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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by T-Hybrid

  1. What are snakes doing on a plane?

    Causing one heck of a mess for our beloved hero, Sammy J. ;)


    I wasn't paying much attention to the plot, though there is one. But it's something to do with an attempt to kill a witness to a crime. It's convoluted at best, I could've honestly just gone with a bunch of snakes in the cargo hold getting loose.

  2. Say, when's the next time the Astros play the Twinkies? I'm gonna have to bunk at your place for that series.

    Regular season? Could be as soon as next year...or as long as 10 years. Who knows what those schedulers do.


    But hey...if all goes well, the two will meet in the World Series this year ;)

  3. *is glad his ship doesn't have tires*

    Wait, then whose tires did you slash?

    T: "You mean the Saturn isn't yours?"

    Omi: "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

    I knew I should've planned this out better. Now I've got Omi's car sitting here and you're sailing away.


    Where's HybridGreymon when I need him?

  4. All the more reason to submit your entry as early as possible. Had the exact same problem. I think it's what chased me away from writing an epic for a while.


    Best of luck in the contest...though you'll excuse me if I place my alliegences elsewhere for now ;)


    *slashes Schizo's tires*

  5. I've been linked! Sweet! We at the Haven thank you for your support. Help yourself to this t-Shirt.


    *hands CF a virtual T-Shirt*


    Though, HybridGreymon is hoping that your Bouncer doesn't tread on his turf.




    One suggestion, a truly pimped blog has a custom title. "______'s Blog" is default. Stretch your creative muscles ;)

  6. I live by the same advice. Outdoor summer jobs are killer.


    Though, for the last week or so at my job this summer...the AC was out. So it was worse inside. Especially since we're fast food. Those ovens get hot.


    Makes you wonder what's up weather wise. Can't remember the last summer like this. Maybe that whole "global-warming" thing is more than we thought.


    Oh Al Gore! Why didn't I head the warnings? (Or learn how to spell heed?)

  7. Nah. Schizo and Smeagol will battle it out...but then out from the corners ole' T-Hybrid will come running out and belt both with a steel chair, claiming the belt for himself.




    Great idea Omi. Good to see the movement finally getting a name of some kind. Now we have a battle cry to go along with our trend-setting blogs. ;)

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