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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by T-Hybrid

  1. I should probably check out what these old toys are worth. I wouldn't sell them all, but some of these... I mean, Diving Action Mike, WTH? Or Spitting Action Surf Raph? What the heck were they thinking when they made these? And what was I thinking when I bought them?

    Don't ask me. I think I own 10 or so different versions of Raph. Those transforming ones were awesome. I think somewhere I have the Splinter that turns into the Turtles van.

  2. A fellow old-school turtle fan. Very cool. Don't know if I'm as excited for this movie as I am the TF movie also in 2007 (could be a fun year for nostalgia)


    But oh dude, I've got all my old Turtles stuff in a box somewhere in the garage back home. I should seriously go in there someday and figure out what I all have. Because seriously, it's been a long time since I got those out.

  3. No offense, but I always said I'd slash my wrists before working in food service.

    My three years of CIS right now are chomping at the bit to get an internship and get finished up with college. But the important thing right now is making ends meet. I'll worry about a career when that time comes.

  4. I totally agree. Not only are they cranking up the price on you, but then they're replacing a more unusual part with something that you find in almost every set.


    It's not a very polite move. They're using you guys as a means of upping profits on both ends (fewer parts being produced, and increased cost)

  5. It's the whole cliche, "No matter how good you are...there's always somebody out there who's better."


    The two people I share an apartment with are incredible singers. One's in an a capella band even. I thought my voice wasn't too bad...but then I heard them and it's like, nope.


    It's probably something you don't want to hear, or something you've heard before...but I've always believed that in the end you set out to do what you enjoy doing. Write the fics, build the mocs, draw the art...whatever it may be.


    As long as you draw enjoyment from it, then shouldn't that be enough?

  6. I have to say, I've never been into comic books, but this whole Civil War thing is getting interesting, especially with some of the changes that have come in Spiderman's world alone.


    Any idea where would be the best place to catch up on what's going on?

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