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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira

    Great News

    Hooray! *claps for Omi* Man, I really want to go to Brickfest now... ~Nikira
  2. We have two drivers and two cars right now. If my parents were to add another driver to the insurance plan, it would jack up a few hundred dollars. Also, my dad is purchasing another car, so I can take his old one. In order to save money, we have to change who is insured to what vehicle: I believe I will be insured to our miniva, as it will cost the least. So I'm actually being charged to drive my own car. Sorta. If that makes sense. Well, for my temps, I only need to pass the written. The U.S. only requires you to take the practical test when you are applying for your actual license. (I cannot apply until I turn 16 and until I recieve a certain number of hours in driver's ed, which, as I stated above, costs way too much for what it's worth.) My dad's gonna make sure I pass the practical, though. My neighbor, who's 19, failed her practical the first time she took it. My dad went and trained her behind the wheel for a couple weeks, then she went back in and passed it. My dad's awesome. ~Nikira
  3. Nikira

    Are You Over There?

    I'm hiding from Smeag. ~Nikira
  4. Nikira

    Happy 4th!

    Gah, I know how you feel. There's a bunch of people in my development shootin' stuff off. It's driving our dog bonkers. >< Welcome to the procrastinators! *shakes hand* I am also getting lazy with my updating, but, hey, that makes us even more similar, eh? Goofy Southerner. XD ~Nikira
  5. Edited at 9:36 p.m. EST ~*~ Hi, all. Boy, this Independence Day has been real fun. Around 9 this morning, my family went to walk in our Patriotic parade. This was my first time as a walker/person who gets to throw lolipops at people, and it was pretty fun. ^^ Once the parade was done, all the walkers piled onto the float as we drove back to the parking lots. And, wonder of all wonders, it started to rain. None of us had jackets, of course, so all 36 of us just sat there as the float made its way through traffic. Our decoration leader also has more to do, as the paint for several of the pieces for the float washed off. Hooray. ~*~ If you all read below, you know I also just went to a BBQ. Well, while I was there, it rained. Again. Hard... So I was all soaked and cold when we came home. ;_; ~*~ We changed into dry clothes really quickly, then left for fireworks around 8:30. And that was a no-go. All the parking around the city was full. ALL OF IT. We wandered around for an hour trying to find any parking spots, and it proved useless. So we just went home. No fireworks for us this year.... *sigh* My life is so much fun. Hoorah for the 4th of July! ~*~ Art-wise news: I've got a prototype sketch for Hahli Inika. And I think it actually looks decent! Hooray! I should have that up tomorrow. Again, it's a protype, mainly cause I did not have enough detail to work off of. (I used the pics in the summer LEGO catalog, and the pics are so dark around the edges, so you can't see much of the mask or weapon details... Boo hoo.) ~*~ Finally, the news on my driver's permit. : I went in Monday to get the permit package. Since it's a holiday week, they wouldn't allow me to take the test until Wednesday (tomorrow). I do have my pretty laminated picture, though! *huggles it* My dad says the writer's test will be a sinch for me. I did the sample test in the back of my state's drivers' manual, and I got a 100. My dad says if the actual test is anything like the sample one, I'll pass it with no problems. Good thing it's multiple-choice. ^^;; Adding me onto the car insurace is gonna cost a bit, though, so I also have to find a job (looking at working at Wendy's). Most of my pay will go for paying off the insurance bill and, possibly, driver's ed ,if I want to ever get my license before I turn 18. It's, like, $365 though, which really stinks. >< I might as well renew my temps every year until I go to college. Bah-hah. ~Nikira
  6. One thing before I leave for barbeque: Hooray for the USA! ~Nikira
  7. Ugh, it feels like I've been in my mum's van forever... >< Shame on me for staying up 'till midnight last night: Got up wtih my mum around 7:00am to drop my sis off at the zoo for her volunteer job, went home, had some breakfast, then we jumped back in the van and drove for 2 and a half hours over to Coshocton to pick up my bro and dad from a Scout thing. Picked them up around 12:15. Loaded the van with all their Scouty stuff. Turned around and drove to Newark. Stopped at KFC for lunch at 1:00. Drove for about 1 and a half more hours and got home. Unloaded the van. Went BACK into the van for about 20 more minutes to pick up something from the store. Came home. Logged onto BZP. [sarcasm]I love our van.[/sarcasm] Good thing I didn't do any of the driving. Yet. (Got a conformation from Dad to go Monday to get my permit - whoo!) ~*~ Good thing is, my brother LOVES his room! He freaked when he saw all the X-Wings and TIEs, as he did not know I was going to paint those. My dad liked it lots, too. Said it was one of the best paint jobs I have done so far! +5 Ego! Now I just need to re-charge my camera... ~Nikira
  8. Nikira

