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Blog Comments posted by T-Hybrid

  1. It whatever the new topic is works as well as the "Nobody cares about me. I need attenton so I wanted to be annoying." reminder. Hopefully whatever problem it is will get nipped in the backside.


    *is also glad to see the number of people who point out a rule violation in the thread is decreasing as well*

  2. I'm gonna copy you guys

    I have an idea for your theme *points to next quote* ;)


    It was a refreshing alternative for the ever-annoying Pokémon... >.<

    Yeah, I am of the same mentality. After watching Pokemon for years...I made the switch to Digimon (even though at the time I thought it was a clone) It turned out to be infinitely better story and character wise.

  3. I could include that as a side-effect of Hahli's Kanohi power. However the idea of Manipulation instead of Mind Control is that Luali would actually be inside the person she's controlling. Not just standing outside controlling it with her thoughts.


    It's basically a power similar to what people thought Matoro would be able to do.

  4. They only look like animals. The motif would be more human warriors wearing animal-like armor. Look at Enko's description for what I'm going for.


    The reason for their appearances would be saved for a potential fic. Which is actually becoming more and more potentially potential.

  5. I'd be interested in any suggestions you have for "altering" the mask powers. I'd like to have original powers somewhat, and I'm guessing that Teleportation and Telekinesis are two Kanohi that came up between Metru Nui and the recent events...as that's about where I lost touch with the storyline.


    I really like the Kanohi powers I've set up so far, but I'm willing to make modifications based on suggestions. Perhaps expanding on the "similar" powers so that they add some new dimension the other Kanohi didn't have.


    The reason I went with a barberian is that I wanted a Inuva to represent a very basic type fighter. I know that these types of warriors aren't usually associated with keeping to themselves...but I think that Enok's fighting style would be more instinctive than the other Toa. This is because Kopaka's fighting style isn't something Matoro is used to having, and so the clashes created a strong warrior that knows how to fight...but can't figure out how he wants to do it.

  6. *thinks*


    You know, that power sounded familiar as I was typing it up. Do you have any other suggestions for what a combination of Speed and Accuracy could accomplish?


    Edit: I've altered the abilities of the Varia to include the ability to phase elements of nearby materials. Think the main villian in The Hulk movie.

  7. Thanks for the suggestions, I went back and read a few character bios and actually have assembled a fairly plausible story for why the Nuva would be in a weakened condition...and at the same time am slowly developing who the villian would be.


    I'm not quite sure how I'd delve into the origins of the Spear of Fusion. But I have a feeling I should do that soon before it gets covered by the story team.


    What made writing Te Mutunga so fun was that it was written before much was known about the characters and the history of the universe. So I had a lot of wiggle room.


    As it is now, there is a LOT I don't quite get about Bionicle's past. I lost touch during the Metru-Nui flashbacks, so I'm concerned that I'll have some problematic character and continuity issues.


    So any fic is going to have to tread lightly.

  8. I was actually thinking that instead of searching out Keetongu, the person they'd be hunting down would be the being responsible for the creation of Vezon's staff. It'd be a similar story to Keetongu on face value, but since I'm not familiar with the origins of Keetongu, I'm sure I could create a different type of character than the guy who healed the Hordika.


    Though, I suppose after all these years...it'd be interesting to see if Keetongu's still around, and what he's up to.


    As far as drawings of the various elements of the Inuva, I'm not the best artist. So any sketches would be just that...rough. I'm right now in the creation phase, so all I have are theories and concepts. I've begun thinking about names and abilities however. So the next step after that would be physical images.

  9. You make some good points, though I'm not sure the Hagah fit very well in your list. For one thing, they're the only ones in the whole list who aren't a team of Toa, instead being two different members. Keep in mind that they all had spears and shields, meaning it would be kind of dull having all six Toa with the same artillery. It's a bit too specific to review these, while having a broader look on the others. It's like comparing the original Pohatu and Tahu, because every Toa series has had at least two contrasting features.

    You bring up an interesting thought. Yes there were only two Hagah, but those two Hagah encompassed the best of both the Metru and the Olda. I was originally going to count them in as Metru (much like Lhikahn), but decided that wouldn't be fair to their designs.


    Also, their weapons were both spears, however the uniqueness in the rest of the sets made up for the similar weapons. You'll note that I rank the Iniki second despite that they all have very sword-like weapons.

  10. like you,I dislike the fact that both Onepu and Macku didn't become Toa

    The only explaination I ever found was that they wanted 6 Matoran with the 6 great Kanohi olda masks...

    Yeah, that's something that came to mind as I was writing this. I also was thinking about it, and from a storyline standpoint, you've got Hewkii now a Toa, and Macku is still Matoran.


    A clever writer can do some interesting stuff with that, as those two were the first real Bionicle romance.

  11. Or alternatively, Matau as a monkey or gorilla, and Nuju as an eagle? (Remember, flying Rahi language.)

    My memory isn't too keen on the abilities of the various Hordika. So when I selected animal forms...I was going more on their element than their personality. These of course are only my suggestions. I don't expect them to be anything close to "The Word."


    Just have to finish the Olda, Nuva and Metru first... :lol:

    Hmm. I'm looking forward to what you do with these guys. And I mean all of them.

  12. I have to agree that the new Inika are really a step forward (once again) for the hero sets at least.


    Looking closer, it appears a few of the Toa have little design differences between them (something I don't think we've seen since the original Toa sets)


    For example (and forgive me if I get my names crossed up) Nuparu has claws as well as the standard joint/hands. A nice throwback to the original Toa of Earth if I may say so.


    And Bink, I share your pain when it comes to running out of room. And I can already see you trying to fit 6 Toa sets (amoung other things) somewhere alongside that colossal Star Destroyer of yours ;)

  13. Well, I layed down the pre-order today. Setting me back only a little under $70. It's a bit much, but I want to make sure I have them before I move. This gives me a bit of time to mess around with them before deciding if they make the move with me or not.


    With this purchase, I've pretty much got to stop now. I've got four games coming up that I've reserved (one in July, two in August, and one in September).


    Plus I've got to pick up a cellphone, and figure out how I'm going to get Internet into the apartment.


    All without actually knowing if I'll have a job or not once classes start in the fall. Heh. Didn't really intend to paint myself into a corner on this one. But the opportunity arose on the apartment and I had to act.

  14. Of course, in my case, this isn't such a large financial decision. College is funded by the government for the larger part, so we don't have to work ourselves into debt for an education. I wish they'd adopt a similar system in the US, so more people could afford a degree. The few who get a scholarship over there are lucky, but a lot of people don't meet the stipulations for one...

    You know, here in Minnesota...apparently the Governor is pushing to enact legislation that would hand out what appear to be scholarships/grants to those who graduate in the Top 25% and/or performed well in ACTs.


    Not to toot my own horn, but I scored a 31 and graduated 2nd in my class. This would be exactly the kind of thing that would've been very helpful three years ago. Go figure I suppose?


    I do hope it passes though. Perhaps my sister could re-establish Minnesota as her residence and reap the benefits of this (it's set to start in 2007 if Pawlenty succeeds). Though top 25% could be a bit *high* (my graduating class was a little over 400).

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