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Kal the Guardian

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Posts posted by Kal the Guardian

  1. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - One of the Bunkers

    With - Sidra


    Sorilax hid away the inside of his arm and his Taboo symbols, content to wait for the unlocking of the bunker. He dropped his wall of Silence, letting the sound of the conversation of the approaching beings once more reach Sidra’s and his audio receptors.

    Hopefully not Sidra, nor any of the inhabitants of Le-Metru Nuva, Kini-Koro, or Tobduk-Koro would ever have to fight Aspects. And hopefully no Aspects of ill intent would ever achieve their Grand Wishes.


    OOC: @Nato the Traveler

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  2. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - One of the Bunkers

    With - Sidra


    Sorilax nodded, “If possessing armor and not a living being, simply puncture the armor. We cannot interact with the world in our gaseous state and if not with our Desecrated, we cannot possess a being without their permission. Also, other than the Element of Shadow, each Aspect has a single Kraata power of Stage power one above their completed Grand Wish steps. For instance, I have completed my third Step and so my Kraata power of Silence is at power Stage four.

    While in our gaseous state, we will dissipate if not able to find a replacement vessel over the course of a few days, so forcefully dispersing our gaseous form will kill us. Or using any form of damage that can affect a gas.

    He sighed, “Unfortunately, I cannot prepare you for the types of Taboos they may have acquired, as each one can be vastly different from another, while others are closely bound together. The least you can do is inspect their body, as the symbols of their known Taboos will always show up on the form they inhabit.” Sorilax twisted his right arm, showcasing the Taboo on his right palm, then the other four that ran up the inside of his long arm. He made sure no others could see, only showing it to Sidra.


    OOC: @Nato the Traveler

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  3. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - One of the Bunkers

    With - Sidra


    Sorilax sadly shook his head, “Not fond of my kin indeed. We are unfortunately a flawed species, every single one of us warped by unseen forces to be selfish and manipulative at creation. There are individuals that are able to overcome this for the most part, at least outwardly, but we are still greatly flawed inherently. It was my single greatest concern about achieving my Grand Wish. Thankfully, I have changed that. You saw my memories of my meditation and transformation, so you know more than most that what I speak is truth.

    A hardlight hand scratched at his chin, “Apex, you say? Hummmm. I have not seen her for quite some time.” Potentially thousands of years. He couldn’t quite remember. “She places Nature above all else, as is to be expected of her. From what I can tell, her emotions are brash, yet lacking deception. So long as Le-Metru Nuva steers clear of the type of destruction the Skakdi have dealt to this island, I do believe her alliance to be able to be trusted. Of course, as you have said, for the time being.


    OOC: @Nato the Traveler

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  4. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - One of the Bunkers

    With - Kilo, Atamai, Sidra


    Sorilax frowned at the extended hand, “Oh dear, so the Far Shore did not just gift me with a Taboo because I was an Aspect. How troublesome.

    He looked up at Sidra, “Though now more than ever it seems the spread of Taboos is uncontainable, I would advise against letting anyone touch that mark. The symbol itself holds power and touching the symbol is how I have gained knowledge of two Taboos from the Air Suva and Kini-Nui. There is no need to let my Brethren grow in self centered and manipulative power with ease.


    OOC: @Nato the Traveler

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  5. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - One of the Bunkers

    With - Kilo, Atamai, Sidra


    Sorilax glanced where Sidra had, noting the grumpy giant toad. He let the hardlight box settle onto the grass. With his mask activated, he was able to quickly check where the Aspect from earlier was with his Life Kraata power, then put up a wall of Silence that partially wrapped around Sidra and Sorilax, effectively blocking the others walking up from hearing what Sorilax was about to say next.

    I am quite glad you did ask. For the Taboo of Rahkshi Creation, one requires a currently alive lifeform. One then breathes a small portion of their Antidermis essence into the lifeform. After this, one submerges the lifeform in energized protodermis, where it then is morphed into unliving Rahkshi armor, which is useless without unbound Kraata to pilot it.

