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Kal the Guardian

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Posts posted by Kal the Guardian

  1. GM IC:The Matoran stuck his head out of the bushes, “No, my name is Pluunar, not Forfeiters.”“Oh!” Pluunar rolled his eyes, “You mean for Camp A. Yeah, ok, it’s the name the other camps called us because they all went crazy. The name went over better than ‘the-stay-true-to-the-mission-ers’.” Raising a hand, the orange Matoran said, “I came up with that one.”He frowned, “It didn’t go over too well. Anyway, come with me!” Once again the Matoran disappeared into the ferns, wanting Jynhi to follow him.The Steltian with Ornas sputtered, “Oh, um, well. You see, there are these monsters in the forest that we call Rhaks. We are trying to catch one… and stuff. The other camps have gone crazy. That’s, the um… Current situation.”Shadouk / Path to Camp A / IC:Growling under his breath at all this pointless gabbing, Shadouk called out to the leader of the caravan of crates, “Camp A is just ahead. Wait here while we check it out.” The Toa of Gravity in the lead nodded and set down his crate. Behind that Toa, the rest of the group halted as well, the trailers slowly coming to a halt.Glancing at the others around him, Shadouk gripped his wound and followed the path, heading towards Camp A and Sirel.

  2. Sirel / Path to Camp A / IC:Gesturing with her Ice Gun once again, Sirel said to Levacius, “You’re the crazy one. Who wants to go to Destral, ever?” Glaring at everyone suddenly, she began to back up. Then she about faced and said, “Camp is this way. If you want to share supplies, that’s great, otherwise we will be forced to kill you.”The Toa started to run and was soon lost amid the trees. The others would find the bustling Camp A just ahead.GM IC: The Caravan of Crates and the two Trailer like vehicles slowly made their way up the path as well, finally coming to the part where the large group of beings had stopped. The Toa of Gravity in front looked out from behind the crate he was carrying and asked, “What’s the hold up?”

  3. OOC: Light blue font = Forfeiters. :PGM IC: The Matoran nodded to himself and mumbled, “Yes, yes.” Looking up at Jynhi, he said, “You must be from the fourth boat. Come, I will show you the Camp of the Forfeiters!” The Matoran turned about and began to walk off into a mess of ferns. Ornas was sure to be surprised as the cool metal of a gun was placed on the back of his head. Although it shouldn’t have been too much of a surprise, after all, everyone in the camp was a hunter of some form or another. “And who might you be?” a voice asked, definitely Steltian. The forested wonderland that moved away from Hios; the plants seemed almost cautious of the newcomer. The forest was active, though, and it practically whispered to itself, which was hard to hear over any sort of rain. The Rhak tilted its head when it heard Hgn’Svt’s voice. Yes, this one would do. Setting down the Rahi killed by Thalidon, the Rhak nudged it and snorted. Then, time seemed to slow for the Toa as the Rhak sped away in a blur, barely touching the ground as it navigated the forest. Garett / Camp B / IC: No volunteers. Garett rolled his eyes. Of course not. The beings of this camp were here for research, not adventure. Patting Ena on the shoulder as he dismounted his chair, he said, “I guess I’m going alone. If anything happens, just talk in a loud voice, they’ll listen.” With that, the Rahkshi began to teleport down the path, but only in short bursts. If he tried anything larger, then the teleportation scrambler set up around the island would rip him apart. And he definitely didn’t want that. Sirel / Path to Camp A / IC: “No, no,” the Toa of Ice shook her head, “They call us the Forfeiters, which just proves how they have gone insane. The name sort of stuck. It’s just one of those things.” Turning to Myr, she said, “Don’t, if you wish, Mr. Overly Cautious. We are all still part of the Insomniac Group, am I correct? Not to mention the only guy who got hurt is that Shadow Toa that won’t stop glaring at me.” She laughed at Rekia’s comment, another hint of darkness flashing in her eyes for a second. “No, silly, they went crazy. But I guess you could say that the other camps will say that.” Ignoring Manuka, whose concerns she had already answered, she asked, “So where are the supplies? Did the boat survive the unloading?”

