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Tuan Taureo

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Tuan Taureo

  1. What's so surprising about Farmville? :huh: It's just your average small town...

    "Farmville" also happens to be a supposedly fairly addictive and at this point somewhat widespread Facebook application game. You grow your own farm and keep it singing, basically.


    For the record, I don't play. :P

  2. ... a tiny little corner of my mind wants to know what kind of fetid depths of the Library you must've descended into in order to unearth a sufficient amount of rancid to warrant a blog entry of this flavour. :blink:


    Nevertheless - I salute thee, Empress. Your snark is golden, as always. :udaman:


    As for love: it's a good thing when it's treated as a natural progression of character development and/or group dynamics. It's not a good thing when it's employed for the sole purpose of presenting a blatant cliché fest and/or author wish fulfilment.


    It is possible to sneak in author wish fulfilment and still make it an engaging story, but that requires a great deal of writing talent, none of which anyone should take for granted. I know I don't.



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