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Everything posted by -Joshua-

  1. It is rather usefull! I have one suggestion however: Could the amount of seconds (and possibly minutes) until the start of the event be removed? I find that they are extremely distracting when browsing the forums. It makes the events listed seem more urgent then they actually are.
  2. OOC: In which we introduce Hua. IC: He loved the smell of wood in the morning. Hua had waited long for this: The quality of the wood was excellent. The wood was strong enough that he was certain that it would not break for a long while - the skill of those who had felled the tree that it once belonged to was excellent. Off-course, the quarterstaff was not the perfect weapon, Hua reflected as he slowly shaved the wood into the correct form - going from the large quarters of the log to the simple round form that characterized this short staf. The staff did give it's user reach, and was extremely usefull against attacks that required the it's attacker to lunge forward - such as stabbing weapons and other spears. A quarterstaff user could deflect this blow and even punish the assailant whilst deflecting it. However, against weapons that relied mainly on the weigth of it's user, such as blunt and slashing attacks, the quarterstaff had more limited effect. It's only advantage in that situation was to strike first. However, Hua loved the quarterstaff as it in it's very essence a non-lethal weapon. It was not intended to draw blood, only to deflect someone - such as a rahi - from attacking. It required little training as well. It was ideal for any matoran as a defensive weapon. Hua tried to design his staves around being usefull against opponents who are bigger then the user - as a result, his staves were a little bit heavier and longer in reach, and, in case of the more discerning client, were reïnforced with steel as well. The stick now had it's current length and properties - Hua put it on his working bench, observing it's long length and size - he was rather satisfied. The wood was still crude, however, and required quite a bit of abresion. Still, he rather liked the look of an unfinished, unpolished crude piece of wood. He liked how the shadows danced around that form. Picking up his tools, he went to perfect his work.
  3. Name: Hua Race: Onu-Matoran Profession: Toolmaker / Blacksmith. Appearance: He is a Onu-Matoran, with his body, feet, hands and Kanohi Ruru in a deep black. Curiously enough, his arms, legs, and his eyes are of a deep dark blue. He is also quite a lot taller then most matoran, although not freakishly so. Weaponry: None. Hua is not proficient in any weaponry - he can swing a hammer stoutly enough, but his highest chances of survival in a battle lie in participating as little as possible. Personality:When in conversation, Hua prefers to listen rather then talk. He is not shy of other company, although he does not always seek it out either. When asked to explain something, he will often do so in great detail. Moreover, he genuinely enjoys helping others, although he does expect that others have the same attitude. He can become annoyed when others do not see their own responsibilities in the way that he views his. In a lighter form, he can also become rather annoyed when others do not see certain people the way he sees them. On the other hand, others may become frustrated by him and his blunt honesty at every turn: Tact is not an art Hua has mastered.Weaknesses:Hua prefers focussing on one thing at the time, and he becomes progressively confused and subsequently frustratred when his attention is demanded at more then one place. Having focussed his entire life on making tools, learning other skills becomes frustrating to him as he finds that he can not do anything with the same skill as his tool making capabilities. Even though he has great skill when, say, balancing a hammer, he can be rather clumsy when walking around, attributed to his rather large size and his tendency to overlook obstacles, due to his focus lying elsewhere.Name: Pasja Appereance: She is slightly more tall then most of those around her, and can be recognized by her dark green Kakama, body, feet and hands, by her deep black arms and legs, and her deep blue eyes. Proffession: A Le-Matoran who specializes in flying Gekkos, and currently commands a wing in the Le-Koro air force. Weaponry: A double-edged knife (or dagger), standard issue for Le Matoran gekko riders. The weapon is mainly intended for utility use rather then attacking.Personality:Pasja became a commander mainly due to her ability to quickly grasp a situation and figure out the way to an positive outcome. She always has a reasonably cheery outlook on any situation, which can lead to frustration with her colleagues, as she does not always appear to take them seriously. In some cases, she doesn’t: She tends to be rather confident in her own intelligence and abilities - which are substential, do not get me wrong - bordering on a sense of arrogance. On the other hand, she is very loyal: Although she might think less of any other, she is not about to let anyone fall without a chance to (im)prove himself or herself.On the physical side, she is like any pilot: Light and dextrous. Slim, and in this case, tall. She does train her physical strength each day (you never know when that might be usefull), but it will not be as strong as anyone packing a little more weigth. She does not like to admit it. Weaknesses: As already mentioned, she is not as strong as most matoran, but she is too arrogant to admit it. She is also rather overconfident of her own abilities, and tends to disregard that of others. Such a stance could be exploited for a trap.
  4. Actually, it is more commonly referred to as the 'BZPRPG' now, though it hardly makes much difference. Nice to see you around again! I thank you, although I am afraid I do not remember you... or mabye just only slightly. Any crucial storyline bits I should be aware of? I already did read up on a bit of Joske (specifically, the parts linked), but a short form of what already has been going on will be much appreaciated .
  5. There was. I am ... fairly... certain that this is the BZRPG, and not the BZPRPG . Also, JL, there is absolutely no reason to be alarmed .
  6. And now I am on here for eigth years. EIGTH YEARS.

