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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. Happy New Year to you too! Have a great year! :)

  2. Why thank you! I like your profile picture. :)

  3. Incredible art! I'd post in all of your past art topics, but I don't want to have the Mods chasing me down for reviving them.

  4. I guess. I just really like learning new styles and techniques for differet art mediums. Like, I've done jewelry and metal classes, as well as drawing and painting ones. It's fun, and a lot of the time, I can incorporate skills I learned for one technique into other techniques and create really cool pieces.

  5. More of natural talent than anything. But I've taken a lot of art classes, just to learn new stuff and all.

  6. Ah, Christmas. Duh.

    But it was good? Or just ok?

  7. You wrote "IT WAS ok." What is "it"?

  8. Now I'm really confused.

  9. It was? What was?

    *is confuzzled*

  10. Well, I mean for you guessing my location and all. Should I do that for it? 'Cause I can.

    How was your Christmas?

  11. Yeah, I was deeply impressed, so that's why he's getting art as well. Plus we live in the same state and all, just opposite sides of it.

    Speaking of art.....whaddya want?

  12. *looks around*

  13. I know it's somewhere in WA.....

  14. Nice! I was up because my friends had an all-night party because we had graduated from our camps Counselor in Training program. Definetly worth it. I did similar when I graduated from HS.

  15. I hope that's not Reepicheep......his character is a mouse, is he not?

    And you found out where Inferna lives?

  16. Well, I think the most I've ever stayed up is for like 36 hours. And, last term I stayed up to finish a paper, which was like 6 AM when it was done. Very bad idea.

  17. Merry Christmas! :)

    *Hugs back*

  18. Why thank you! Glad you like it. And merry Christmas to you and your family as well. :)

  19. My record? Say what?

  20. Well, that's good that I'm not the only one.

  21. Sorry, it was just so random, and it was past midnight (why I was up at that time, I have no idea), so I had to say something.

  22. For a split second, I thought you meant that when you used to be a drawer, you were like a drawer and people kept their tshirts and socks in you. I was like "What.....oh, wait. Duh."

  23. Hey, it was the anniversary of joining BZP on the 23rd! Happy BZP anniversary!

    And, go check your inbox for some sketches.

    And from one Oregonian to another: Merry Christmas!

  24. Cool! Well, Merry Christmas!

  25. Merry Christmas to you!

    I think it's already Christmas for you, yes? It's about seven in the evening here and you're quite a few hours ahead of me.

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