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Everything posted by Advocate

  1. Horpy Horllow- Not you Coach Z. "Come on in here? OK! Ok, I'm in here. What do you want?" "I wanted you to come on in here. I love to entertain."
  2. *Just to let you know, I'm male.* I figured such, I just wanted to make a point on how we don't really know much here online. Thanks. -CF Notice I didn't mention anything specific, so unless you have some idea on what's going on, you won't really know what I'm talking about. Sorry if I took it too far. But as for ChocolateFusion, do it. As used to as I am to your name, I think it's better to disassociate yourself from the aforementioned book for the aforementioned reasons. If you really don't want my first post there with that content, I'll go ahead and edit it. EDIT: Oh, and Aanchir, I'm sure my respect will rebuild over time. Just like trust rebuilds after a lie, or any kind of respect for any lawbreaker or *for lack of better term, not intending to imply any religious meaning* sinner *to explain, someone performing immoral actions*. Or like a wound heals. I try to see all *once again, for lack of better term* sins as no worse or better than others.
  3. Personally, I don't read HP books, but I did notice that news. I have two great friends with that same...view. I didn't know it for a fact until a few days ago, and when I did, my respect level for them plummeted to near zero (I had had great respect for them, both being greatly skilled and very fun to be around. But you respect people for what they do, and I just can't respect someone with such...filthy views. Sorry if I offended anybody in that last sentence, but I heard about my friends on Friday. It haunted me the whole weekend. I'm still trying to get a grasp on it). Because I don't read HP, I didn't catch the reference (still don't). However, I would definitely disconnect myself from HP if only for the recent news (quickly defending my earlier statement: If somebody lies to you, do you still trust them as much as you did before? No. Same with respect). I think ChocolateFusion is an awesome name.
  4. Advocate

    Get A Girl?

    Dude, isn't that the point? To have her as a friend? So why are you hating her? Arch Angel, I hope you settle in soon. I know if I were to move I probably wouldn't handle at well as you are. Kudos to you.
  5. I want my planet back. :angry: Anyway, I don't really like our stone/gem. I like the rich blue sapphire more than ours. Speaking of blue, I'm in near perfect unison with you as far as personality goes (including the Blue>Red). Of course these always are kind of dumb (funny, but still dumb [the horoscopes/ horoscope-esque things]).
  6. Four. If it doesn't work, just have a few extra Diet Cokes with you to hose down the Preps.
  7. Advocate

    Wha... Nothing!?

    My 16th B-day is two days after your 17th...
  8. Advocate

    2008 Sets.

    But does everyone have to like them? No. We don't. And personally, while I love one part of the sets (it's only one piece...not mentioning which), everything else is just...flat. Boring. (At Aanchir) And really, I don't have to have a logical explanation for every move, thought, or action I perform, and neither does anyone else. A balance of logic and emotions/feelings is allowed in this world.
  9. Nine days, right? So eight topics. So, yeah. This is gonna be awesome.
  10. Peregrine Falcon Osprey Bald Eagle Albatross Swift Mockingbird Nightingale Dodo Barn Owl Dove Pigeon Seagull Parakeet Parrot Budgie Black Bird Cardinal Blue Jay Vulture Gyr Falcon Saker Falcon Lanner Falcon Merlin Hobby Kestrel Griffon Vulture That's it for now. Maybe I'll come back and throw out another shot.
  11. Ah, that's awesome. I love your wit. In fact, I approve it:
  12. If/when you do get a new MP3 player, you have to add Requiem to your music collection. Very pretty piece. And a ton of 16th-note runs. For a new MP3 player, I'd look around. Walmart has a few MP3 players very similar to the new iPod Touch, except for $140-150 and twice the memory. Or go for something by Creative (I have a Zen V Plus, that's pretty cool too. About $70 dollars for a 2G mp3 player with some decent features and battery life). But I'm also a bit bias against Apple for ripping everyone off.
  13. ~1~ As I was going to St Ives I met a man with seven wives Seven wives with seven sacks Seven sacks with seven cats Seven cats with seven kits Kits, cats, sacks, wives How many were going to St Ives? ~2~ Which is better, an old five-dollar bill or a new one? ~3~ From what number can you take half and leave nothing? ~4~ Answer to 1 + Answer to 3, – Answer to 2 x Answer to 3 = ___ 1.) 1 (The guy had all that stuff, but he didn't necessarily have it with him, and the guy wasn't necessarily going to St. Ives, so we only know of one guy going to St. Ives) 2.) 5 (An old $5, not new $1) 3.) 0 ( 0 x .5=0) 4.) 1 (Following the Order of Operations: 1+0-5x0= 1+0-0= 1)
  14. Advocate