    Sorilax pointed to his mask, “My Illuminated mask offers me my unique Kraata power of Life, the third Stage of which allows me to create and command life in the form of a duplicate of a Rahi.” He motioned to the toad, “Using this giant toad as a template, I shall create new Life with the purpose to become Rahkshi armor, leaving the toad unharmed and alive. I will then release him back to his home.

    With the mask of Fate going, he was able to quickly play back the conversation in his head. He noted that he left something unintentionally vague, “Illumination being my unique form of Infection, which is when an unbound Kraata touches a Kanohi, granting both the Aspect the ability to treat the Infected as if they were Desecrated by them, and also allowing the wearer the following abilities:

    One may choose to use one additional element blending with their first element, if they are able to use elements. The choice of the element is a one time decision and doesn’t change from mask to mask. I chose Psionics, after all, you showed me how useful it can be. I have yet to test it out, however.

    And one may also use the power of the Kraata that Infected the mask at the current Stage the Kraata is at, meaning if the creator Aspect grows in power, so too do the Kraata, and so too does the mask bearer.

    The other downside being that the mask bearer does not want to take the mask off, though they do not realize they are forced to think this way. Thankfully Infected masks can be cleansed by energized protodermis or using a Kanoka of Removes Poison of equal or greater level than the Kraata used to Infect the Kanohi.

    I wish my personal changes had been more distinct, but the only change in my version is the coloration the Kanohi turns. Instead of rusted and scarred, the mask is a transparent pearlescent color.


    OOC: @Nato the Traveler

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  6. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - One of the Bunkers

    With - Kilo, Atamai, Sidra


    Sorilax returned from the jungle a short time later, a golden hardlight box floating along behind him. In it was a toad the size of the Aspect himself. It looked beaten down by its life events, full of scars and missing an optic. It was a pale green brown, though that was hard to tell through the hardlight box.

    This time, Sorilax kept his mask active as he jogged back up to Sidra’s side, right next to the iron trough Atamai had made to collect the pure energized protodermis. “Ah, good show. I did make it back just in the nick of time. Hopefully the experiment is fruitful and the produced material is adequate in quantity.


    OOC: @Nato the Traveler

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  7. IC: Viltia - Toa of the Green

    Location - Throat of Irnakks’s Tooth

    With - Irnakk


    Oh.” Viltia said, greatly saddened. Why did she think the god of nightmares would ever be nice? He circled her like a hunger yet cautious Muaka.

    I’m not going to steal something, no matter what I get out of it. Is there anything else you want? Maybe a mask that I could make you?


    OOC: @Vezok's Friend

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  8. IC: Viltia - Toa of the Green

    Location - Throat of Irnakks’s Tooth

    With - Irnakk


    This Remaker was freaking her out. Even her new Kraata sensing couldn’t make heads or tails of him. He was all around, yet never there. He was brushing against her soul, yet never touched her. He shifted through her thoughts like she had with Nektann, perusing not just her memories, but the emotions tied to them.

    But in the end, he was no great undead, no immediate threat to her friends. He was a partially known entity. She tried to calm herself, but ultimately failed. Slightly freaking out would have to do. Velvet red roses, this god was creepy! The way he spoke directly into her mind like the words were her own thoughts didn’t help any, either.

    His last two questions threw her for a loop. “I actually don’t know. I hadn’t thought about why you should help me. I just figured you would because the Admin sent me here. Honestly, the Admin does give me kind of bad vibes, I’m not 100% sure I want to help it out, but I really want to figure out Golden Masks.” She didn’t realize the level of hate she herself harbored still for Skakdi, as every time she thought of them her mind inevitably thought of Nektann and her fondness for him, which further deluded her ability to locate her biases.

    Viltia shook her head, trying hard to think as Irnakk’s presence bore down on her, “As for an offering, what could I offer the god of nightmares? Don’t you already have everything you need? You’re a god, after all.


