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Tuan Taureo

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Tuan Taureo

  1. Well, good old Swedezia finally decided to quit the Central-Italy-wannabe 'tude (rain, rain, rain, speck o' snow that vanishes within 24 hours, rain ...) and ship in the regular order of beautiful white snow to be dumped all o'er. :D


    I love snow too, for the same reason; all 'em kewl imprints and tracks and stuff. And the various pileups. Like when a car has been parked overnight and has, like, half a foot of snow on top of the roof and down over the headlights. :lol: Looks like it's all tucked in and asleep.


    Also, snow makes the whole world so much brighter! :blink: 98% of incoming light reflected, dude. When you're only so many miles away from the Polar Circle, that means a great deal.



  2. It's a good thing this BotW exists, because it's The h'awesome at highlighting great blogs. ^_^


    Gotta love your kitty doodles, especially the psychotic one. :evilgrin: And that widdle banner edit up there is da bomb! :lol:


    This is getting grabbed for my blog favs.



  3. ... beauty.


    That pretty much sums this up.


    I'm stunned, BCii. The depth and height of this poem reaches beyond every deep sea crevasse imaginable and rises above the highest cloud, and my mind is sent reeling from the compelling imagery and symbolism. The rhythm and rhyme of the verses is hypnotizing, and you evoke the whole sensation of a spiritual journey to the point where I am the nameless character in the poem - I'm having palpitations even now. That final question is unbelievably powerful.


    Of course, the tie-in to the current Bionicle storyline arc is obvious.


    I could probably pick the whole poem apart down to every constituent component and drag in all sorts of psychological and implications, but I think I'll spare you and any other readers that nuisance.


    I'm reminded of the fact that I still haven't reviewed your A Light Among The Shadows SS ... I seriously need to do that.


    This is a piece of art, BCii. ^_^ I'm indescribably elated that you decided to share it.



  4. Now that I've finally allowed myself to stay up-to-date with the storyline, this new underwater theme is frighteningly awesome. I could probably go on forever about all the psychological implications of such a setting ... but I won't. :P


    I love the way you've managed to work your Toa power into such an environment! I'd be hard-pressed to find any use for heat underwater ... and you manage it so fluently.


    And I understand why you've never picked apart that MoC-version of yourself; it looks mighty good indeed. ^_^



  5. How do I honestly start commenting in this awesome blog of yours? I'd end up writing a comment for each and every entry so far ... I just might, don't you turn your back on me just yet.


    I can disclose, however, that my mom adores PotC 2 probably as much as you do. Davy Jones' crew are her big favs. Especially Wyvern who's stuck in the wall in the stern, having forgotten himself to the point of practically becoming one with the wood, like an ancient huorn.


    I have to admit, she almost gets me going too. Though I'm too caught up in a gazillion other active and to-be-active projects to really bother much about DVDs anymore.



  6. Given my nationality, I suppose a 'woah' would be in order here. :blink:


    *googles and finds the official homepage (hint: search for SOIC and click the widdle GB flag up in the corner)*


    Woah! So that's the actual replica of the original Götheborg, now on tour in Singapore. Like, dude. :o That's plain awesome. The cannons obviously fired emtpy shells, but still, that's dang cool. Good to hear you enjoyed touring that little piece of Swedish 18th century woodware. ^_^


    And I see you've been inspired by Cap'n Schizo with that rather amusing vignette up there. :lol:



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