    Another Game

    0; 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34; 55; 89; 144; 233; 377; 600; 977; 1577; 2554; 4131; 6685; 10816; 17501; 28317; 45818; 74135; 119953; 194088; 314041; 508129; 822170; 1330299; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  15. Dude, the Horn is so awesome it was invented in Germany. No other country could withstand the awesomeness. A triple horn would be awesome to own, BTW. As would a Wagner Tuba. French Horn> All
  16. Two things must die the worst death ever: Chain mail* (sent even by my sister! I tell her all the time, don't send me this crud, but...grr. So the spam blocker doesn't catch it) And: High School Musical (the songs! They burns us! No seriously, listen to Godzilla Eats Los Vegas (Eric Whitacre), Great Locomotive Chase (Robert Smith), or Shenandoah (Frank Ticheli) and come back and tell me you like High School Musical. Because you won't be. Because HSM (I and II) both stink). Both of these may die a thousand deaths in the depths of no return. *The armor is pretty beast though.
  17. Advocate


    Take a random bucket, place it under the 3-liter bucket. Fill the 5-liter, then dump it into the 3-liter. The extra two should fall into the random bucket. Dump the 3-liter elsewhere, and repeat. The random bucket now holds four liters, just cut off the extra bucket parts and it's exactly four liters. Or you just buy a 4-liter bucket and fill it.
  18. Only five French Horns?! There are only three in my whole school that I know of (so maybe four if someone's holding out)! That has to be very cool.
  19. Advocate


    Your dad works for Sikorsky?! That so freakin' cool. legoguy14 *nods head yes* He occasionally has to go to Connecticut for meetings at the headquarters. I haven't gone up with him, but it is pretty cool.
  20. Advocate


    When I was like four, Concords use to fly over my house all the time (seriously, this was back before they were taken away. Concords are freakin' awesome). Now it's just a bunch of military planes and/or helicopters (V-22 testing around here). And a few years ago they tested this potential military craft that had to have specific items (hovering abilities, really high speeds and efficiency, etc). I didn't see it, but still... Last one: You know the helicopter in Transformers that transforms in front of the alley (in the commercial)? My dad is an engineer for the company that made it. Glad you're feeling better. It's never fun being depressed. Didn't read the last part. I assumed you were still happy/neutral from the last entry. I'm very sorry your life is getting rougher. Just hold on tight, cuz the ride doesn't end when you want it to. Just remember Job (easier said than done).
  21. Advocate


    .ynnuf er'uoY .DX .os kniht I tsael tA
  22. You make some very good points, especially about the Mahri. I'm glad you finished this, cuz I really wanted to read it.
  23. Advocate


    Dead serious. And if we keep it as our march until spring break, then we'll be playing it at Disney World too.
  24. Advocate


    Have fun! I know our band's first parade is at Six Flags, where we get to march around for 15+ minutes playing our march (Soak Up the Sun, and the mellos get a rather important part, too), but not our half-time show (made up of four Cirque Du Soleil songs- Distorted, A La Lune, Quidam, and Incantation). Yeah, have fun. Performances at amusement parks are always enjoyable.
  25. Advocate

    Your Approvals

    I believe you deserve one for the BEEMADOSCAMSTMB cause.
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