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Nidhiki of the Shadows

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Nidhiki of the Shadows

  1. Maybe they realized that now that the Bionicle secret is out of the bag, they might as well reveal it now. Well, hopefully it is Bionicle. They never said a new theme, just that it was exciting so... Lol at people saying it's Fantastic Four. That four is clearly a countdown for the amount of days left before the reveal. -NotS
  2. Maybe update the front page so the Talkback links send you to the thread instead of the sub-forum. Also have the top 10 hot topics again? (There is bound to be tons of activity in 2015 with Bionicle's return). And maybe just a makeover. I love the main site but it's been like that for years. The forums look completely different now, so maybe a makeover is necessary? Plus, the set database, timeline, gallery stuff is really outdated so... -NotS
  3. Hey, so I just only became a premier member very recently (after 10 years, holy moly) but I am enjoying the rank images, always have. Always loved the BZP anniversary event cause I got to see them. I was wondering if anyone had all of them compiled somewhere? Someone put a lot of time and effort into them and they look really, really good. I want to take a look at the ones I missed and appreciate the artists work. (who made these?) If anyone has them, thank you very much. Otherwise... I'm okay with creeping a bunch of premier members for their rank images. xD -NotS
  4. Man, that's some dedication! But it will be a great life goal to look back on one day eh? -NotS
  5. I remember this guy, he was really growing to fame back when I was still super into Lego like 9 years ago. Glad to see he's still around and still making art with Lego. -NotS
  6. You know what I hope? We get individual character CG animations again by Ghost. I love those so much. -NotS
  7. They are releasing a score Ninjago? Awesome. Hopefully if Bionicle gets some movie or show treatment, it will also have a soundtrack release too. I still want the tracks from Bionicle 1-3. -NotS
  8. Well I stumbled upon this topic just now and Wow! I remember being so frustrated by that filter. This is awesome. -NotS
  9. Thanks for sharing Binky. That website was so awesome. When I was a kid, I thought it was legit. Like dang, Bionicle was based off a real island. Holy moly this is awesome. Obviously I know better now, but it's still an awesome site and concept. Well-deserving of that grand prize. -NotS
  10. It's not really fair, cause I was exposed to 8 years of the Matoran name and only 1 of Tohunga, so Matoran definitely stick with me more. Tohunga certainly wasn't bad though. -NotS
  11. Lol Ahkmou. No, I liked Vakama the best. He had the most development as a Toa, so he ended up having a lot of presence. And I just like the colour red I guess. The other Turaga don't speak to me all that much... -NotS
  12. Always gonna be the Hau. Actually, I like any Kanohi that can stick in my head. Some are just too complicated or grotesque. The simpler, the better. -NotS
  13. How is the price range on the Hero Factory line? I know there are 3 large and 3 medium... That will probably be applied to Bionicle 2015. -NotS
  14. I never played this game but I always wanted to. Hmmm... emulator time? Seriously though, I thought it was awesome that they explained how the Toa Mata were summoned and it's the only piece of story that contains that so... I think the most I ever played of it was that Huai Snowball game on the website back in 01 or 02. -NotS
  15. Er I don't think I could do that. Too much story to cover in a simple explanation. It's kind of hard to really capture everything BIONICLE is about, since it's not about any singular year. Even the endgame, with Mata Nui rejoining Spherus Magna doesn't capture what the MU parts were about, so there isn't like a definitive way to explain it without piling on information after information. -NotS
  16. Yo man I am more stoked than ever. Still hope the story is good though -NotS
  17. This was probably due to the animators not wanting to create/show a maskless face, so they just had Takanuva put the Avohkii over his Pakari. Artistic license leads to these kinds of inconsistencies, but I honestly don't get why people can get so worked up over something so insignificant/take it too literally. I mean, it doesn't change the story does it? That's like saying the Mata Nui robot AT SOME POINT HAD to look like the Mata Nui set because of a depiction in the Graphic Novel. I'm not saying you guys are like that, it's just something that bugs me. -NotS
  18. Yeah, BS01 is a good source for determining what is canon, semi-canon, or not. In my stance though, unless it is something obviously non-canon (like Bionicle Heroes and Free the Band) it's usually safe to digest, because only some minor details differ. For example, Tale of the Toa is semi-canon cause the Shadow Toa battle was retconned to end in a different way, yet most of it does not conflict with other materials. This kind of inconsistency is so small and insignificant that it shouldn't really turn you off from reading the book (and it's a pretty good novel too). But yeah, if it's Greg Farshtey, that you can trust is canon. xD -NotS
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