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Tuan Taureo

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Tuan Taureo

  1. *has exploded laughing at so many separate bullet points*


    Realized that she can find all these obscure things, but always forgets what aisles Barbie, Transformers, and Hot Wheels are on.

    As far as I'm concerned, you have a perfectly adequate sense of priority, dear. Aside from the Transformers.


    ... I wish I had a blog approval stamp.

  2. I will not touch that movie with a ten foot pole... unless said pole is being used to wreck said movie.

    Now I have a mental image of a ten foot polearm impaling a stack of movie reels.




  3. See, this is where you're supposed to just lean back in your most comfortable chair and think 'popcorn'.


    I, for one, am pretty much only going to see this movie for the speshul FXes. :P And it'll probably be on a rented DVD anyway. I'll admit - I laughed so hard at the rampant cheese of that first big trailer. Epic cheese was epic.


    (Naturally, they've completely missed the point of the whole shebang, but that's another story for another place and another time.)

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