    OOC: @Vezok's Friend

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  9. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - One of the Bunkers

    With - Kilo, Atamai, Sidra


    Oh! Oh bother!” Sorilax activated his mask of Fate far too slowly to dodge the beam of elemental energy like Sidra had. Thankfully, the beam was not directed at him, but rather the door of the nearby bunker.

    Which meant… Great jumping Mahi, he needed to go grab a Rahi before the pure energized protodermis was gone!

    A Toa, a Mantaxian, and an Aspect entered his Life Kraata’s sensing range, no doubt to watch the proceedings. He noted the information and filed it away for later, right now he needed to move quickly.

    Mask still activated, he turned to Sidra, “If you would excuse me, I do need to go grab something. I shall return shortly.” And then he was off, Silent as a recent snowfall. He ran without full force, yet quick enough for his purposes, his glowing golden body soon lost to the jungle.

    This mask of Fate was amazing, it allowed his reflexes to work to their fullest, his response time to be near instant. It felt like he was alive to his fullest. He would need to study how long he could keep the mask going and then work around that. Its power was too useful for him not to.

    OOC: @Nato the Traveler @pokemonlover360 @~Xemnas~

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  10. 6 hours ago, pokemonlover360 said:

    IC Kilo-M9 NUVA - Kini-Nui - Earth Bunker:

    Their conversation was interrupted by Sorilax’s suggestion. The robotic NUVA turned to observe the aspect.


    Please identify yourself,” the mechanical enforcer requested. “Your suggestion is adequate. Possible power enhancing capabilities may add enough variables to enable this unit to proceed. If Ally Atamai is willing to lend Malhukuraia for these purposes testing can commence.”

    IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - One of the Bunkers

    With - Kilo, Atamai, Sidra


    Sorilax went to respond, but he was too slow, with Sidra’s quick wit and quicker tongue beating him out. By the time he was able to respond, the conversation had moved on to whatever “programming” was. Something with ACRs no doubt.

    I am Sorilax Life Seeker, Aspect of Light and Silence. I am a chronicler of many things, the life on this island being my primary field of study for…” Sorilax paused. Once again time escaped him, “...for quite some time now. Although, unless new species suddenly appear, that aspect of my work has sadly reached its end.

    He paused, thinking through what other information to offer, though the pause would probably be seen as an opening for others to continue talking.

    OOC: @pokemonlover360 @Nato the Traveler @~Xemnas~

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  11. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - Kini-Nui - One of the Bunkers

    With - Kilo, Atamai, Sidra


    Sorilax rolled up his scroll and returned it to the right side of his backpack, his shadow lizard poking open an optic to stare at the movement for a moment before settling back into place. He dismissed the hardlight table with no outward movement and with nary a thought.

    Sidra’s news of a source of pure EP was verily a welcome bit of information, “Actually, it just so happens that I could use pure energized protodermis. Due to the change in my nature as an Aspect, other changes occurred in a couple of my Taboos as well. Chief among them being a shift in the fundamental nature of any Rahkshi I create. Instead of being vicious, unruly murder beasts, I am able to create Rahkshi that adhere to my moral code, seeking not to harm for some sadistic enjoyment, but to protect those not able to defend themselves, such as most of the inhabitants of Le-Metru Nuva.

    Sorilax looked at Kilo, then to Malhukuraia, “If these mechs can seat three beings at once, is the output power stronger than if just one being were in them? If so, perhaps that might meet the required power of the bunker without killing Robo-bro.


    OOC: @Nato the Traveler @pokemonlover360 @~Xemnas~

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  12. IC: Cravious - Skakdi of Lightning and Mind Reading

    Location - Kumu Peninsula

    With - Whira, Tekmo, Rock Rahi


    "NO, nonono, it’ll take more than just... whatever that was to kill me... what are we doing again?" The Toa was back peddling faster than a Skakdi bicyclist who accidentally took a wrong alley in the Rig.

    A shame the Toa wasn’t dying, but still, the opportunity to exploit his friends was now back on the table. Cravious rolled his optics at the question, a look of unamusement on his gaunt looking face, “We wait for Whira’s decision on where to let this Rahi lead us. If there actually are secrets here that lead to more power, then finding pure energized protodermis can wait.

