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Kal the Guardian

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Posts posted by Kal the Guardian

  1. Same here. I was reading the Comedies' forum here before I even joined. Of course that was a long time ago now. Just look at when I joined. :PAnd yeah, quantity of quality has almost always been a problem over there.I'm not quite sure how bad it was. I never had the heart to look it up.Wow, semi-finals? That seems rediculous to me with the past few contests, but I do remember them.

  2. IC / North District / Loading Up: Swerv heaved the last box into the Unpredictable and strapped it down. “You know,” the robot said, “I knew they had explosives.” He leaned back against the side of his vehicle and glanced at the sky right as Draxion nudged him in the shoulder and said, “Do you see that?” Off in the distance, the bottom of Draxion’s storm seemed to have words on it made out of the shadows that would normally be hugging the bottom of the clouds. “What does it say?” the Rahkshi asked. Shrugging, Swerv replied, “I can’t tell from this angle. Hop in, let’s go see what’s going on.”IC / Ring HQ / Lyxek’s Throne Room: “Who said anything about betrayal?” Brother asked and then cringed as he thought back to his time on Dremskep. That was where he had gotten his title of Older Brother, but also where he had encountered something that he believed was definitely as powerful as this Rhashahk being was supposed to be. Not a good memory. “What makes you think he’ll even make a deal with you? He’ll accidently squash you and you’re luck will have run out.” Ruaki? He was the… Immortal that had diseased followers on Gynel or something of the like. Everything went back to that island. Absolutely everything. “Well, say he does partner with you. What do you think his agenda will be? Destiny already struck him down once. So what is there left for him to do? Rule the universe?” IC / Tower of Tyis / Waiting: Waiter nodded to Eryn and said, “Thanks.” He then pulled out the tablet and waited. At least he was doing something he was good at.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS KAL! Endless years put into Endless Boundaries and Dreamland and it finally pulled off for you. :PEpoch of Despair and Techna, congratulations, but Kal worked harder so I stick me tongue out at you. Pleh.Bummed Island of Pain didn't win. :\-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

    Perhaps I should clarify "work" with "patience". Kals been trying for a long time to get an RPG through. At least, what, five contests? So when I saw congrats to him the most I mean it because, while it wasn't my first pick, I'm glad he was able to get through.That was not an insult to Techna and it's pretty oversensitive to take it as such. I mean, look at that sentence, does it even look serious to you? Meh, comedy forum origins lead to sarcasm at the serious folks expense.In any case I look forward to playing all of these RPGs once they're put up.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

    Thanks, Lev! It's been at least five contests now. My first try was rediculously bad. Not as bad as Zyglak Quest, but I digress.And I guess I have a laugh track mind because I don't take things too seriously on this forum, ever. Which means that I get your sarcasm and often wonder why you edit in that you were joking. Although it probably helps others' understanding. :P
  4. IC / Ring HQ / Lyxek’s Throne Room: Brother looked at Lyxek with a grave face that showed the years of harsh battles in his eyes. They weren’t wearied eyes, but eyes that knew. “This God,” Brother began, “Or Immortal, as you call him, will not be contained or constrained or held to agreements. It will do what it wants and destroy any being on a whim. No one will be able to deal with it, only bow down to worship it and hope to not be killed. “It’s not just me that loses opportunities because of Rhashahk, it’s everyone. Even you. Plus, you stole from my business. I never ‘financed’ you, as you put it.” Rolling his eyes, Brother continued, “Or call it a loan, whatever you wish, since I did the same to you later. We have paid each other back, but I have never poured money into your Ring.” Brother said the last word in disgust, spitting out like a bad taste in his mouth. “My business has the resources to overcome any obstacle when it comes to landscape, so don’t be putting it down. I’ll bet Endless Boundaries has done more than what you are attempting here. Not on so large a scale, but certainly in how it affects our ever changing Universe. But I don’t wish to discuss that here,” Brother waved a dismissive hand. “I’m more interested in this Khazra character. You say you have complete control. None of his old mind remains? Will this construct obey you completely?”

  5. asdfsldkfldkj. An online poll for a role-playing game should not be this nerve-wracking. X(It's not within my right to comment on the state of affairs. It is what it is. I pledged myself to this affair at the beginning of December, and I'm still here, and I have nobody but myself to blame for it.While I do feel the 'delete my vote' feature should be removed next time around, I will accept its presence in this contest.It's fitting, actually: this is, after all, the first contest following a downtime which, in my mind at least, threw the survival of the entire forum into question.That's plenty of reason for this contest to have a) such a high number of heavyweights in the fray, and b ) such drama in the final poll.Resolving in the new year to needlessly complain less often,Shyyrn

