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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira


    Catch a fly ball for us, Exo! XD Baseball games in my state are fun. They pass out free stuff (Pizza coupons, Cds, stuff like that) every time we go there. It rocks. ~Nikira
  2. Nikira

    Wacky Hair Day!

    It's not really a fad. My church dubbed yesterday Wacky Hair Day, so everyone that came to VBS had, like, mulitcolred hair. It was awesome. ~Nikira
  3. Nikira

    Omi Is Awesome!

    *oogles at Omi's awesomeness* ~Nikira
  4. Nikira


    Why do I like my moo juice? Cause I've drinked it all me life. I can't see why people don't like it. ~Nikira
  5. Hats are awesome. I've got about 7 assorted ones myself, not including the dozen bandanas I have. ~Nikira
  6. Nikira

    Wacky Hair Day!

    *has hair painted about a bajillion colors and tied up about a dozen different ways* So what'll you do with your 'do? ~Nikira
  7. Nikira

    Singyish Tones

    I think you are right, Bio. Sorry, KIE, but I have no way to change my plans. No Brickfest for me. ;_; I guess so. ^^ Well, I could, but it's majorly hush-hush, so if I did tell you... I'd have to kill you. Or something like that. ~Nikira
  8. *gasp* You too? Secret projects are so much fun. ~Nikira
  9. Oooch. Filling ain't fun, are they? *had fillings about two months ago* ~Nikira
  10. Nikira


    The thing is, I was watching my approach. I stopped at 999 after reviewing Kex's BBC37 entry, planning to celebrate 1000 at least with my BBC entry. But then I posted in the "Who/When/Where Would You Be" Topic and totally forgot the whole thing. (o) Whoopsies. XD "And that, everyone, is why we watch our posts at least a dozen or so before we reach our milestones. " But, anyhoo, congrats on 1K, etc.! Here's to 2000! *toasts apple cider* ~Nikira
  11. Everyone knew that already, Omi, but you're welcome! XD ~Nikira
  12. Nikira

    Singyish Tones

    *watches Bio run for his life* Sorry that I scare you, Bio. I've just been cooped up at home for the last five weeks of the summer with almost nothin' to do, so this project has really got me excited. And I've had more than my normal dose of coffee goodness today. ~Nikira
  13. Nikira

    Singyish Tones

    [singyish tone]I've got a su-mmer project! I've got a su-mmer project! It's rea-lly bi-ig! And only one person on BZP besides me knows what it i-is! XD[/singyish tone] Yeah, I've got a great big artsy thing to do for the next couple weeks of July. Hooray! [another singyish tone]Now I won't have an excuse to be bo-ored! La-de-da-de-da-aa![/another singyish tone] *likes singyish tones* ~Nikira
  14. Nikira


    Hoorah for no more headaches! ~Nikira
  15. Good news first, of course. I passed my written test for my temporary driver's license this sfternoon! I'll be going out with my dad in parking lots and stuff to practice sometime this week. *hoorays* ~*~ Bad news, which is really disappointing: Going to Brickfest... well, it ain't gonna happen. At least not this year. Sorry, Omi and KIE. ;_; Yeah, my parents and I checked the calendar, and the dates for the event (August 25-27) don't work for me or my mode of transportation, so I will not be able to attend. If the dates were weekdays, I would have been able to come, but, as the public days are on a Saturday/Sunday weekend, I am not allowed to come. And I had my hopes all up yesterday... >< Ah well. Maybe next time. ~Nikira
  16. Oh, it's still a maybe, but, yeah, I'll let ya know. *hopes she can* ~Nikira
  17. Nikira

    Brickfest Plans

    Ooo. Uber-secret, huh? Uber-secret is awesome. ~Nikira
  18. Well, my church's VBS started today. And oh, am I tired now. >< I teach 2nd grade this year, and I have fiesty boys in my class. Whoo. 4 more days to go. Oh boy. ~*~ Good news from my parents: I might be attending Brickfest. Yes. THE Brickfest. Since it's over in D.C., I can make it over there in a few hours. Silly me, I thought it was over in Los Angeles or something. But, yeah, if I could go to that, it would be so awesome. I'd take lots of pictures. XD ~Nikira
  19. 4-cylinder. Oh, goodness, I hope I remember that. If you don't ride the clutch, it makes a terrible "SKKRRR" noise. Gah. >< Lucky. ~Nikira
  20. Green translucent Miru. Nice. B) So is this what was giving you the headache before? ~Nikira
  21. *is tired* The reason that I am tired is because last night, I helped my dad pick up his new car. It's a royal blue, '59 Volkswagen Beetle, and it's the most adorable thing in the world! If it didn't belong to my dad, I'd want it so badly... But, yeah, he bought it from a guy named Paul who lives a few counties down from us. It hasn't been out of the guy's garage for about 10 years, and there's a lot of stuff that needs to be worked on. All the tires are flat, it needs two more hubcaps, a new window and windshield, new windshield wipers, a lot of welding, a new battery, and a new coat of paint to cover the rust. Ah well. At least the engine works. My dad's already named the car "Charlie." (Yes, we name our cars. We also name other people's cars, if they want us to. ) He had two older Beetles when we lived in California, but one got crashed into, and the other we had to sell. ;_; Also, once he gets it fixd, it'll be a good way for me to learn how to drive a stick. ^^ ~Nikira
  22. Oh, I did. It's got much more action than the first one, keepin' ya on the edge of your seat for the entire movie. The graphics were incredible, and it's even got a cliffhanger ending. *wants to see the third one* ~Nikira
  23. Nikira


    *gives Omi Advil* Stress is a terrible thing. ~Nikira
  24. Today is the official release of Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's chest! My family has already planned to go see it around noon. We're going to the nice threater, with the auditorium seats and comfy cushions. ^^ ~Nikira
  25. I just got a note from my grandmother. She needs all my school art from last year. (Long story.) Which brings up a problem: I'm missing a lot of it. (Longer story) So, for the rest of the summer, I will be re-doing a bunch of assorted art projects, ranging from pencil and brush-and-ink, to chalk and calligraphy. Yay for art! ~*~ My church's VBS is also starting up in a few days, and as an official decorater, not to mention prop and costume coordinator for the Drama team, I kinda have my hands full until next Saturday. Not to mention that I'll be practically living at my church next week. ~*~ Art news: I've got my Hahli Inika sketch up in my art topic. As it is still a prototype sketch, I will not be giving it its own topic. Fell free to comment on it. ~Nikira
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