    The Rock Rahi responded to Whira’s restatement of her question. Cravious inclined his head to the conversation with the Rahi, indicating that Whira’s next words would mark their path forward.


    OOC: @Toru Nui @~Xemnas~ @Eyru

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  13. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - Kini-Nui - One of the Bunkers

    With - Kilo, Atamai, Sidra


    Sorilax was working on a quick, rough sketch of the imposing mech as Sidra turned to him, “We do? Hummm, very interesting. I hope they are enough of a defense to keep this island safe. They are not quite as tall as Tahtoraks, but far more restrained in demeanor. I would quite like to be able to observe and document these creations, though I fear time may not permit me to.

    He finished up his sketch and let the ink start drying as he continued talking with Sidra, “Sala has still not returned as of yet. Are you engaged with the actions taking place here, or would it be quite alright if we returned to Le-Metru Nuva posthaste?

    OOC: @Nato the Traveler @~Xemnas~ @pokemonlover360

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  14. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - Kini-Nui - One of the Bunkers

    With - Kilo, Atamai, Sidra


    The Silver Toa NUVA had disappeared with a few words and some kind of power. With a sound that could be felt more than heard, a gleaming giant strode over to them. It was easily at least 10 Toa tall, maybe taller. It was made of metal and glass, all browns with red highlights. It cut an extremely imposing figure, its six eyes glaring down at everyone assembled at the bunker.

    And then it spoke, voice booming, declaring that the mech was Malhukuraia.

    Sorilax quickly created a hardlight table and pulled out one of his scrolls. He knew next to nothing about whatever NUVA was, but this Kaita Mech needed to be written down and recorded. It was nowhere near the size of a Tahtorak, but it was well on its way. It was so intriguing, especially with how the light played with the glass elements in its construction.

    OOC: @~Xemnas~ @pokemonlover360 @Nato the Traveler

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  15. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - Kini-Nui - One of the Bunkers

    With - Kilo, Atamai, Sidra


    With silent steps and silent body, Sorilax’s golden glowing form brought him to the unopened and imposing metallic bunker. His Calix was a transparent pearlescent cream and white that accentuated his body’s glow, seeming to capture the light and bounce it around inside the transparent mask. His Ice Longbow stood in stark contrast to the rest of him, ice cold blue surrounded by pristine white, a frozen mist gently falling from it. One of his mask pouches was empty, and in the second the top half of a noble Hau could be seen. His long arms almost touched the ground, and a golden hardlight arm had sprouted from his torso to rub his Calix’s chin.

    A door that killed you, yet revived you once unlocked? His thoughts immediately turned to the doorway down below the Suva Kaita. Perhaps it was not just a death trap. Maybe it could be properly handled to achieve some purpose. Perhaps those empty shells were just the remains of Aspects that had ascended to something higher and better.

    He would need to think on this. Perchance some day in the future return and take a risk on trying to walk the doorway’s path.

    OOC: @pokemonlover360 @~Xemnas~ @Nato the Traveler

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  16. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - Kini-Nui


    Before he could make his way to the portal, he noticed Sidra emerge from the forest surrounding the new portal that… He tilted his head and a hardlight hand scratched the chin of his mask. The portal looked different. Much more metallic than it had been before. Intriguing.

    Sidra seemed to be heading to one of the bunkers where two others were, so Sorilax decided to join in and come along. His body moved silently, allowing him to appreciate the shrill calls of the seagulls behind him at Kini-Nui’s lake. They were contrasted by the melodic songs of the jungle birds from the trees he had just recently been walking towards.

    He continued to experiment with his element, conjuring several different floating hardlight objects and then warping the natural light around them to make it seem as if they had disappeared or were invisible.

    As he got closer to the bunker, he saw yet another species he didn’t immediately recognize, even with his new Kraata power of Life. Was it a pure machine, then?

