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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira

    No More School

    I got out yesterday, but I'm only out until the 4th. ~Nikira
  2. Whoo for Christmas Break! I gots no school until the 4th of January! *parties* And... yeah, my sister and mom just took off for somewhere. I asked them where they were going, and my sis just gave me this really insane grin that she always gives me when she wants to drive me crazy. Oh, and I have fudge, too! It's really good! ...Yeah... ~Nikira
  3. Nikira


    I agree about the movie. It was all backwards and upside-down... ugh. >< Oh... too bad about the time mix-up. Maybe next year?... ...I'm gonna go hide now... ~Nikira
  4. 1 week till Christmas! ~*~ Went to see Eragon today. Heh... I liked how they did Saphira, and I'm just a total fan of Jeremy Irons in any movie, but the rest of it wasn't very good. The storyline was so mixed around from the book, and they left way too much stuff out... It really wasn't worth my 30 minutes to drive or 11 of my 12 bucks. But, hey, my dad and bro liked it. Then again, they haven't read the book. So... yeah, if you also haven't read the book, then this movie'll probably entertain you. If you have read the book... prepare for many story-following troubles. Ah well. I got to see the new Imagi TMNT trailer, and that made it better. Sorta. ~*~ Oh yeah. I had a choir performance yesterday. Ah.. I guess it went well. My cough finally went away, so I was able to last the whole performance without, like, hacking out a lung or something. And afterwards, whoo! I got to rip up masking tape off of carpet for a grand total of 1 hour and 15 minutes! How thrilling! *Note: This was not as easy as it sounds. Masking tape has the nasty habit of sticking well to carpet. Too well. Thus the reason it took us more than an hour. *smacks Eragon moviemakers across head with masking tape ball* ~Nikira
  5. ... That was one of the most complicated pieces of poetry I have ever tried to read. ~Nikira
  6. Nikira

    New Nav Bar

    I'm seeing the line of doom, too. But, yeah, pretty cool decor stuffs, Omi. ~Nikira
  7. Nikira

    Blissfully Numb

    Still sick. I don't like being sick. It makes me weak and confused. I don't like being confused. -.- So, last night, I took Ny-Quil gel-caplets. It's nasty stuff if you don't swallow it right away, and, come to think of it, it did absolutely nothing for my congestion. But, oh, was I a happy sleeper. ^^ That stuff knocked me out about 3 minutes after it went into my mouth. Woke up this morning, and I'm still sick. And sleepy. And my sinuses are still clogged. But I am blissfully numb, and I enjoy it. ~*~ Art-Wise: Well, I finally got my lazy self back to the drawing board yesterday. Literally. Inikaness for y'all. ~Nikira
  8. Nikira


    I hab a cowd wite now. ;.; *sniff* I hope I get better by Sunday. I have a Christmas choir performance that night! ~Nikira
  9. Like, ZOMG, Omi's happy! Thumbs up to LK! Yes, I'm serious. I know it's like... stupid and self-centered and all that, but... yes, I was jealous of you for a LONG time. Glad that you're not emo anymore. ^^ Emo-ish female members are really weird, huh? *hugs LK* I need to fly down South and... I dunno... meet ya and KIE or something. That'd be awesome. EDIT: ...I use 'like' too much... >< ~Nikira
  10. Frankly, I don't see why any Matoran would want to eat a bunch of million-year-old gingerbread cookies. Gingerbread left out for even a month tastes horrible, not to mention it gets as hard as a rock. Maybe he had teeth of steel or something. XP ~Nikira
  11. Yes and no. I did plot out and draw the whole thing with the mouse. And I guess I did use tools... if the smudge, burn, highlight, and shaped brush options count as tools. I dunno. I'm not Photo-Edit savvy yet. I need, like, a tutor or something. -.- ~Nikira
  12. Fear my poofball trees! ...yeah... the trees in the front need to be taller... and other stuff needs to be fixed... My sense of perspective stinks. >> ~Nikira
  13. Nikira

    Oh Gosh...

