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Nidhiki of the Shadows

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Nidhiki of the Shadows

  1. Uh, a bit after BIONICLE ended, my friends gave me a bunch of sets they didn't want anymore. I went from having a big collection to a huge collection. xD And it was all 100% free! So no... my answer is no. I still don't really want older sets because I have too many now. And the new stuff is coming in. Why look back at the old in such regard? -NotS
  2. I believe 2010 was indeed supposed to be the journey through the maze and then going to Bota Magna with Dinosaurs and crazy stuff. 2011 was supposedly the big final battle, which we got in 2010 instead but condensed like crazy. And that was supposed to be one part of the saga. They had plans beyond that too. -NotS
  3. I've already posted my thoughts, but glad to see this subject got a topic so soon. I think a reboot is a great idea, but a continuation is still possible and can still work without alienating newcomers. Part of that is mentioned in LordofBionicles post right here > That's how I feel. The unnecessary details don't have to surface, but they'll still be there if someone wants to find out more about them. But since the concepts and characters will be the same, rebooting and continuing it can have the same effect. One limits the creativity a little bit more, but that shouldn't be a problem if LEGO is willing to throw existing characters into new situations without rewriting everything. But I agree that ridding Bionicle of some of it's narrative flaws would be a definite plus. One think I do disagree with, LordofBionicles, is this: Using fan-favourite characters is a great way to get older fans interested again. Imagine a fan from 2001 who fell off of Bionicle but heard about 2015 and realized that it was retelling the story with the characters and setting they grew up with and loved? That use of nostalgia is common in pretty much every reboot. The characters in the Star Trek reboot films are just reimagined. Dante in DmC is still Dante and carries some of his notable traits. Superhero movies cleanse the previous iterations story but keeps the same characters, do they not? And so on and so forth. Plus, it would be even more fun to see Tahu and memorable characters thrown into completely different situations and given a different treatment than just have a new character team altogether. Part of the fun in reboots is seeing the new character or reimagining of the event and comparing it to the older one. New characters would be better off in a continuation. -NotS
  4. It was indeed abrupt. But at the same time, I went into it with the mentality that LEGO forced that rushed ending and we should have been thankful for them at least continuing for half a year to resolve the conflict. It wasn't particularly anything we wanted, but I thoroughly enjoyed the ending they cooked up with. It was faithful to the Bionicle story and it well... resolved everything. It wasn't perfect but for what they had? Not bad. And Bionicle Stars may have been disappointing sets but from a business standpoint, it was definitely a smart move. Bionicle, a franchise that wasn't doing the best at that point, was about to be discontinued. If you are going to end the franchise, you don't end it off with a bang and continue to get your lacklustre sales. No, you make six sets at a budget price-point that resemble older, popular characters in Bionicle history. Seriously, that was an affordable line. And despite size and awful piece-to-price ratio, it was pretty successful in capturing the look of the different Bionicle years. Bionicle was ultimately a victim of it's own popularity. It kept going on and on past it's original end point, and by that time it was already too late for LEGO to salvage the sales. So unfortunately, pulling the plug meant going out with a whimper. 2009 was the real, unexpected end of Bionicle, sets-wise.
  5. Again I can't stress enough that this is also effectively a non-issue. A good writer can leave out all the unnecessary old details while still focusing on the current events. Acknowledging past events could be relegated to just a subtle nod. Even backstory can be tied into the main characters (assuming the new main characters are the Toa Mata/Nuva). "The six Toa have been through countless trials and tribulations in the past". Regarding Spherus Magna - "Once a divided world, the Masters of the Elements, the Toa, were able to unify and bring the inhabitants together". Some people would like to see the events that led up to it but there's also a solution to that - Bring in a force of of evil that threatens that existing status quo. It creates a narrative that doesn't rely on knowledge of Spherus Magna's destruction, Mata Nui's mission and all that. In the case of Mata Nui or Makuta, they can return to being just LEGENDS since both are as good as dead. That's the thing with a revival of a franchise if it continues where it left off - It shouldn't alienate either the new or old fans. For new fans, they can get into the story with ease, and if they want previous knowledge? It's out there for them. But it's not needed to understand the story at hand. For the old fans? They get a continuation and even some hidden references that will give them a chuckle. So what if any old character can drop in at any time? A good writer can drop in an old character effectively if they give them a proper entrance and don't assume the audience already knows who it is. But don't get me wrong - although I would prefer a continuation in some form, I wouldn't mind a reboot either. It would be awesome to see how LEGO could take familiar elements and characters and throw them into a completely new setting. I for one would not mind a more developed introduction to the Toa Mata. I agree, Binky. That was part of its success. I firmly believe they can recapture that by going either route. Whichever they pull though, I'm sure they'll want to go back to the 2001 roots. But wait, I didn't know you left LEGO. Aw man! You and Leah made the best BIONICLE sites. Hopefully whoever picks it up will be just as great. (and Leah still has a chance to work on it, no?) -NotS