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  17. IC: Viltia - Toa of the Green

    Location - Mouth of Irnakk’s Tooth


    Viltia’s descent brought insight. These markings weren’t made by some ancient builders like the Suva and Suva structures had been, they were formed with force and rapidly cooled, producing something that had the appearance of form yet lacked the purpose behind it. It warmed her to realize Nektann had probably been the source.

    Actually, that wasn’t the only thing warming her. She could now feel the heat of the volcano, though it wasn’t unpleasant as of yet. Sort of like a warm hug that reminded her of the forge back home before hours of toil turned the heat into a draining force.

    Viltia’s continued descent brought a voice that spoke inside her head. She recognized that it had to be the Remaker, but before she could formulate a response, she was standing in the Fau Swamp marshes, a Matoran again. The change was so sudden and so complete, her mind was completely fooled. To her, it was as if she had finally woken up after a horrible dream.

    Before her the marshes descended into swampland at an unnatural angle. The entire island itself slanted at a downwards slope. It was dusk, and horrible, jeering laughs from hunting Skakdi rang out behind her. Fear jolted through her and she reached for her axe, only to realize it was just a walking stick again. One of the Skakdi screamed in fear and pain, pushing Viltia to stumble down the unnatural slope. She grew muddier and muddier as she wove around ponds and pushed through reeds. Strange Rahi raced in the grasses all around her, injecting into her the fear of her past.

    But she knew the marshes and the swamp now, and she knew how to better navigate them. She stumbled down the slope, tripping and falling every so often with her Matoran body, but making much faster progress than she would have in the past not so very long ago. She didn’t notice it, but she wasn’t losing any stamina with all the activity.

    As she reached the swamp, dusk became night and the roars of the night time predators rang out, reverberating throughout the massive trees to reach her soul and touch it with fear. She now stumbled over roots and bushes in the light of Electric Bugs. She pushed past giant mushrooms and spore fields that offered their own bioluminescence. The Skakdi were getting closer, the Rahi louder, as she descended.

    She was having a hard time gathering enough air into her lungs, though it wasn’t due to exertion. Fear controlled and compelled her ever forward. A flash of glowing silver caught her optics and a group of Untethered looked up from absorbing everyone she had ever cared for, draining her friends like they did life from the trees. Viltia really couldn’t breath, shock setting in. Her organic protodermis muscles burned as she pushed them ever further. She had to escape, to get away. She couldn’t do this again.



    Before she could finish the thought, the Grand Untethered burst through the trees ahead, directly where she was descending to. Great tethers stretched out from it in all directions, like a silver web of death. She reached out to the swamp, but felt nothing. She was powerless again.


    The fear in her abated and she slowed. The Skakdi behind her caught up to her, the Rahi started to attack her, the Untethered started to eat her. But she watched, detached from the actions. There was no pain. And with that realization, her determination filled her. Then, with a single step, she moved past them, descending again down into the swamp.

    And then she felt him. The god of nightmares. Her Kraata of Life told her his information as she got in range, where he was and what his true species was. The vision evaporated like steam from hardening a Kanoka disc. She was within the volcano again, far deeper and fairly hotter. Irnakk’s presence clung to her like the humidity of the swamp, but knowing where and what he was provided her all the focus she needed to move forward.

    She called out to whom she sought, “Remaker, god of nightmares, the great Irnakk, the Administrator told me to come to you. It wishes to be able to learn Taboos, and in exchange for providing it with the knowledge, it will teach me how to make Golden Masks in the Suvas. Can you please help me? I don’t know where else to turn other than the knowledge it said you might have stashed away here.


    OOC: @Vezok's Friend

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  18. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - Kini-Nui


    Well, Sala still had not returned. And he had spent potentially too much time talking with the Co-Counselor and the Vortixx. Or so he supposed he might have. He wasn’t too good at keeping track of time. He should go find Sidra anyway.

    But as he walked for the village, more activity happened in the direction of the new portal. His interest piqued, he slowly moseyed his way on in that direction.