    No talent? Bah. Since when have you NOT had talent, girl? Your art is... astouding, to say the least, and many members (including myself) can't write beans compared to you. About the popularity beeswax: Honestly, I felt the same way when you first came in the spotlight, LK. Like, seriously. I was EXTREMELY jealous of you when you first joined. I felt like my popularity had suddenly gone down the drain, and I actually did leave BZP for a couple months. It's the way things go in the Art forum - a wonderful new artist comes in, and all the fans of the older artists move over to the new one. Happens about... oh, I dunno... every few months. It gets... frustrating, I know, when all the people who used to love your work now only come by to glance, but not to wholeheartedly comment. But hey, it'll always happen. In art. In writing. In everything. You'll have the group of people who only pay attention to what's new and what they think is the cool thing. Their 'idol' is given what they think is forever popularity. Those people ain't the ones that count. It's the ones that are still sticking with you. It's your decision whether you wish to leave or not. If you choose to take a break from BZP, that's good and fine. If you choose to stay, that would be even better. But know this, Lady K: there will always be someone who adores you here. And that makes you more popular than you'd ever think you could be. Besides, if you leave, who'll I have my North-South rivalry with? KIE? ~Nikira
  14. I'm sorry. It's just that after living in Northern Minnesota for 10 years. where it snows for 7 months straight, moving to Southern California for 4, where it only snows rain, and then moving to Ohio, where the weather is so bizzare you never know what'll happen, a person would kinda look forward to snow. I guess. And us! We snuck down to your state in the middle of the night and stole your snow!!! Ahahahaha! ... And we still have our snow, too. Turakii Agh! Give it back! I want pillowy cold fluff. ;_; ~Nikira
  15. We finally got snow! Ohio finally got snow! ...Ok, so maybe only a centimeter stayed on the ground, and it melted by mid-afternoon... That's all Indiana's fault, by the way. They stole all the lovely snow last week, and we only got rain, and *grumblegrumble* But still! Ohio FINALLY got SNOW! Bahahahahahah! ~*~ Art-Wise: Working on a Photo Studio thing. I must admit, background are much easier to make if you have a good photo-editing program, but I still wish I had a tablet. Drawing jungle vegetation with a mouse takes really, really long. >.< So...Yay for snow? ~Nikira
  16. Who's more awesome: us, or the guy who says we're awesome? ~Nikira
  17. Avatar is a sweet show, but I am never home when the new episodes are on. ;_; Remember that the finale for Season 2 is tomorrow! ~Nikira
  18. Helix cannons ain't my favorite (maybe it's because they... oh, I dunno... eat away at your ship's shields.) I like plasma cannons and homing missles. And flying in an adrenaline rush to find the emergency exit when the reactor blows its top. That's always fun. ~Nikira
  19. Nikira

    New Courses

    [utterfoolishness] 102? Like, dude, I'm only on English 4! *oogles in amazement* [/utterfoolishness] Whadda ya do for Sociology? ~Nikira
  20. *attempts to rescue Larry* *gets run over by vegetarians* ~Nikira
  21. Oooh. Fun. How about that: 1) Everybody keeps getting me mixed up with Nukora and Nirika the Sun Toa 2)I keep a stuffed blue leopard-spotted snake and a purple chicken in my room for creative-ness. Really, it's true. ~Nikira
  22. Co-op with Mr. Material Defender is fun! I already passed #3. (My sister got a couple giggles from the beginning movie, just cause MD has green boots on.) The Nomad/3 Icons level is hard to figure out, especially during the Priest Icon room, but it's easy after that. ~Nikira
  23. Very, very sad. I teach children like that: 9-11 year olds that carry around cell phones and dress skimpier than most of the people my age. It's truly scary. I'm glad I didn't turn out like that. Didn't get much electronic-wise (besides one computer for whole family) until about 3 years ago. And even now, I only own a GC and Game Boy Advance, both pre-owned. My family is really trying to stay low on all the electronic stuff. As for the clothes... yeah, if I came home wearing anything showing too much skin, my dad would trash it, then and there, and put me in a pair of overalls or something. Strictness never hurt, and I'd really like to see some boundaries coming up with the parents of all these tweens. And cell phones are not needed until you yourself can afford to pay for it. ~Nikira
  24. I finally got Bionicle Heroes for GC! (Every store I went to had the game for every console except GC.) I am also uber-angry and jealous of my brother, because by the time I had enough free time to pass Vezok's Coastline (the first four levels), he had passed the whole freakin' game, 100%, in 3 days. I should expect this anyways. At 13, my bro's a major computer game genius. We got two of the three DESCENT games by Interplay back in, oh, 1997. (Very confusing. Lots of mazes. I still haven't passed the first one.) He was 4. And he passed both games in a matter of days. *runs after brother with baseball bat* ~Nikira
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