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Tuan Taureo

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Tuan Taureo

  1. You said I would like this, ToM ... and yesh, I do. :D This is almost more Onua than there's ever been Onua since '01. Mask, armour, everything is spot on - not to mention you're a crazy-awesome set designer. That upper arm armour and claw arrangement is incredibly clever and simple. I can see how the leg armour can be considered a little big and over-the-top, but I think it balances the jetpacks quite nicely. Also, sometimes you have to exaggerate to make it look good, and Onua is the epitome of bulk among the original Toa anyway.


    Also, you make LEGO look sad. Truly. What's the point of making cool villain sets if the heroes can't match?

  2. I think the most interesting part with this blog entry and its comments is the insight into American pronounciation. Since my native language is Swedish, I generally pronounce the vocals much harder.


    Interesting deviations are Kraahkan and Avohkii, which I've always pronounced "AH-voh-kee" and "KrAH-ah-khan" respectively.


    Hahli generally becomes "Hah-LEE" to me, though it's more a case of vocal length than actual stress. I agree that this version sounds a whole lot better. :P


    Lhikan has always been and will always be "LEE-khan".


    Hakann = "Ha-KANN", from the Swedish grammar rules concerning vocals followed by doubled consonants.


    I can also note that I too pronounce Jovan with emphasis on the first syllable. Zaktan gets emphasis on both syllables, while Nektann gets a slight emphasis on the second, again due to the double n.


    That be my two cents. ^_^



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