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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira

    Oral Hygiene

    I myself had a Herbst Appliance glued to my top jaw when I was younger. I also had headgear, about 3 retainers, all that good stuff. Ain't the orthodontist trips fun? I'm so glad mine is a nice one. ~Nikira
  2. Nikira

    Moneys $$$

    Ohio. You have to be 16 to work part-time in most places. It stinks. ~Nikira
  3. Nikira

    Oral Hygiene

    From what they've told me, I'd barely be able to talk for at least 3 months. Or eat. So I'd need to drink, like, smoothie meals and those weird Carnation breakfasts. They also said I'd lose weight because of that, but, hey, I figured that out on my own. ~Nikira
  4. Nikira

    Ps3 Mobbings

    And that is why I only have one game console. ~Nikira
  5. Nikira

    Oral Hygiene

    Hey, whaddayaknow, I finally finished Vezon & Fenrakk. Vezon: It's time to practice good oral hygiene! *pulls out giant toothbrush and starts brushing Fenrakk's teeth* Isn't that right, my pet? Fenrakk: <Prrrr> ~*~ Speaking of oral whatchwatsits: I have to go to the pediatrician sometime next month. Why? Cause I have to go through all these tests, just to get a jaw surgery done (I have a Class 3 Underbite with some other thing I can't remember. Only two of my teeth actually touch). Not to mention a jaw surgery that was supposed to happen 2 years ago, but the insurance company was stubborn (they rarely accept claims that have anything to do with the word 'teeth'), so they wouldn't pay for it. *inhales* What'll happen if this claim gets up and going: First, I'll have to go in and get all four of my wisdom teeth removed from my jawbone. I'll go through recovery for, I dunno, a couple months. Then I get braces to straighten my teeth (They're curving inward, sorta like snake's fangs). Then I wait a year. Then I go in for major jaw surgery, where they cut my top jaw through the sinuses and move it forward, and cut my bottom jaw all the way off and move it backward. Ouchies. O.< Then I'll go through about 5 months of recovery, and then I'll finally be able to eat on both sides of my mouth! ... I want to strangle our insurance company. ~Nikira
  6. I got the first hole in 11 strokes. Boo-hoo. ;.; The three click thing is actually kind of easy, once you figure out how the accuracy meter works. I got some distance on my first swing, but it landed way out in the trees. ~Nikira
  7. Same thing happened to me last year. Don't worry, LK. Your parents know best, and you should respect that. It'll help you a lot with your studies. We won't forget ya. *crosses heart* ~Nikira
  8. I'd love to come and hear you sing, KIE, but I have Christmas Choir performances at my church that same week. ;.; ~Nikira
  9. This is a time to practice self-control - don't rage against the machine, whatever you do. I've never played any version of Final Fantasy. But FF12 sounds like an awesome game. ~Nikira
  10. I woke up about 30 minutes ago, ad noticed that Lewa Nuva had pitched facefirst into my carpet from his place on my bookshelf. I went over and picked him up to put him back on the shelf, when I noticed something: Save his mask, there were teeth and claw marks ALL over him. And, i dunno about your guys' sets, but the plastic of all my Toa Nuva's armor is, like, really soft compared to the rest, so every piece of armor was also fraying - fraying!! Yeah, I freaked. I can kinda figure that my cat has been knocking Lewa off his perch and using him as a chew toy. So now my Toa of Air looks like he's been trampled by every Rahi imaginable. ;_; Oh, and he's also missing a katana, but hey, it matches the storyline. *nurses Lewa back to health* ~Nikira
  11. It is 8 p.m., and I have just realized that I haven't eaten anything since 9:30 this morning. And I'm not hungry in the least. oO I think my body's trying to starve itself. ~*~ Art-wise: Since my website's being so stupid *kicks website*, I've moved all my HB art to my main art topic. And, yes LK, you can glomp at Kopaka all you want. *hands her plushie* ~*~ I went with my mom to B&N today to get some books for my sister's birthday (which just so happens to be 11 days after mine AND also is on the same day as the most important U.S. college football game ever.) Got the books, then quickly scanned for the Bionicle section. Then had, like, TONS of Legends #4. What a dfiference from Tuesday, when they were all sold out. So, yeah, of course I bought it. Have yet to read it, though. ~Nikira
  12. Ah... yes-I-had-sugar-today.... >.O And Vezon and Fenrakk look spiffiriffic so far! Hooray! *has some more Pixie Stix* ~Nikira
  13. *dances* I hope your chair's better than mine. (Hardwood back - Bleh. -.-) ~Nikira
  14. Nikira

