can definitely tell you how you're going to feel about it.

  6. No, cappuccino < poopoo mocha :P

    OFF-TOPIC: MCGPY, this character's already gotten old. His response is the same to all questions, and he's just too stupid for his own good. He's not even endearingly dumb, he's just dumb.

    That's kind of the point. He's just..dumb. But he will say more than just cappuccino.




    Cappuccino is harder to spell, ergo, it is worse than Mocha, which is easy to spell. Ergo, you are painfully, painfully wrong.


    Also, mochas often have chocolate in them. Children like chocolate.


    Do you hate children? :o



    OFF-TOPIC: That's my point; he's too dumb. You have a character that's too dolty and he comes off more annoying than anything else. If you want an example of a good idiot, Wheatley from Portal 2 is probably the greatest idiot who ever lived. He's still got some intelligence, but it's countered by his overall stupidity and moronic ideas (though my headcanon maintains he's less of an intelligence dampening sphere and more of an impulsivity sphere,  but canon says he's dumb so he's dumb.)

    • Upvote 2
  7. OFF-TOPIC: MCGPY, this character's already gotten old. His response is the same to all questions, and he's just too stupid for his own good. He's not even endearingly dumb, he's just dumb.


    Dear Billy,


    Mocha > Cappucino, and anyone who says otherwise is a dolt.

    • Upvote 2
  8. Two things; one, can you PM me about what game you'll be running in BRPG, I'd like to know but also not derail this topic too badly. Otherwise...






    Secondly, a lot of the humorous episodes were humorous through no fault of SG-1, but rather because of the people they had to interact with, in particular the episodes "Urgo" and "Window of Opprotunity." If that's the case, it'd be up to the person writing up the planets, not the RPers, who'd be in charge of how much humor was thrown in, to which I say, "once in a while is fine, but don't let it absorb the RP."

  9. Yeah, thinking about it, I could group them under US-SGC, RF-SGC, and NID, but those last two would probably work better as non-joinable factions, since the focus will be on the SGC, with the only other P.o.I on Earth might be Colorado Springs, DC, and Area 51, but they'll only really visit there when the plot needs them to.


    There's three more issues I'd want dealt with; the first being will we recycle episode plots every now and again (I'd wager that we'd only use the plot-important episodes), the second being how light-hearted will the RP be (I'm thinking maintaining the typical balance of drama-to-comic relief, with a few moments that are all "ERMEHGERD DERHMERH" and a few that are, well, Urgo/200/The Other Guys) and the third being how to deal with SG-teams. I'd say that after a character is approved, they're assigned to an SG-team by the GMs.

  10. The other thing I would want established are joinable factions. I'd recommend leaving it entirely as Tauri factions, because personally, I feel they'd make the most sense.


    I'd say the players should be able to join the US Air Force/Marines, the Russian Air Force/Marines, the NID, SGC Science personnel, SGC Diplomatic personnel and SGC Medical personnel.

  11. Bionicle is (rather soft) scifi, right? So, logically, if soft scifi can successfully suspend disbelief in one franchise, it can also suspend that same disbelief in a different franchise of the same genre?


    In that case, I give you THIS;




    Silvan, if you're here, you'll recognize this. The rest of you, this is a Replicator (the bugform) from Stargate. Now, this particular one isn't too important; he's rather basic and doesn't demonstrate my point all too well. This one, though;




    Meet Fifth. Say hi, Fifth. Fifth is one of the human-form Replicators. Instead of cells, he has tiny little nanomachines that form a nice, cohesive structure that happens to look like a whiny brat.


    (FYI, he is a whiny brat, but that's rather unimportant right now.)


    Now, again, couldn't we apply the suspension of disbelief from Stargate, a soft-scifi series, to Bionicle, an even softer scifi series? If it worked in one that tried to explain it's science, couldn't it work in one that doesn't care about science?

  12. IC (Kelh) [Narsis - The Lucky Guar]


    "He makes a good point, you know," I concur. "You want somewhere to disappear to, and an alias to keep suspicion off ya when you're on a job. The best ones'd be those that give you an excuse to travel. Something like a courier, or a sellsword, or a merchant, or a..."


    My eyes flick left to meet Mathyn's.


    "...purveyor of Dwemer artefacts..."

    IC Eponine [Narsis - The Lucky Guar]

    "I though the Empire put a-"


    Eponine stopped herself. She wasn't in Imperial territory anymore, no sir.


    "I do hear there's a great Dwemer ruin to the east... Bthlannual... Barthual..."


    If Eponine couldn't speak very good Dunmeri, she sure as Oblivion couldn't speak very good Dwemeri.


    OOC: She's trying to say Bthanual. I'd advise one of you (probably Kelh) to correct her on this.

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