  7. Hello everyone, I was just wondering what the BZRPG policies on new universes are. Back in 200... 5 or 6 or so, BZRPG more or less rebooted every year. Is this policy still in effect and are we just waiting for the major plot arcs to close, or will this iteration of the BZRPG carry on forever?
  8. *lurks*.

    1. Shioi


      *deciding if she should lurk back or not...)


      Hey, Joshua! *waves* Still banging out some good beats on those drums?

  9. IC:His Gekko was dead. Hua could clearly see that now. Silver blood dropped on top of him, it's source a wing that was in a position that should make any Gekko scream out in pain, or gain her conciousness, and then scream out in pain. Neither of those things were happening.Or atleast, he couldn't hear the Gekko scream out in pain. He could not hear anything at all. There was a loud ring in his ears, a buzz that clearly wanted to indicate that he certainly should not do anything like what he just did again. Hua did not register that, however. He didn't really feel in a position to register anything - His severe blood loss, his damaged ears, his broken leg - because all he saw was a dead gekko. Something which was strangely beautifull...
  10. But I haven't even begun posting yet!
  11. Name: HuaSpecies: Le-MatoranAlignment: This authorAppearance: A mix of green and black: His face, arms and legs are black, whilst his torso, feet and hands are green. His eye colour is dark blue. He is much taller then most matoran.Weapon(s): his fists!Hua, as a gekko flyer, does not specialize in hand-to-hand combat.Mask: :ruru:Powers: None.Traits: Intelligent and rather quick, Hua does not have many equals among the gekko riders. When he devotes his mind to a task , it is more or less certain that it will succeed. However, his multi-tasking ability is quite bad - He can only focus on single things. Thus, he often looses the bigger picture, not knowing what is happening around him.Biography: Born into life with only one wish: To fly. It is not uncommon for Le-Matoran, and it is not uncommon for Le-Matoran to succeed in this. It is however rather uncommon for Le-Matoran to devote their life to it, as they are a more 'laid back' people who also know how to relax. Due to his devotion, Hua is considered by some to be rather anti-social.
  12. Katana's are not Ninja Weapons. A Katana is just a japanese sword (although a japanese sword smith would disagree and say its much more then that). Ninjas use any weapon, as long as it can be hidden easily (Ninja's aren't supposed to stand out, so they will need to blend into crowds easily. Wearing a sword does not help). Katana's are used along with Wakashazi's by the Sumourai. The Katana is their 'primary' sword, and the Wakashazi ('Companion Sword') their secondary one. For a japanese sumourai character, it makes perfect sense to wear a Katana, as it is their privilage. To summurize: You are biased against Japanese weapons based on ignorant assumptions .
  13. "Don't Panic" is indeed one of the most usefull statements/advicements ever :).

  14. *reads SSC entry and wonders who's on the avatar/screenimage thingy now*

  15. Fawlty towers... Yeah, I know that show. Seen it, too. It was nice, although it is not the best show John Cleese is appearing in.

    (Monty Python's life of Brain, for example, comes to mind)

  16. Welcome, fellow Nameless One.

  17. Heck, I am here for four years now. Geuss I am an really old chap now.

  18. We are all talking to us.

  19. No, not yet. You see, my opiniun does not reflect that of my parents, so i'll have to wait 'till I can leave the house.

  20. Sweet? No, I do not think so, though others might say otherwise.

  21. Well, you'd tell me what my name is then... I can't remember.

  22. *Feels scared*...

  23. Wow... You were born exactly 4 months after me.

  24. Hmm... Mabye you should make a list of artists you don't like. Less trouble that way.

  25. Godzilla can not stand the might of Boo! The only Miniature Giant Space Hamster in the realm! Fear his fury! It's small, so look close. Believe me, it's there.

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