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Nidhiki of the Shadows

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Nidhiki of the Shadows

  1. Man it was so cool back in the day when they made CG renders for characters who weren't even sold as sets. Too bad some were impossible to build, but it wasn't as bad as the lack of Onu and Le-Matoran in 2003... That still bugs me to this day... -NotS
  2. I would like to see Onepu or Macku as a Toa but Kopeke makes the most sense, cause they are missing a Toa of Ice. So I chose Kopeke. -NotS
  3. ... I actually never once thought of this during 2007. -NotS
  4. World, if you are going with those three. It had a lot of original artwork, and the it was quite in depth about the expanded universe and everything. It was a good book since it really did, well, expand the Bionicle World. -NotS
  5. Anyone else playing Destiny? Picked it up yesterday and I didn't really know much about it building up to release. Definitely blew my expectations out of the water. It's really fun and addictive. Add me on PS4 yo TM1619
  6. I really loved all the Inika - they had a great dynamic with each other for sure. But Matoro got the most development, and his dilemma with .himself made him the downright most interesting character both 2006 AND 2007. Meanwhile, the Piraka were great because they worked together while despite having their own agendas. Very violent characters, but also the first canister-sized villains to have individual personalities rather than be a hive-mind. That really helped. I used to have the username "Zaktan of the Shadows" as I definitely enjoyed Zaktan's sinister planning the most It's actually quite a shame that the Piraka relegated into pointless side-characters after 2006. They were some strong villains. -NotS
  7. Hopefully there will be new colours to go along with the return. In that cause, I wouldn't mind seeing the Toa Inika/Mahri again, but with the original secondary colours. Maybe another iteration of Onepu and Macku? Hopefully the six Toa Mata return, though this seems likely as ever. I hope Takanuva does make a return as well. I agree - I was disappointed that his last two forms didn't have a trace of gold on it. Hopefully this time we'll get a faithful, canister-sized Takanuva. -NotS
  8. For Glatorian, definitely Gresh. He's the coolest-looking Glatorian and he's the rookie with heart, an archetype that I really like. For Glatorian Legend, I would say Mata Nui but he's not really a Glatorian... Ackar was a really cool, honorable type and I dig that. For Agori, definitely Metus. He was such a great villain. (until he got turned into a snake...) -NotS
  9. 6 heroes with one destiny, except there are like 70 billion other heroes with destinies too. -NotS
  10. Well... I have money to spend now... and bad decision-making sooooooo.... -NotS
  11. They set a standard, not for set design, but for the vision of the heroes in the story. Six heroes with six colours. And man, were those colours vibrant. Also, it was the last team of heroes to really have the technic design. It was a transition period, like 2010 Hero Factory before moving onto the new constraction system. And man, the complaints are coming from a time when bendable limbs and pin-axle Kanohi were the new standard. Back then, this was revolutionary. Sure, they're not the most well-built sets as action figures perse, but they had mechanics which made them fit in line with the Technic label. And the designs still hold up today. They look awesome. -NotS
  12. The Toa Mata, hands-down. Still my favourite characters. Sure they weren't as developed as the Metru/Hordika or Inika/Mahri but MAN! They had such a strong team dynamic and all their personalities are really standards for the next characters in the line. Them learning how to work together was brilliant. Also, the designs are the best IMO. Very consistent yet varied. Not really clones, but no really bad designs either. Love it. -NotS
  13. While I liked some of the Inika masks, I will admit they were pretty meh and the head design for the Inika was awful. And Hewkii's mask in 2007 is freaking abomination. That whole set is terrible. -NotS
  14. They were free with a Happy Meal. That justifies the piece point. And even then... they were LEGO. The pieces are compatible and they introduced so many awesome colours in Bionicle that were unfortunately never used again. But man, did I love the colour scheme of the Mctoran. Teal, purple, sand brown, bluish grey... aw yeah. That was hot. Way more worthy as sets than the 2007/2008 happy meal stuff too. -NotS
  15. Yeah, I hope LEGO at least keeps Bionicle tone relatively similar. I think those Ghost animations really helped with that, so I hope they continue to make more of those. -NotS