  4. OOC: Edit: Edited so as to retain historical accuracy.IC / Ring HQ / Lyxek’s Throne Room:Brother straightened out his tattered cloak and brushed himself off. “Impressive illusion,” he commented as he walked to the doorway, where he pulled open the door. Turning back to Lyxek, he said, “You know, I may be stupider than I look, but at least I’m not as stupid as you look.” Wow, why did he risk that? Just why?“The thing is, I don’t need a God on my side. You’ll find that out soon enough. Have a nice day; I’m off to destroy something.” With that, Brother waved and then snapped his fingers once again.The shadows which he had been holding within the walls and above the ceiling and below the floor for the longest time suddenly constrained the room. They took the supports and tore them asunder. And the shadows in the ceiling grabbed the rock above and brought it raining down. The room was crushed in an instant. Although Lyxek probably still lived.Then again, that’s what Brother hoped had happened. After all, he was busy running as fast as he could out of the Ring’s Mountain.IC / Gynel / With Reaper, Cannon Fodder, and Quicksilver:Sevorik kept glancing at the Matoran as they went along, even after he was silenced. How did he carry all of those weapons?IC / Gynel / With Khad, Toxin, and Mechanic:Desoria said nothing as she followed the others. Instead the only sound coming from her was the constant whirring of her limbs as she walked along.

  5. GM IC:The orange Matoran, sporting a deep red noble Kiril, lowered the weapon. Still, he asked, “You aren’t from the Researchers or Hunters, are you?”Shadouk / Path to Camp A / IC:Shadouk gave the Toa of Ice a stare of death as his wound started to bleed. He clutched it as he silently watched the others interact.Sirel / Path to Camp A / IC:The Toa of Ice laughed again at the sudden flurry of questions. “I am Sirel,” she said, with an evil flash in her eyes, “Everything flies around her, be it from the forest or from the three camps. Maybe you haven’t heard; the Researchers and Hunters have completely abandoned our mission!“They took what they could and are planning to ravage the island for their own selfish reasons. I ask you if you had supplies only to warn you to keep them away from the other camps.”Garett / Camp B / IC:“Well, thank you, Ena,” Garett said as he saw that most of the camp was present. Finally, he began the meeting.“I have heard several power screams emanating from the forest. I’m sure you have as well.“Considering that we have not found anyone or thing to have that power so far on this island, I believe the fourth boat docked during the break in the storm we had.“Now, obviously they will stumble upon those wretched Forfeiters first!” he yelled this, and only afterwards realized that Camp A wasn’t quite as bad as he made it out to be. “Now, we need supplies to fix our equipment, and we know that the Forfeiters don’t need anything. So I think a few of us need to go over there and try to warn them.“Now, who will go?”
  6. Sirel / Path Heading Towards Camp A / IC:A loud sigh of relief could be heard from where the icicles had come from. Soon afterwards, a Toa of Ice stepped forward. She snapped her fingers and all the remaining icicles disappeared, even the one still lodged in Shadouk’s arm. She gestured with her Ice Gun as she spoke, “You aren’t from any other groups, are you? I could tell because you doubted that this island would throw icicles at you.”The Toa laughed a short shrill laugh, “I lead the Forfeiters, or at least that’s what I have dubbed our group. You guys have any supplies with you?” She looked hopeful as she said this.

  7. IC / Ring HQ / Lyxek’s Throne Room:“You’re forgetting one thing, Lyxek. Remember? You said it yourself. You did your monologue, now it’s time for me to try to assassinate you again.” With that, Brother snapped his fingers.Using the shadows he saw in Lyxek’s mouth, he dropped the message on the clouds outside, and grabbed control of those. The shadow in Lyxek’s mouth quickly went down his throat and expanded violently in several spiky sections. The main shadow ball in his mouth, which blocked off air, sent a spike straight up, sending it towards the Toa’s brain.

