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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. Let's hope so.....

  2. Well, now that's an idea.....

    How was your Christmas break?

  3. I mean, what? I never saw you anywhere! ;)

    I'm slightly worried that it'll not send properly as a email attachment, though, but we'll see.*crosses fingers* I'll try to get some recording done tonight.

  4. I think I'd be more satisfied at throwing the moldy ink.

  5. *gasp* You're back from wherever you disappeared off to!

    So, I finally figured out how to record stuff on my laptop, but I lack an actual microphone, so I'll have to use the one built into my laptop.

  6. Is she on BZP as well?

  7. Yeah....I got some ink from the art dept. before winter break, and needless to say, a month and a half later, it's got mold in it. Ugh.

    I iz can has be guud. Eiz is tired, thou. An werkin on my drawins.

  8. *ducks and throws the nasty thing of moldy ink*

    How goes it?

  9. Ahh!

    *pokes back*

    *and throws a bit of slush-snow*

  10. Yup.....though I really should be asleep. I'm working on colouring a drawing.

  11. I love the way you did the human Tahu Mistika drawing! I was Googling "Tahu Mistika" and it was one of the first pictures that came up in the search.

  12. I shall be friending you as well. :)

  13. It looked pretty good based off the trailers for it. One of my friends said that it was totally awesome, but she thought that Bond needed to be shirtless more.....

    And thanks! The profile pic was a sort of accidental picture. I didn't realize I had the zoom on until I was reviwing the pictures. :)

  14. Love the new av and profile pic.

    Which reminds me, I really ought to see the most recent Bond movie......

  15. Ok, I'll hope you get snow 6 months from now.

  16. Well, this year was apparently the first year in eighteen years that it's snowed on Christmas day here, and I was so happy about it.

    :( I hope you get some snow as well!

  17. I like it. It's not bad. I'm going back to college in like 10 hours, and I get to go back to snow 'til at least March.

  18. Really? Aw, that's no fun. It's nice, but it's also ticking people off, because they don't know how to handle snow.

  19. That is quite random as well.

    Sorry, it's so random for me, because there hasn't been any sign of snow in the forcast for about two weeks, and to look out my window at three in the morning and see snow is crazy.

  20. Ok, so I must say something to some one, due to the sheer randomness of my situation.

    It's three in the morning where I am, and my friend and I just got done watching The Lion King, and I look out the window and it's snowing.

  21. Well, it's three in the morning right now, and I looked out the window and it's snowing.

    Preeety weird.

  22. It's awesome. Happy New Year! :)

  23. Happy New Year! *throws confetti*

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