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The Editor

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Everything posted by The Editor

  1. I put the "dying" in "studying".

  2. Granted. It's a two-dimensional printout because it's in the MNOG style, which is pixels on a computer screen. I wish I'd discovered BZP earlier than just before my exams so I wouldn't be addicted to it right now
  3. -snip- How about ABS (Adaptable Biomechanical Coding), just to bring it in line with the actual material the sets are actually made of? Are you telling me that Gali is made of ABS? That would explain why she grew increasingly masculine over the years... Not just her. Everyone's made of ABS. Everyone is inherently buff! :^)
  4. What did the antisocial Bo-matoran say?

    1. McNugget


      Nothing, it stayed inside reading books all day.



    2. Arzaki
    3. The Editor

      The Editor

      Nope. he said - *crawls out from under rock and does finger guns* - /leaf/ me alone!

  5. Granted, but they move away from rap because their producers think Indie is cool. They release a folk-style album with tons of stomp-clamp songs in it that are really bad because their voices don't fit that style. I wish that the serials would be finished so Vezon can be blown up and finally die.
  6. How was Ehlek chosen as the leader of his horde of eels? Oh, it's simple. He got Ehlekted.
  7. Granted. The skull villains become good guys - and bionicle G2 suddenly has a lack of villains. The plot falls apart as the protagonists can do nothing except stay at home and twiddle their Toa-sized thumbs. Or in the skull spiders' cases, their eight legs. I wish my senpai would notice me in a non-awkward situation.
  8. But Toa do, so I'm sure matoran have 'em too... Anyway, great work! My mouth won't stop smiling at this. Bad mouth. Bad.
  9. Instead of DNA, we could call it OPVC: Organic Protodermic Viral Codex, or maybe just PVC, or something else along those lines.Why not PNC? Protonucleic coding?
  10. You're rubbish at carving because you lack the upper-body strength and mechanical arms that Po-Matoran carvers have. You're ostracised and jeered at and then taken away by the Zadakh due to you not being conducive to the work environment. I wish I had the power to instantaneously generate squirrels out of nowhere - and anywhere I want them to appear.
  11. Ah well. For those who still want nanobots in protodermis, I just realised that nanorobots working in protodermis might be true in one type of protodermis - organic protodermis. Greg said once or twice that organic protodermis has a DNA equivalent - it forms "cells" out of itself, mimicking cells from real life, down to having DNA. The thing is, DNA codes for the production of proteins, which become parts of cells and are used by the body for other things. What if, instead of proteins, organic proto "DNA" codes for nanites that produce more organic protodermis? It kind of fits with how Makuta use viruses to make Rahi out of protodermis - the viruses are larger versions of the naturally-occurring nanites. They then help start the creation of specialised organic protodermis tissue (eg tissue with high elasticity for stretchy Rahi, etc) and also help to program the Rahi's protodermic DNA. *slinks quietly away, shaking head at self*
  12. Granted. You now live in the Kingdom AU's version of Le-metru. Have fun fending off mutant Rahi as you die slowly from radiation sickness and starvation. I wish I was a Toa of Plantlife in the main bionicle universe.
  13. More like naNOmachines. Even if we're ignoring how Greg said protodermis isn't nanites, it makes no sense to have them be that. If it was programmable molecule-sized machines, I'm pretty sure melting them down to forge tools would be unnecessary - the GBs could've programmed them to form whatever equipment was necessary for Matoran use, instead of having Matoran expend precious energy from their robot to smelt that stuff.
  14. Guys, let's just lay off the poor fellow. :^) I think what needs to be said has been said, and there's no point in furthering this argument.
  15. The Kadin (organic version) because Nuparu has a killer smile. ;^) I want it mainly for the flight, though. That'd be awesome. For looks, I'd go with the Arthron. It looks so cool.
  16. Granted. You wake up in Ga-metru and everything's pretty cool until the matoran sic the vakhi on the strange, wholly organic alien in their presence. You end up in the archives. I wish my braces did not need retightening.
  17. Your wish is granted. I notice it and poke a hole in how accessible the reference is by saying "I don't really get it." I wish Bastille's new album would come out faster.
  18. Wish granted. You get it, along with a hospital stay because of the third degree burns associated with handling a heat-producing Rahi that can melt rock. I wish for world peace.
  19. Crude oil comes from the remains of prehistoric organisms. Plastic is synthesized from crude oil. Bionicles are plastic. WE PROBABLY OWN AN ENTIRE DINOSAUR WHEN WE PUT ALL OUR SETS TOGETHER.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      What the heck is a 'donisaur'??

    3. The Editor

      The Editor

      A most terrible beast. It's a living fossil, a dinosaur surviving the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous - it is also known by a different, horrifying name to the paleontological community.

      It is a typo.

    4. McNugget


      Is TMN a whole Dinosaur?

  20. Granted. A friend passes theirs to you, except that it's been used by said friend's dog as a chew toy since 2004 to present. The entire set is covered in enough slobber to scare a ga-matoran, and you aren't entirely certain you won't get rabies from pricking your finger on the sharper parts of the toy. I wish for time manipulation powers.
  21. Your wish is granted. You look like a person who does not care, and because you always look that apathetic, you are unable to form relationships and meaningful bonds with others.
  22. THIS Also. What did the vampiric squid say to the irate Barraki? You'd better Kalmah down! Anyway, someone ordered an anti-joke, so I tried: A Makuta, a Maxilos, and a Bohrok walk into a bar. And lastly: What did Vhisola say after joining Reddit? "Yay! I finally have Nokama!" (no karma! Geddit!) (um) (bye)
  23. Granted. When it arrives, it's a cheap China knockoff of bionicle. I wish that all my homework would go away.
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