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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by T-Hybrid

  1. Perhaps if you celebrate International Omi Day with the rest of us, you will learn the ways of ascended coolness that you (and the rest of us mere mortals) could declare your own, International Torhu Day

    I figure regardless I'll spring a Hu-Day on you all soon enough. Spontinaity (as well as poor spelling) are my trademarks. ;)

  2. I'm excited about the TF movie coming out, but how about you?

    I'm pumped for it. Though I don't like how some of the robots look, I'm more excited for the overall concept of a TF movie after all these years. I was born a bit late for the original movie (which is a classic of course).


    Don't listen to some of those that get crazy about the flames on Optimus or Megs eye-color or what have you. Just remember that it's a TF movie. I'm going to it for the giant robots...really not much else ;)


    Cambot for the win. Totally.

    I'd go with that name on the MST3K reference alone.

  3. I cant wait to see it. Too bad they too end it so soon.

    FMA? It went 50+ episodes. That's a long healthy life for an anime.


    The movie isn't quite as good as the series as a whole. There was a lot of talking comparred to the level of action. In the series, over the course of 50 hours, that works. In the course of about two hours it gets a bit wearing.


    I did like the conclusion, and how it fit in with the story of the series...but something just seemed off.

  4. Side note: Guys and gals, once you get in college and beyond, be wary of tables with "free stuff", be it a T-shirt with a credit card application, a koozy with an Army logo, or light-up rubber balls with the logo of a company at a job fair: make certain it occurs to you why they have free stuff at that table. Why they need free stuff at that table. Why you might be better off if you didn't go to said table just for the free stuff.

    Amen KIE. I can't believe how many people here on campus get suckered into Credit Card apps when they're promised free pizza or something. They offer a First Year Experience course at my university...you'd think day 1 would be discussing how your credit rating takes a hit with each and every application you fill out.

  5. I pity you dude. My birthday is November 18!

    Mine's Nov. 6th. Though we're both in the same boat...our birthday comes before the Wii hits shelves.


    Not that I think my parents would give me a Wii as a gift. I wasn't able to persuade them to give a DS last b-day/holiday season. I doubt the $100 higher pricetag would be encouraging gift material for them.

  6. You need the fast cars and the blingin babes.

    I tried to cram a car into the blog...but I guess those weren't meant to be stuffed into a USB port. Made one heck of a mess though.


    Digimon is rather lacking in both...

    What it lacks in bling and zoom it makes up with bang and boom ;)

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