    As he walked, Sorilax held up his hand, warping his element to flow around his hand as if it weren’t there, almost like a rock in a frigid mountain stream. Just like when he had first gotten his element, where he focused this action seemed to disappear, as without the Light bouncing off of it, his hand couldn’t be seen. Why could he not make lasers this easily? Odd indeed.


    IC: Krrenchk - Skakdi of Stone

    Location - Fort Nektann

    With - Drukarus, Parnassus, Detsu


    Krrenchk’s whole body tensed as they walked at the mention of his mask. Anger slowly seeped into his brain. But no, the Aspect had not mentioned his facial scars, everything was okay so far. Still, he was ready to retaliate against an attack on his honor. He was not clever enough to fully disguise that the question had affected him in some way. His three fingered left hand idly caressed his recently polished Kanohi as he replied hesitantly then lost himself to plans of future raids, “Yes. I got it some time ago. I think it looks very striking. Hopefully we can go out and find some things just like it after you fellows talk to Barius.

    The Po-Skakdi’s rising anger abated as he wondered, “Actually, I haven’t seen Barius in a while.” He mumbled to himself, “I wonder what he’s been up to.


    OOC: @Sparticus147 @Conway

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  19. IC: Viltia - Toa of the Green

    Location - Mouth of Irnakk’s Tooth


    Viltia stood on the ledge, slightly disappointed at how short she had traveled. She swapped for her mask of Flight and secured her mask of Quick Travel in her front pouch. She was pretty sure she could feel the beginning of what Nektann had gone through in the tunnels below, though she wasn’t quite sure yet.

    She could feel the power of her new Kraata at work, nullifying the heat she assumed was there. She was really glad that her decision of Fire Resistance was already paying off. She couldn’t wait to get back to Le-Metru Nuva and be able to forge in comfort.

    Peering over the edge of the small ledge, Viltia coughed. These fumes, though, they were worse than she thought they would be. She closed her optics and opened the mental aperture that allowed her elemental energy to pour forth and become the Green, putting into practice the level of precision she had learned with mask making and translated to her element. She wove a mouth covering of leaves for herself, the leaves themselves some she had discovered in the swamp, where trees had to learn to defend against many toxic things.

    Putting it on, breathing was definitely easier, though by no means perfect. She should make this quick. She thought about just jumping down, but why in the name of junipers were there platforms going down? She had to check them out.

    Activating her mask of Flight, she flew from platform to platform, descending ever lower. And as she descended, more and more she felt Irnakk’s touch. She kind of wished she had spent time having Sidra teach her how to mentally defend herself. It was a little late for that now. But still, she knew it was coming, so it would be easier to overcome. Hopefully.

    OOC: @Vezok's Friend

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  20. IC: Viltia - Toa of the Green

    Location - Mouth of Irnakk’s Tooth


    Viltia peered down into the foul, acrid smoke, trying her best to see something she could teleport to as she stood at the top of the volcano. She really needed to get a move on and talk to the Remaker. She was slightly apprehensive about doing so, but she told herself that she shouldn’t be concerned. She had already seen Irnakk through Boss’ memories and also experienced the emotions that went along with traversing the tunnel that was the normal entrance. The god of nightmares was just that. A god of bad dreams. Maybe once she got to know him, like she had with Nektann, she would find him to be much more agreeable and pitiable. Who knows, maybe he was trapped down there and she could merge with him and help him to leave. Then for sure he would answer her questions.... Well, the Admin’s question.

    She grabbed her mask of Flight, ready to quick swap it out, and attempted to teleport as far down into the mouth of the volcano as she could, her tethers ready to catch her and her hands ready to swap masks so she could fly.

    OOC: @Unreliable Narrator @Vezok's Friend @Eyru

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  21. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - Stone Ruins

    With - Kanohi, Collector, Enra, Ulkarr


    Sorilax looked on in awe as Collector fired the Ice Longbow. With each strike, the icicle took a different form. It reminded him of his recent journey.

    I do have a question, Aspect Sorilax,” added Kanohi as the Fe-Matoran began to leave, “You said you changed your element, right? Could you also give someone an element who has none?