    Moneys $$$

    Now that I'm finally sixteen, I can finally apply for a job. And get some moneys. For once in my life! Thankfully, Hallmark Crown has open spots (for the holidays, no less!), so I'm crossing my fingers that I can get the job. And get some moneys. ~*~ Oh yeah, my b-day. I got Hakann. I got Vezon and Fenrakk. Coolest. Set. Ever. I got Legends #5 (#4 was sold out). Coolest. Book. Ever. I've already read it four times. Now that I have Vezon and Fenrakk, I can actually do some nice sketches of them. Whee! ~*~ Last note: Went to church tonight for choir, and met a BZpower member (well, guest that comes all the time but hasn't signed up. But he knows who I am.). How weird is that? ~Nikira
  15. Nikira


    I wub cake. May I have some? Happy 22nd, T. Hope you have lots of fun (and cake) today! =D ~Nikira
  16. Hey, look, I'm sixteen! =D And I got my paper finished! Whoo-hoo! *does got-paper-done-on-birthday-dance* ~Nikira
  17. Nikira

    *murders Pm Box*

    Silly LK. Don't murder your PM box. That's the only one you get. I haven't emptied mine out for, like, ever. It's kinda crowded. ~Nikira
  18. Astronomy paper, astronomy paper, will you please... disappear, or write yourself, or burn into ashes, or tap dance, or do something besides staring at me from my Word Processor? Yeah, I have a lovely science research paper due by tomorrow morning. And I've been on Wikipedia all day looking at stuff for it. I hate papers. ~Nikira
  19. Nikira

    Gah! ><

    Oh, geez, it seems like I haven't been on here in forever. Well, yeah, I haven't had access to a computer for a while now. Sorry for being gone. *hands out apology cookies* ~*~ Well, hey, my B-day's tomorrow. Everybody says turning 16 is, like, the most wonderful birthday to have. I can't see what's so special about it. (And don't say 'you'll be getting your driver's license'. I can't get that until January.) But, hey, I'll be another year older. Hoorah! *waves flag* ~*~ Art-wisey-stuff: I've discovered the joys of Photoshop! Well.... scratch that. I've discovered the joys of ArcSoft Photo Studio 5.5 - the closest program I could get to Photoshop without ripping a hole in my mom's wallet. It's awfully fun - this is the first time I've used a photo-editing program with the whole 'layers' thing. I have fun. ^^ I'm working on a couple test pictures, and (maybe, just maybe) I'll have a BIONICLE one ready sometime. ~*~ My life is a rollercoaster. Whoo for whiplash.
  20. Nope, the bug is not drivable yet. My dad crashed his Kia. ~Nikira
  21. Nikira


    I wub October. It's not because of the fall-ness. It's not because of Halloween and all its teeth-rotting candy oceans. It's cause I turn sweet 16 a week after Halloween. ~*~ Not many drawings done, unfortunately. I have a whole bunch of stuff to do for my church, not to mention I have about a dozen or so elementary-age kids following me around every moment I am in the church, who want to look at my sketchbook. At least I'm popular among the kids. Oh, and my dad's birthday is on Sunday, but he isn't here for it. ;_; ~Nikira
  22. Nikira


    Like me and you? (Shame on you for almsot cutting your finger off. ) I hurt myself on accident all the time, anyways. It gets kinda second-nature after a while. ~Nikira
  23. Bowling For Soup is also misleading. Yak. ~Nikira
  24. Mexico's awesome. Hope your trip goes well! ~Nikira
  25. Nikira

    Slow Drivers

    I drive slow. Sometimes. Please don't run me over, Omi. ~Nikira
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