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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. I don't think so. Well, if it was a link that said "Here's the stupidest member on BZP! Click to see who it is!" then it probably would. But, since Sneaky hasn't even came on BZP in about nine years, I think it'd be ok. I think it's awesome, since it's such an awesome name.

  2. Does Sneaky know that you put a link to his or her profile in your sig? It doesn't even look like Sneaky's posted on BZP since August of 2001, and Sneaky's only topic got revived six years later and promptly closed by Omi.

  3. Oh, yes, that was me. I like clicking on random links people put in their sigs.

    That is quite the funky user name, though.

  4. ....did I? What link?

  5. Thanks! :) Glad you like them.

  6. According to my sources, it says it's your birthday.

    Happy birthday! :D

  7. If you so desire to, yes.

  8. Ah, so you did.

    Hey! I was tired last night, ok? My brain begins to cease all function, especially when I should be asleep but the people below my room won't turn off their music.

    *runs of to send PM*

  9. It's my "Toa Kokua" topic. Unfortunatley, if the topic gets revived, it'll be closed.

  10. *BAM!* It's there.

  11. *is commenting on topic*

  12. Hah! More like "I've been listening to U2 more or less since birth, thanks to my parents and all so knowing the names to the majority of their songs comes second nature".

  13. The one and only!

    They've also sang I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Where the Streets Have No Name, and a host of other hits.

    Get On Your Boots is their newest song. They finally put up a clip of it on their website, and I've been constantly listening to it.

  14. It was from a couple years back, like when I first joined. I can't remember if it was because I called someone a "dunderhead" or because my sig/av was incorrect.

  15. *throws you a life jacket*

  16. Alrighety, mister. Whatever floats your boat. ;)

  17. Ah, nice! Well, I look forward to the next chapter, then. :)

  18. Likewise!

    My sig got deleted, so I haven't been able to check up on the story.

    How are you?

  19. Yes! Another person who likes Hamlet 2! I thought I was the only one on BZP who liked it.

  20. I'm good. I just got back from the beach with my friends, as we had a three day weekend. It was awesome.

  21. Hey! How goes it?

  22. Thought I'd drop you a comment and tell you that I just emailed you my audition clips. :)

  23. *sends out Trogdor to stop the cosmic firestorm, which he promptly eats for his lunch*

  24. I know! It's craziness, is it not?

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