    Happy Midnight!

    No, sillies. I live in the U.S., due south of Quebec. Canada Day is just on my calendar. and I likes Canada. ~Nikira
  9. Nikira

    Happy Midnight!

    It is now (I think) 12:00 EST! Hooray! Happy Canada Day, Eastern Coast! =D ~*~ Really quick blog tonight: I got my bro's SW room done this afternoon, and he's comin' home tomorrow. I really, REALLY hope he likes it. *crosses fingers for luck* And now I think I'll go to bed. ~Nikira
  10. Nikira

    *freaks Again*

    *deep breath* I just got off the phone with my dad (he's at a Boy Scout thing about 3 hours away), and guess what? He's taking me in to get my permit when he gets back! I'll finally be able to DRIVE! *freaks out for the second time this week* ~Nikira
  11. One: My treehouse only had one room, cause my dad couldn't afford any more wood than that. ;_; Two: We actually didn't watch Star Wars until we moved, and we didn't watch LoTR until we moved a second time. No, we played Star Trek - Deep Space Nine and Next Generation, which is so much better. My bro was always the captain, my sis was always either the second-in-command or the "princess", and I was always the lieutenant or the engineer. (Fixing stuff on the "ship" wasn't boring to me.) We did that for AGES: every time we went to a playground, like, in the park, we'd play ST, and we'd end up getting every other kid on the playground to play with us. Ah, good times. But now, of course, we play Bionicle. A-duh. I'm always Toa Vakama. Always. Oo ~Nikira
  12. Whee! Busy day! *spins and falls on floor* I've only been home for, what, three hours total today? *is tired* ~*~ My mum and I went over to the public park this afternoon and took a walk. This particular park actually lets you pick flowers (and BERRIES! *yayness*), so we got a bunch of wildflowers to press at home, and a bunch of little wild rasberries. There was TONS of bushes all over the park, and the berries had JUST ripened, so you could pick 'em right off the bush, and they had that slight tart in your mouth... Aw, it was terrific. It reminded me of when I lived in Northern Minnesota (Lived there till I was about 10). Oh, I'd give anything for all that back: 2 acres of woodland, treehouse in the back next to the ol' blue toolhouse, the piles of snow in the winter, ridin' in the back of a pickup without being arrested (), the tornadoes (actually, that wasn't very fun at all...), and the autumn trees...oh, goodness, they were so pretty. We had a great big maple where our treehouse was, and it would turn bright red EVERY year. Gaw, it was the most wonderful time of my life. And then we moved. And then we moved again. And I don't really like the city. That much. It scares me... *stops rambling* So, yeah, I'm just a country gal at heart. And wild raspberries own. Hey, Bio: Berries>Tim Horton's Ice Caps. It's true. ~Nikira
  13. Nikira

    Water Buffaloes

    "Everybody's got a Water Buffalo Yours is fast, but mine is slow Oh, where'd we get them, I don't know But everybody's got a Water Buffalooooooooooooooooooo" xInfinity XD I've seen a water buffalo, actually. They look REALLY creepy. oO ~Nikira
  14. Nikira

    Wet Wednesday

    Oh, boy. Isn't it weird that it rains when you REALLY don't want it to? *hands SPIRIT a great big warm towel* I actually wish I had rain. It's REALLY warm and humid down here where I am in the states. (Western half of the U.S. had record temperatures yesterday and today, and the eastern half is flodded and dying of humidity. Stupid jet stream... ) ~Nikira
  15. Nikira

    Itd! Woo!