    I know it probably seems otherwise, but I don't really care about the delete vote function. Of course I'm having fun commenting on it, but I just see it as something else to make this contest more nerve wracking. Which is a good thing, by the way. :P
  6. IC / Ring HQ / Lyxek’s Throne Room:Once again events from the Night Run were being mentioned. How did everyone know this stuff except for him? Was there some sort of class or pamphlet that he missed when he came to Kai-Nam? Of course now he knew the basics, but still, not knowing was definitely annoying and perhaps even lethal when it came to this island.Then the container opened. So it wasn’t the Heart, which Brother had originally thought. That was a twist. And totally unexpected. He wondered if that being was of any significance other than being part of Lyxek’s and possibly Dalmia’s schemes. And once it began to mutate, Brother knew this wouldn’t end well.Leaning back in his chair, Brother rolled his eyes and slightly shook his head in response to Lyxek’s last statement, “Tell me about it. Those things always grow uncontrollably. It’s like some unwritten law of the universe.“Anyway,” Brother rolled his hand in a gesture, “If that thing wipes out City, then it’s paving the way for a new business opportunity much grander than I had anticipated. So I think I’ll stay here and try to fulfill what you said, in that order.” Of course that wasn’t an empty gesture with his hand. Using the dark clouds that Draxion had pouring snow on half of City, Brother wrote with the shadows. The undersides of the storm clouds became white, with “7th Construct Coming. Prepare” written with shadow.Along with the headache that came from manipulating the shadows that far away, he was now elementally defenseless if Lyxek or the Collector attacked. Not that it would matter if he didn’t know their respective weaknesses. Continuing the conversation, he said, “So, is this ‘Construct’, as you put it, made of nano-bots as well? Because that seemed to me to be a physical mutation using some kind of biological, rapidly working virus.”

  7. Though who got rid of Vote 20 for Island of Pain?-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

    Yeah, see? That's what I was talking about. Just because I can take away a vote from the Island of Pain and Day Run just to get ahead, doesn't mean I'm going to. And I hope other people won't end up doing that.ANYway... VOTE DREAMLAND!!! It's behind by one vote! That should not be so! It should be ahead of Techna! :P
  8. I though the delete vote just deleted your vote and ability to vote again. Heh. :P-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

    Yeah. Same here. Can you really take back your vote and vote again? That seems cheap...
    You can. It's not that cheap though; it literally removes your vote. If I were to delete my vote for example, Day Run would go down by one vote. However, if I voted for Day Run again, it would go back up to where it had been before I deleted by vote.-ibrow
    Yeah, but what's cheap is if you can remove your votes and then re-vote for someone else. I guess it's not that bad; it just might be slightly annoying.
  9. OOC: Wow, sorry ToD, but I didn't keep track of all the body switching Eryn has done. :PIC / North District / Trying to Buy Explosives: “No, no, no!” Swerv shook his head, “How hard are you going to make this? I just want several military grade explosives. And you say you don’t have any left? What about Cordak?” The Toa of Earth grumbled something indiscernible. And Swerv tried to decode what the being said. It really was not comprehendible. The Earth Toa rubbed the sides of his mask and said, “We don’t sell Cordak here. We don’t sell any explosives here.” “Then why is this place called Klaymeore’s Explosives?” Swerv gestured to the sign up out on the front of the store. “You see,” the Toa said, “Many beings misinterpret this to mean that-“ Swerv cut him off, “Can I see your manager? Seriously, this is ridiculous.” The Toa of Earth grumbled again and plodded through a back door. The robot turned to Draxion and said, “They have the chemicals to make explosives all over this room in trace amounts. There is no way there are no explosives here. I’ll settle for giant Cordak.” IC / Ring HQ / Lyxek’s Throne Room: “Well,” Brother said, “My money certainly didn’t go into these chairs. Can you even create more uncomfortable chairs without them specifically designed for torture?” The Rahkshi gripped the sides of the chair he was in and scooted back and forth in it. The chair creaked under his weight and Brother laughed. “Oh, you mean that piece of a God you have there, by the looks of it? Because if you mean that then yes, I am impressed. Although I wonder if you plan to steal this thing’s power. “Yeah, if you were planning that, I must say I am not impressed. Stealing power isn’t something to get excited about. Now, if you have created a greater power on your own and this piece of machinery you’re showing me is part of that, then I am astonished and congratulate you, Lyxek.” Brother clapped at this and then stopped suddenly, “Or what’s really going on here?” Oh, ploys to get enemies to divulge information, how Brother loved it. But then again, everything Brother had said was true. Even the chair was uncomfortable to the Rahkshi, who was not well suited to sit in any chair with his spikes. And of course Brother kept gathering the shadows. He even began to check to see if there were any shadows to grab from any space there might be from above, below, or behind the ceiling, floor, and walls respectively. IC / West District / With Eryn: Waiter rolled his eyes. “You know, I can tell when Toa-eating machines are trying to be subtle. And you aren’t even being subtle.” The former assassin climbed into the seat and chuckled, “It’s a good thing you don’t eat Toa, then. Now can we go?”

  10. Oh, I figured out my confusion. I forgot Reaper was on Khad's boat. I thought he was with the first boat. Like you say here...

    IC - Reaper - DH Ship #1: When no one answered, Reaper crossed his arms. "You're a lively bunch..." Shaking his head slightly, he stood up, stretching slightly before heading outside and onto the deck.

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