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Nidhiki of the Shadows

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Nidhiki of the Shadows

  1. That's so awesome! A great use of transparent parts and it results in a really nice glow effect. A nice mix of system and Bionicle too. Wouldn't mind having something like that in my room haha! -NotS
  2. ...That's freakin beautiful. An amazing mix of new and old constraction parts (didn't know they came in that colour!) It works really well. The colours, torso, the legs... Just perfect. Also, the trans-Tamaru idea is actually nice. I like how it gives a new depth to the whole Matoran reconstruction thing. I wouldn't mind it actually happened, cause it would make nice social commentary. -NotS
  3. It might come back in the future but I don't see the possibility of 3 constraction themes existing at once. Hero Factory is most likely going to be dropped. Which is a shame, cause they did some really creative concepts like this year with the mech suits. Also they kept all the characters consistent through all 4 years, proving Lego wrong about their whole "Kids get bored of the same characters" shtick. So hopefully Bionicle keeps this model. I hated that the focus would shift so quickly and then the old characters would be forgotten. -NotS
  4. Not only is that a... creative spelling of Ruru, I've never heard Matoran feet referred to as sandals before. I'm in awe. Actually, while I never put it onto paper, I always thought they were pretty sandal-like. -NotS
  5. Haha that's hilarious. Poor Lego. Good for us, but hey - someone in Lego is going to get a long talk... -NotS
  6. While the mystery and surprise is diminished, the hard wait just got harder. Holy moly, Friday cannot come fast enough. -NotS
  7. Awesome. I might watch this, since Let's plays are usually quite amusing and I love Bionicle Heroes. Was a great game! -NotS
  8. Lol Lego, first the product page and now this. Someone must be face-palming pretty hard right now. xD This is great though! While it would have nice to have a surprise on Friday, at least we know for sure it is Bionicle. And that means waiting for Friday is gonna be really hard! -NotS
  9. You know what? I'd be okay with that. I would more than welcome that with open arms. Exo-Force was fantastic. -NotS
  10. Same hair, and really I would almos say the have simular personalitys, but Where Are My Pants Guy does not have much of one. Oh haha, I thought I was the only one who thought this. Glad to see I'm not. -NotS
  11. I guess it is a mystery, but it keeps it exciting, right? (for those who can see them at least) I kind of never really visited this site in the last 3 years but I missed out on some cool spinnies and I was little disappointed in myself for that. What was the spinny for 9 years? -NotS
  12. Wow... actually, I don't know. Either those old Lego Samurai sets or Rock Raiders or something. Man. That was so long ago! I can't even remember that long ago. -NotS
  13. It's not announcing the return of Galidor. It's announcing the return of Throwbots! Joking aside, I could see this announcement of the return of Bionicle. But I have no idea if it really is. I guess we just have to wait until Friday to find out. You know, I still want my Throwbots/Roboriders/Bionicle/Hero Factory cross-over. -NotS
  14. Takanuva can just be the honorary member of every team -NotS
  15. The cat always gets out of the bag. Things leak every year. LEGO already has a policy in place for addressing them, which is that they don't. But this is the return of Bionicle man! It's a larger deal than usual, since lots of clingy people have been asking for it's return since a minute after it was announced to be ending. -NotS
  16. ^That could be a possibility. But it doesn't really leave much room for creative license. If you are going to place it at the same time as some other event, other older story events are inevitably going to come back in and be relevant, and that may cause confusion to newer fans. And there is only so much you can do with this type of story telling before it becomes just a convoluted, since you have to acknowledge the events occurring parallel to it. -NotS
  17. Well to be fair, the 3DS version is probably completely different from the console version as per usual, and the Nintendo eShop isn't all that great... -NotS
  18. That is so awesome! Thanks for the find. I love easter eggs like this. -NotS
  19. Well maybe the recent leaks have made Lego go into action to give us a solid teaser or something, because I mean... the cats out of the bag. -NotS
  20. Well, I hope it happens eventually. No rush. -NotS
  21. Good question, but yeah, I believe the Bohrok Kal aren't controlled by the Krana Kal and those just boost their abilities. I mean, they are an elite team after all. Then again, I'm not quite sure and I've never thought of this. Haha, all these things I looked over. -NotS
  22. That's pretty cool, although that picture made me think of the "Where is my pants" guy. lol -NotS
  23. Ah, I see. I guess that makes sense. Okay, thanks for the answers everyone! Hopefully I can find a good list of premier/outstanding members with different rankings xD -NotS
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