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Nidhiki of the Shadows

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Nidhiki of the Shadows

  1. Haha and then getting to 2015 Bionicle will be almost impossible -NotS
  2. I miss ask GregF and his blog (not that I expect him to answer questions but that topic was a memory of the good times before COPPA) -NotS
  3. But maybe they already inserted Hero Factory ranks? -NotS
  4. Yeah, I remember Dark Destiny being particularly intense. It was interesting that in 2006, a lot of the main story in the first half could only be found in the books, and I was really happy to read about the Nuva again in some form. -NotS
  5. I'm pretty excited to see the Mata Nui robot as one of the rank images. -NotS
  6. Probably so shiny that you'll be blinded just by looking at him. -NotS
  7. I don't get why. He didn't do anything to harm the companies reputation...? And I guess Binky is back only because he isn't working with Lego anymore. I guess that's a win but also a major loss. -NotS
  8. Yup! Thought the yellow looks out of place, if you know what I am referring to... That would be so amazing. Ghost animations were one of the best part of Bionicle IMO. That's a waste of marketing time, effort and potential. No sane person who has any qualifications for marketing would decide it was a good idea to build up suspense for an announcement of an announcement that everyone would have to wait 4 days + 1 month for. I'm not saying that's what Lego's going to do, but "announcement of an announcement"-style marketing isn't unheard of. It happens pretty frequently in the games industry, for instance. Looking forward to Friday! Teaser for a trailer. Lol thank you games industry. -NotS
  9. Yeah Lego never really discloses that kind of information for some reason and I really wish they did. Maybe someone can ask Greg one day, too bad he can't be on this site. -NotS He's contactable on the Lego Message Boards, I believe. I'm putting my money on fan interest though. Huh, shame. I wasn't around when the rule was created that Greg couldn't be on this site anymore. Why was that? -NotS
  10. No one has posted enough to find out. We shall see. Currently in 2008 right now. I'll get there soon enough. We're counting on you! -NotS
  11. Well, I know I did just make a favourite book topic but I feel like this can constitute a topic on its own. I was buying the eighth graphic novel the other day when I stumbled upon the Ninjago ones and realized that those were also published by Papercutz. A bit of researching later, I found out that Papercutz publishes both Legends of Chima and Ninjago graphic novels. Considering they once published Bionicle graphic novels, and we all know Bionicle is coming back next year; what do you think the chances are that they'll start publishing them again? Instead of bimonthly comic release, we could just get brand new graphic novels in the vain of the Ninjago and Chima ones. And maybe even that Maze graphic novel that was in the development stages??? Post your thoughts. -NotS
  12. Well I didn't mind the novels for sure, but I do like the movies. I just don't feel like it's necessary to digest the same info twice while I go through these. -NotS
  13. Yeah Lego never really discloses that kind of information for some reason and I really wish they did. Maybe someone can ask Greg one day, too bad he can't be on this site. -NotS
  14. Yes, I remember Time Trap being pretty good, and a lot of people seem to love that one. I dunno, I never thought it stood out to me before, but maybe going into it with different expectations will yield a different opinion. Pretty excited to revisit it. -NotS For me, it's mostly due to the Vakama and Makuta interactions. And Vakama. Ah fair. I do remember liking that, and also Vakama's indecisiveness upon viewing the alternate dimension with the Matoran as Toa Metru instead. The Shadowed One and Sentrakh having central roles was really cool too, but I guess I just didn't really dig that it only really focused on two characters. I always loved the stories with team interaction. Another question - I'm thinking of skipping the novelizations for the films. I do remember Legends of Metru Nui had that Lohrak scene in the novel and Web of Shadows had a little appendix at the end of it but other than that, were there other omitted film scenes in the novels? -NotS
  15. Yes, I remember Time Trap being pretty good, and a lot of people seem to love that one. I dunno, I never thought it stood out to me before, but maybe going into it with different expectations will yield a different opinion. Pretty excited to revisit it. -NotS
  16. So the return of Bionicle has got me so hyped that I took the time to procure every Bionicle book so I could reread them. They're easy reads, and I remember having fun with them so I thought "why not". It's been such a long time since I've read them though. I remember my favourite being either Mystery of Metru Nui or Swamp of Secrets. What was everyone's favourite? Any stand out books that you hold special to you, or just loved to pieces? I remember the general gist of things but the actual writing itself seems to escape me. Let me know so I have something to look forward to! -NotS
  17. Can someone please moc this? That would be awesome. But combining with another light entity would be weird. Wouldn't it just cancel out? -NotS
  18. "Bioniclers" actually isn't the worst. It's somewhat corny but clearly identifies you as a fan of Bionicle, and echoes the common name for Lego Space builders ("Spacers"). And it sort of combines the vague and confusing but fan-preferred "Chroniclers" with the theme name. Nah brah it has to have Bonkles somewhere -NotS
  19. I guess it is a mystery, but it keeps it exciting, right? (for those who can see them at least) I kind of never really visited this site in the last 3 years but I missed out on some cool spinnies and I was little disappointed in myself for that. What was the spinny for 9 years? -NotS The red Hau. You can see all the spinnys in this post: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/2730-the-new-q-a-compendium/?p=118822 Well from what I have seen since the post rank overhaul, a lot of ranks changes every 100 posts or so. Ah thank you very much! Aw that's such a shame that I missed out on my favourite mask. EDIT: One more question - does anyone know if they have rank images for 2009-2010? -NotS
  20. This makes me wish they had released more of the Tohunga sets back in 2001... -NotS
  21. Great usage of Hero Factory armor and helmets as well as kanohi parts to create the female figure. An original design is always welcome, though I do find her a little too lanky. Other than that, fantastic first moc. Definitely better than anything I could create. xD -NotS
  22. "I did naht hit her! I did naht! It's Kane-Ra *censored*! Oh hai Ackar!" This would be amazing. I would legit pay to watch that. -NotS
  23. Wow... that does look quite faithful to movie Takua for sure. In all ways a nicely complex design as well. The arm design is very great, I never would have thought of constructing it that way. It's definitely the closest I think one could get to a movie style Matoran just using Lego pieces at least. Great job. -NotS
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