  8. Shadouk / Path to Camp A / IC:Shadouk winced and touched the armor around the wound. “Yeah,” he said in response to Levacius, “Definitely not.” Answering Mesonak, he said, “Well this thing sort of disabled my arm. Or something. I can barely move it. I have no clue how it happened.”He accepted Rekia's help and nodded to her comments, "I can't move it, but thanks."GM IC:All the destruction Codjok was wreaking upon the forest was impressive. But if the crazy being paid attention, he would see that none of his harm upon the forest, “his” forest, was permanent. The trees grew new bark, vines lifted up from the ground and rejoined the rest of the plant. Even trampled ferns seemed to pick themselves up off the ground.Levacius’ group, or whoever’s group it was, was suddenly met with an onslaught of icicles from farther down the path, all of them flying towards the group.

  9. Shadouk / Path to Camp A / IC:Shadouk gave Mesonak a weird look, “Just exactly how many sayings do yooOOoOuch!” The Toa stumbled backwards and tripped on a root, managing to fall into a shallow pool of water that was muddy because the others had walked through it. He began to flail before realizing how not deep the pool was.The Toa of Shadow got up to a sitting position and tried to wipe off the mud on his back. As he did this he yelped. In his left arm, right below his shoulder, was a large spike of ice, protruding all the way through.

  10. GM IC:In fact, if either Krokk or Mala looked cared to look at the tree for a second longer, they would see that the bark seemed to shift, and the two wounds in the tree were healed or otherwise hidden.

  11. GM IC: The boat, it seemed, was set upon its course. A loud crack resounded as it slammed the jagged cliff walls. It was then swept away as it began to sink. No one would ever see that ship again. The Insomniac Group of officially stuck on Dreamland. Hgn’Svt would be able to feel a sudden pressure at the back of his head. Almost a tingling sensation, like someone was watching, but added to it was the ability to sense a Rahi far more sophisticated than those around him. Looking up, he would be able to see the gray Rhak, standing there, staring into him with eyes that seemed to analyze everything. It stood there, motionless, holding a dead Rahi in its jaws, just staring.Shadouk / Path to Camp A / IC: “Well,” Shadouk said, “This looks promising.” The path in front of the group veered off sharply to the left and the branches above seemed to open up somewhat. Garett / Camp B / IC: Garett looked down and smiled warmly, “Hey, Ena. You ever get warm yet?” The others of the group started to gather around, but Garett there were still a few hidden away somewhere in the camp. He would still wait for them to show up.

  12. Garett / Camp B / IC: Using one of his large feet to stand on the chair, the Rahkshi waited for the others to assemble. They were slow to move, and he couldn’t blame them. But the hope of reinforcements could improve their spirits. Wait… Reinforcements? No, supplies. Of course, supplies.Shadouk / Path to Camp A / IC: Shadouk shrugged. “Never been here before. None of us have. I have no clue how far.”

  13. GM IC: Torhak would find several places to tie up the boat. But unfortunately, the other ropes that were keeping it in place snapped, and the winds reversed, sending the now free boat towards the cliff face. Garett / Camp B / IC: Garett sat out in the middle of the camp on a simple folding chair. It was a quarter sunk into the soggy ground. While mostly dry, the air was damp and large droplets managed to make it through the canopy high above. He sighed as behind him a random Toa of Magnetism was attempting to start up one of the trailers. It sputtered but the ignition never caught. Yeah, they wouldn’t be doing any research in the immediate future. And the Rhak’s had roared twice so far this day. But then, he heard several screams of what could only be power scream. No one already on the island had power scream that he knew of. The fourth boat had landed! Now he just needed to get those supplies before any of the other camps! No, wait, that wasn’t him talking. That was someone else. But they needed those supplies. Getting up off of his chair, he took one of his staff ends and banged it on the chair, yelling, “Researchers! A meeting, right now!”

  14. Yeah, and while for new members, it doesn't matter, for those of us who have played or read other RPGs or stories set in the same universe, it makes for some awesome back story that can be referenced to make things deeper. Even moreso because we crafted it ourselves.That and I love having the same characters. :P

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