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Tuan Taureo

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Tuan Taureo

  1. I really don't think it's the hard drive that makes your comp run slow - I have 40 gig myself, and it runs fairly smoothly. Look up the RAM space and processor speed - I bet that's where the problem lies.


    As for the disk drive, well ... not much else to do but replace it.


    In the end, it just might be better if you simply get a new laptop. :sarcastic:

  2. Hecks yeah, ain't they? :happydance: That makes me think of this annual event called Classic Car Week that hits my parents' town every summer - you don't think there can be so many mouth-watering shiny rides in one place at one time. :spinsmile:


    That's an awesome bunch o'photos right there. ^_^ You Americans got so many purdy cars ...



  3. Dude. That's gotta be the weirdest fad I've ever seen.


    I guess your popularity is finally slipping into RZ-ic proportions. :P


    Satisfy yourself with the knowledge that I, for one, will never give in to this fad. I don't have the stamina to chase after your posts all over the forums. ;)


    THANK YOU. ~Nikira



  4. +8 degrees Celcius for four days, and the only snow left is what's too securely scrunched into the snowpiles. ^_^ The sunshine is strong enough to make the outdoor thermometer make handstands, and the asphalt is almost entirely dried up. All that's left is for the ground to thaw completely.


    Spring is awesome.



  5. Even more verbal beauty regarding the wonders of Mother Nature. You have such a way with words.


    New sprites are looking spiffy! I really like your style.


    :lol: Well, a story isn't finished until the author says so. I'll just hold off reading QfLD until you're reasonably satisfied with it.



  6. Interestingly enough, I was rather wary of both the Piraka and Barraki when I first saw them, but the character bios thawed my opinion thoroughly. With the Toa Mahri, I'm afraid that there's not much to be done. They're simply too outlandish, lacking both a themed build and decent colour combinations.


    I'm already looking forward to your Mahri mods, ToM! You always make such gorgeous Toa MoCs. ^_^



  7. I suppose KIE gave the most reasonable answer. So yeah, a mountain even taller than Everest and situated smack dab on the Equator would still have a snowcap, as strange as it would seem. (There are a few African mountains that do have snow and ice at the summit.) The atmosphere simply becomes too thin to conserve the solar energy, and the sunlight by itself can't melt ice effectively enough - otherwise we'd have a thaw every time the sun came out during winter. :blink: And if the sunlight would be strong enough, it'd be too intense for any life to survive above ground.


    On another note, that's an amazing drawing you've got there! Technically speaking, this is almost a masterpiece. There are barely any contours, all the various shapes are defined through their shading and highlights. The colour range is surreptiously complex; you've blended a great many different colours yet it looks almost monochromatic. The scenery is awash with the strong dual theme of red and blue, but the clothes of the two humans catch the light naturally, the actual colours of the fabrics showing through. The poetic feel is wonderful; it's like a midsummer night, sun and moon meeting in the sky above as the couple meets on the earth beneath. Two mortal beings caught in a moment of pure magic.


    Needless to say, I really like it. :P I'm rather intrigued by the fact that the woman is on the sun's side and the man is on the moon's side; it's usually the other way around. Dare I ask how long it took to make?



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