  6. Except continuing a ten year long storyline isn't doing new fans any favors at all. The only way a continuation works is if they set it so far in the future that characters like Tahu and Gali are nothing more than legends, with maybe one or two characters from the old storyline still active to provide some exposition if needed. But Bionicle characters aren't really subject to old age so setting it hundreds of years in the future and acknowledging the past while still moving forward is possible. Just because Bionicle got convoluted at the end doesn't mean it has to ride on every single plot point left behind 5 years ago. For example - Tahu and co. are way more older now and a new threat shows up. Or Tahu and co. are training a new team of heroes and pass the torch. A continuation can still work without relying too much on older knowledge. If people think that continuing the story (even with a major timeskip) will turn people off because they feel like they need to have previous knowledge, well then the name Bionicle should be changed cause it has a legacy behind it as well. 5 years isn't too long for us longtime fans but newcomers won't even know what Bionicle is. One thing I will give a reboot however, is that it will give the writers more freedom and possibly get rid of ridiculous restrictions on the story, such as the gender exclusive elements. -NotS
  7. I wonder if that Comic-Con announcement will be BIONICLE-related? They wouldn't miss the opportunity for a huge announcement for one of their beloved lines, would they? -NotS
  8. Thanks man! That was fast. Looks like an awesome mask for sure, and nice sprites!!! -NotS
  9. Just dropping by to say my thoughts. I think this is a wonderful idea. An HD MNOG sounds like something I would definitely buy. Definitely excited about it guys! -NotS
  10. Ah, nice. I could still have looked for that one but I didn't bother as obviously it wouldn't show us more than the image itself, if anything, the animation would make it harder to see things. Thanks for finding and posting it anyway! -Gata SO MUCH POWER!!!!! Seriously though, I wonder mask that is? I wonder if there will be a big emphasis on mask collection again... -NotS
  11. I know right? This site is just going to blossom back into action. All those BIONICLE sites have been clinging on to hope and now they'll be getting clicks like no tomorrow. -NotS
  12. I am pretty sure not even Greg Farshtey himself could persuade them to delve deeper into such an obscure universe. But what about the possibility of a reboot? What would people think of that? Would you prefer a reboot of BIONICLE or a continuation? Personally, I think a continuation with a timeskip would be the best. -NotS
  13. What about combiners? There better be some Toa Kaita yo! -NotS
  14. SO STOKED! HOOOOOOOPEFULLY they will bring back the six original Toa. I would buy all six in a heartbeat. Though it would be kind of unfortunate that some of them will be a different piece and price range than the others. PROOOOOOBABLY three large and three medium. Eh, not the biggest fan of that Hero Factory system. Still this is awesome. In fact, it kind of sucks that this is happening because it means my wallet is going to take a huge hit. Wonder how the story will tie in too... -NotS
  15. All I can say is... YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS! This is awesome news. I AM SO EXCITED! That mask looks awesome too. Next year can't come soon enough! -NotS
  16. The six Toa Mata/Nuva will ALWAYS be my favourite Toa Team. Least favourite? Dunno, maybe the Hagah - not cause I don't like them but because they weren't to prominent and I didn't care as much for them. -NotS
  17. I love KARA and SISTAR. -NotS
  18. Playing a lot of games this summer - Binary Domain was a pleasant highlight. Also, picked up a Nintendo 3DS XL so playing Super Mario 3D Land and Pokemon Y right now. Awesome games! -NotS
  19. Awwww yeah, next time I go to Japan I'm hitting up LEGOLand. -NotS
  20. Today is my birthday, and I've got to say... I couldn't have spent it any better than watching The LEGO Movie. This movie is honestly amazing. The visuals were fantastic, the story was witty and well-written, the twist gave a very emotional perspective to it and the overall result is a fun movie with actual substance. Loved every character (especially Morgan Freeman's), the fast-pacing, and the references (Star Wars was hilarious, BIONICLE was nice to see). I want to watch it again. It even looked pretty good in 3D. This is one movie I didn't expect to enjoy so much, partly because I am a long time LEGO fan and expected worse. But then again, maybe it's for that very reason I loved it so much - because it was made by people who understand LEGO for people who love LEGO and it worked out just fine. Can't wait to watch it again. 5/5 (BTW, I can't believe it's just over 10 years since the first LEGO movie, Mask of Light!!!) -NotS
  21. Just came here to post about The LEGO Movie and I LOVED IT. So fantastic in almost every respect. Well-written, well-animated, well-directed, well-acted... Just an overall fantastic movie. Can't wait to watch it again. I definitely agree with this review. -NotS
  22. Tearaway, for PS Vita. Anyone who has a Vita, you NEED to play this game. Any one who doesn't have a Vita; THIS is your reason to get one.I have never been as emotionally affected by a video game ending like I have been by Tearaway. Very personal, very sweet, very, very excellent.
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