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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. I KNOW. It's so unbelieveably bizarre, but at the same time oddly fascinating.

    Could you imagine if you woke up one morning and found the Coldplay puppets jamming in your room?

  2. Ahhhh. Cool! I'd forgotten that Coldplay did an EP with some of the songs that didn't make it onto Viva La Vida.

    Ok, have you seen the music video for Life in Technicolour II? It's......bizarre, yet rather entertaining. Like, if you've ever desired to see Chris Martin in puppet form, it's there.

  3. ARGH. Part 3.

    Social interaction? We don't need no stinkin' social interaction! We've got our interwebs! :D

  4. Oh great, here I go....part 2.

    Yeah, I was similar. I watched so much Sesame Street and PBS shows as a kid. You're right about some video games and how they can "stimulate learning". Like, the Wii is a great thing for both entertainment, exercise , and to learn, depending on the game that is being played.

    Social interaction? We don't need no stinkin' s

  5. Meh. I tend to have random long conversations in the comments discussion thing-a-ma-bob all the time, so no worries.

    Wow....ok, so I seem to have missed quite a lot in the going-ons of the world, which is surprising, because every guy I know at this college is overly obsessed with video games so I should have heard them ranting about it ages ago.

    Yeah, I was similar. I wat

  6. Ok...what is your avatar supposed to be?

    It kind of looks like an elephant got mashed with a AT-AT, and it's frolicking around on a really steep hill.

  7. There's a "Halo Wars"?

    Wow, I have missed a lot in recent times.

    You're right, it would likely lead them into the actual franchise, especially the way TV/video games have become a "virtual babysitter" for parents.

  8. Bleh. Not that impressive.

    And, the age group that these sets will be aimed at will definitely be younger than the age group that usually plays the Halo games, so I'm betting that it's going to give a boost in Halo game sales of younger kids who probably shouldn't even be playing Halo, purely based off the content and graphicness of the games.

  9. Mega bloks made a Halo set? When did this atrociousness come into play?

  10. Ah! That song. Lily Allen is good.

  11. Whoops, hit the return button by accident.....as I was saying......do stretches. So many people I knew during high school never stretched and were constantly complaining that they were injured so much, but if they just did even ten minutes of good stretching before and after workouts, it'd have helped them so much.

  12. Oh, and getting injured is awful. But that's pretty much common knowledge. Try to avoid it, though. Do st

  13. Track is awesome! (though, coming from me, that view is highly biased, as I've been doing track since the seventh grade) Running in general is awesome as well. During my senior year in high school, we had a couple of home-schooled kids who were part of the track team and drove over every day to work out with us, and it was super cool.

  14. Aw, that's cool!

    Oddly enough, I spend most of the day in Idaho at a track meet....

  15. You write epics?


  16. The quote in your personal statement....what song is that from? It's such a good song, but I can't remember the name.

  17. Happy Valentine's Day to you as well. And, happy birthday, Oregon!

  18. I love the Teen Girl Squad banner and av.

  19. Not much. A lot of class work, and I have a track meet tommorw.

  20. I love the Aristocats profile picture. :)

  21. I think they might.....who knows.

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