    Sorilax shook his head no, “I am sorry to say that I cannot. Perhaps I should look into that in the future.”

    There was a minor interruption, which the Vortixx handled. Sorilax took back his longbow, slinging it across his shoulder once more.

    Collector turned to the Aspect Sorilax. “I … before I commit to leave for the Far Shore, can you tell me what you experienced? What kind of place is it?

    A hardlight hand stroked the chin of his mask, “It is a place of possibilities and inconsistencies, full of danger, yet offering rewards. Each time one enters is different and I can only tell of my own journey. I traveled to a land of Ice, with buildings taller than I could fathom. The world was dead, inhabitants gone due to some dark ritual of science. In their place were shadows that sought to kill me. I was able to overcome them, but I caution you, the Far Shore holds risks. And one might never know what one might find.

    Sorilax nodded to Collector and Enra, “Now if you will excuse me, I am keeping someone waiting by being here. Farewell.

    He stepped back through the portal, field of Silence dissipating. There was a flurry of activity on the other side, both in the village and near a new portal that had opened up. Sorilax walked down towards Kini-Nui, both to see if Sala had returned yet or if Sidra was waiting for him.

    OOC: @Harvali @Toru Nui

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  22. IC: Krrenchk - Skakdi of Stone

    Location - Fort Nektann

    With - Drukarus, Parnassus, Detsu


    Krrenchk shrugged, “‘Kay.” It didn’t matter much to him now. No doubt Drukarus or Parnassus would do all the talking. He was just glad something might be happening. He needed to get out and do anything.

    His mind wandered back to potential gear. Would boots of blades be too much? That might be too much. He made a mental note of that.

    OOC: @Sparticus147 @Conway

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  23. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - Stone Ruins

    With - Kanohi, Collector


    It seemed his warning was well heard and there were other matters the Co-Counselor needed to attend to that didn’t concern him, so Sorilax turned to leave back through the portal. The Vortixx stopped him, however.

    Excuse me, Sorilax,” Collector looked to the Aspect’s weaponry, “That bow of yours … is it empowered with the abilities of a disk of freezing? Or … is it something else? Wh-where did you get it?

    Sorilax turned back to the two, pulling the longbow from his shoulder. Frost formed on his unfeeling hand and a faint frozen mist formed a sort of after image as it moved through the air as he offered for Collector to take and inspect the weapon, “I received this bow for the completion of traveling through the Far Shore, accessed by the portal which is located in the center of the Kini-Nui temple. I have as of yet to test its capabilities. Have you any idea what they might be?


    OOC: @Harvali

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  24. IC: Sorilax - Aspect of Light and Silence

    Location - Stone Ruins

    With - Kanohi, Collector


    A hardlight hand scratched the chin of his pearlescent Kanohi, “Well, if the Grand Wish of Whisper is to be as you are, then she might just be trustworthy enough to handle all this power with care.” Whisper, he knew that name. It was the name of one of the newest Aspects. “However, I have informed you of this knowledge so that you might be aware of any potential misdeeds, either intended or unintended, of any future Aspects you interact with. You may judge for yourself. For even though I talk of having changed myself, know that I cannot actually prove my statements to be true. I only know myself that I have changed, and hope you take my knowledge with care.

    Sorilax glanced away. The other Aspect was watching them. Who was that? Providence? No. Someone older than that. Good thing he put up his bubble of Silence. He looked back at the two before him.

    As for puppeting multiple beings at once, I doubt it, though I have not actually tried myself, so I can not say for certain. All I know is that when an Aspect possesses something, their entire mind enters that thing, leaving their other body ‘lifeless’, in a sense. So I do indeed doubt the ability of multiple possessions at once. If Whisper will ever even be inclined to do so.

    Now, while you may share this knowledge with whomever you so wish, I do wonder if you would be so kind to not mention my name in association with the knowledge? My brethren do not know that I am concerned about their morality and actions and I do not wish for them to try to stop me from warning others of the potentially untold consequences of their actions.


    OOC: @Harvali

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