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Everything posted by Catra

  1. in all the years ive been on bzp this is one of the realest talks ive seen in a long time and im proud of you for making this post bless you shane i love you bro
  2. the alien queen has a minifig head under it? mind taking pics?
  3. happy birthday jon! <3 hopefully your birthday goes awesomely :>
  4. Catra


    start one anyway nerd you know ill answer
  5. what a great post im glad im subscribed here :')
  6. jade being a big ol' cutie is the only good part of this updateotherwise it sucks and makes me sad because i like con air :'(
  7. Catra


    so im me gosh (im terrible with starting conversation and never know what to say)
  8. Catra


    aw yis my day is complete god bless
  9. i know who youre talking about :') shes such a sweetheart im glad she exists in my life
  10. Catra


    you come into my bosom nerd (because i am ran and you are chen remember)
  11. Catra


    yeehaw i thought you like, died omfg i havent seen you in 38495370945749803574958329485378598348 years
  12. personally im more like "hmm" cause a lot of people are like "its a virus" and a lot of people are saying its not so im just gonna wait for more info and whatnotedit: lmbo turns out it was just a big joke and all
  13. i think they mightve just had second thoughts or something. 10k is a lot to pledge for something as superficial as making a fan character canon in a webcomic (even if said comic is rapidly gaining recognition outside the internet), especially since that was the only thing different between that and the $405 pledge. tbh i really dont think hussie actually expected people to spring for the 5k or 10k and i definitely dont think he expects people to go for the god tier onesanyway i am super proud of the fandom right now like gosh so much passion it makes me glad to be a part of it aaaaaaaaedit: apparently someone trying to pledge 10k but backing out earlier wasnt actually a thing that happened? but its on the site now, someone is legit pledging 10k
  14. mmm nothing beats the classic kakama in my opinion.the original pakari and the great rau come in at a close second, though.vultraz had a pretty cool mask as well.
  15. as of 05 sep 2012, 04:07 est 5,422 backers $517,828 pledged of $700,000 goal 29 days to go times like these are when i really love the homestuck fandom im proud to be part of it gumi bless
  16. Catra

    Dear LEGO,

    bending them back isnt all that reliable though, i think my thornraxxs wings are still kinda crooked despite me trying to bend them back ><
  17. > PROTOTYPE PIRAKA SKULL IN BLACK i hate you and everything you stand for (not really tho, congrats on getting that)
  18. i remember nocturnnone of the walmarts around here ever had him in stock and at the time there were no lego stores in ohio at all so i had to have it ordered off s@hbest decision of my life. really good set, one of my favourite '07 sets as well as one of my overall favourite titan sets
  19. welp i guess im sold on this set, mainly for those swords (silver? with blue edges? sign me up!) and the drone-like cladding.i kinda have to disagree on the blue armour on the shoulders looking good though. theyre okay at best, but they seem out-of-place to me for some reason.the new ooo piece with the ball joint in the middle looks absolutely glorious though.
  20. ahaha brickens hass the keyboard the mouse ruse was a DISTACTION.........
  21. heres a useless fact: i was indeed quoting a defective turret from portal 2.heres an interesting and actually not useless fact: if you put two pieces of metal together in space, they weld together. its called cold welding and it doesnt usually (except for certain circumstances) happen on earth because our atmosphere puts a layer of oxidation on the metals or something like that.
  22. thank you for explaining this because now i understand what glados means when she says "two plus two is ten in base four" in portal.did you know that prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man? he was cast into the bowels of the earth and pecked by birds.also; nicolas cage, jim carrey, and john malkovich were all considered for the role of norman osborn in the 2002 spider-man film.
  23. I personally, for some reason, liked how they didn't include that line. Like, it was alluded to and all, but it was never explicitly stated, and that was completely okay with me. It was a really excellent movie, I actually was in tears a couple times over it. I might be going to see it again this Friday hehehe
  24. Catra

    Ask Mcsmeag

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