    September 52nd, maybe? Oh, I'm sure! Like, ZOMG, we all look the same! The other members playing who didn't get the memo are a little confused now, huh? You forgot, too? Quick, go change your av and banner before someone else sees you! XD ~Nikira
  16. Nikira

    Itd! Woo!

    Happy International Tahu Day to everyone! =D *breaks out Flametosser 5200 XL* Ooo, I'm gonna have some fun today! I actually forgot about our member-proclaimed holiday until...ah...right now. Yay for my forgetfulness! And a short blog entry it is going to be today... ~Nikira
  17. Nope. More like a coffee-flavored ice cream shake. Without the ice. I never put granulated sugar in mine. Always milk, caramel, and chocolate syrup. ^^ ~Nikira
  18. I love tea too. I love 'em all! I actually don't enjoy tea. It just tastes kinda....bland. *gets beaten up by LK and Bio* I also can't drink coffee unless at least half of it is milk and the flavor is really intense. Thus the reason I drink mochas all the time. *is picky* ~Nikira
  19. Hey! I have a Tim Horton's in my town, and it is SO much better than Starbucks! =D (Tim Horton's is branched off of Wendy's International, whose headquarters is in the middle of my state. Tim Horton's main base of operations is in Toronto. So it's not just Canadian. Nyah. ) Their Turkey Clubs are gooooood. ^.^ ~Nikira
  20. Once I get my digital camera back, maybe I will. My bro took it to camp with him. ~Nikira
  21. Nikira

    Diet Coke

    Tisk tisk, Exo. Licking your screen will melt your taste buds off, you know. Even if it is delicious tasting. ~Nikira
  22. Nikira


    *claps like crazy* Yays all around for Captain Schizo! Congrats on your degree! =D ~Nikira
  23. *phew* Just finished the Death Star for my bro's Star Wars room (see yesterday's entry). I couldn't find the wall paint I was supposed to use, so I had to use acrylic... I've been working on it for about 2 and a half hours now, and I'm actually very content with what I've done so far. (I've gotten to make little tiny X-Wings and TIE fighters everywhere - it's so much fun. ^^) And now I've finally made myself some lunch. Turkey 'n Cheese Bagel with a big ol' cup of Caramel Chocomint coffee. It's yumtastic! =D :wakeup2: ~Nikira
  24. Fresh out of it, sorry. Leave a message... Actually, I've never even seen it. Is it purchasable at, like, drug stores? Lucky... He liked it when it was only partly done, so I'm thinking he'll like it once it's finished. Yayness and stuff! I don'ts loves paints. It's hards for mes. And I don'ts really likes its.....at alls.... ~Nikira
  25. Vampire bugs stink. (Like anyone didn't know that already.) We have a swamp about a half-mile from our house, so there's mosquitoes EVERYWHERE. Got 22 bites this week. Got 6 more last night. And I'm probably gonna get more when I go to camp next month. And yes, I counted all of them. They itch. Badly. *looks for aloe vera cream* Help me. ~*~ On a good note, the guys in my family are gone for the week (Boy Scout thing), so my mom has a whole bunch of stuff planned for the rest of us in the house. Main thing I gotta get done while my bro's gone, though, is his room: He's got Endor, Endor's moon, and the Death Star only halfway painted onto his wall, and my goal is to finish them. Basically, I have to darken up one side of the planets, add some texture and highlights, and do some fine work detail on the Death Star. With wall paint... *likes pencil better than wall paint* ~Nikira
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