  16. I'd say 2006 or 2008. 2007 was also good but it definitely felt more like the middle chapter of a huge event. 2006 upped the stakes extremely high as we learned that Mata Nui was on the verge of dying. The quest for the mask of life, the sinister villain of the Piraka, and the return of the Toa Nuva as the main characters for the first part of the year was undeniably exciting, especially after two years of flashback material. Reintroducting six Matoran to become the next Toa was unprecedented and was exciting for a lot of old time fans. This was the first time, in my opinion, that every bit of story material was important for progression of the plot. However, 2008 was also a huge year full of excitement, as it was advertised as a big turning point. The addition of Toa Nuva as the main characters and revealing their pasts, as well as using the BoM as the main villains made it a much more lore-based year than ever before. Lots of revelations, and lots of tension as the race to save the universe commenced. Of course, the ending was phenomenal too. And 2010 gets a special mention because it was so short that it didn't bother with filler. Every week gave us a new portion of story and that was definitely exciting as a fan from the beginning. -NotS
  17. I guess Bionicle was out before memes were REALLY mainstream. Maybe this King Vultraz will be the first. xD And we discussed this on Facebook but we really need a fandom name now haha -NotS
  18. Graphic novels would be really cool to see. I don't follow Ninjago at all, so I'm unsure of how many graphic novels each year received, but even if we just got one graphic novel for the entire year I think that'd be pretty awesome. If we get comics again I doubt I'll be able to follow them, but I'd definitely be willing to go out of my way to buy a graphic novel. There are typically about three LEGO Ninjago graphic novels released each year (there was one in 2011, four in 2012, and three each for 2013 and 2014). Each one is 64 pages, so they're roughly 2/3 the length of the BIONICLE graphic novels in that respect. Unlike the BIONICLE comics, the Ninjago graphic novels tell stand-alone stories that merely supplement the main story told in the TV series. But they are not "side-stories" in the same sense as many of the BIONICLEstory.com serials or the new stories created for the BIONICLE graphic novels — they still focus on the main characters of the Ninjago franchise, not on secondary characters. I would be okay with adopting what Ninjago is doing. Sounds like it could work very well. -NotS
  19. Piraka rap son. Just kidding though. I really like Bye Bye Babylon and Hero. -NotS
  20. Well, 2001 was not really about the Vahi (it was first mentionned in 2002 if I recall). Still, the Vahi was originally meant to make it's debut in 2001. And the Mask of Time was a thing and it's power sets and such were all described back then. So I'd say it counts (it was part of the mystery). -NotS
  21. As much as I enjoy being a bearer of bad news, it slightly pains me to say that, if comic books were still profitable to LEGO, chances are HF comics wouldn't have petered out the way they did. From what I've heard, the comics industry in general has been struggling in the digital age (well, besides webcomics, which thrive in it) so I'd say it's much more likely a more successful medium would be employed, like a television show. I'm not saying comics are completely out of the question, just that, if they were a good marketing strategy, I would think LEGO would still be using them (outside of Lego Magazine one-offs, I mean). Eh, digital comics even wouldn't be bad. I just loved seeing the art styles throughout the years. Was very unique and it was cool to see how a different artist interpreted the events in the story. Television episodes sound legit though. Also, hopefully they can release novels (either paperback or digitally, doesn't matter to me. Maybe even serialize it like Journey's End). -NotS
  22. My question is... will we get comic books again?! They'll probably relegate to TV episodes... Don't get me wrong! I'd watch the out of those but comics were awesome too. Hopefully we get a good game to go along with the return as well. Itching to play a good Bionicle game! -NotS
  23. You know, all this speculation about the Mask of Creation has me thinking... 2001-2005 had the Vahi. 2006-2010 had the Ignika. That'd be pretty cool if they focused on the third legendary mask for the next story arc. That way we could split the names of the Bionicle era's by a Kanohi name. -NotS
  24. haha! That was pretty funny. Some structural errors but in the short time you wrote this it was pretty solid. Funny characters and pretty clever ending. Also liked the writing style. -NotS
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