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Everything posted by Mr.E

  1. EDIT// See what I mean? You see what I mean? GAR. Ignore this please.
  2. Rayman scares me. The guy can stand in Rabbid-land, and be slapping somebody in Asia. The power of his non-existant arms know no limit
  3. Ah my good lady, how I feel your pain. A lot. My internet's been seriously beaten up by the damage, and it still hasn't recovered. You've no idea how long it took me just to load this page. Not long, but you should've seen it before. Like molasses I tell you! ... I'm not crazy.
  4. Mr.E

    Congrats To Lee

    Gar, congrats Mr. Lee! For some reason he looks exactly how I imagined him. Funny. Anywhoj, congrafulatives poetryinmotion.
  5. Wow, sounds very cool. It's great that BZP is so highly recognized Have fun with your HDTV and BH.
  6. Mr.E

    360 Or Wii?

    WII! Wii. Wii. Definately the Wii. It's cheaper, you've got some good fun-factor with it, and it's innovatively awesome. Then again, it always depends on your taste. If you're more of an FPS sort of guy, go for the 360.
  7. Chuck Norris slapped me. And I cried. I'm so sad. T_T
  8. Mr.E

    Metal In Yer Mouth

    Annoying? Obviously your orthodontist is not the cruel, sadistic freak that yanks open my mouth every month. After they're done with me, you touch my mouth and it's like a screaming whirlwind of pain. Poetic, but it's the truth and it hurts
  9. *shakes head* It's begun.
  10. Mr.E

    This Will Make No Sense

    There's also 'Lots of Love'. Used in an online conversation... Guy One: Dude, my cat died yesterday... Guy Two: LOL Guy Three: Yeah, LOL. See?
  11. Mr.E

    Such Sorrow

    I just read that Microsoft is offering to fix all Xbox360s suffering from the red-lights-of-doom. Google it, I'm pretty sure there's a lengthy article somewhere.
  12. Schizo is win. At everything. Awesome concept, I love the fluid look of it all. Nice domish-Cap'n's Quarters, too. If that's what it is, at least.
  13. Core D, they're imaginary games, but that doesn't mean you're not acting Fine, fine. 'AWA'. Happy? And Turakii, it's not sleeplessovers, it's sleepovers. ... Cos sleep is over.
  14. Mr.E

    In Honor Of Penny

    RIP Penny She seems like such a great friend to have. Hope you pull through.
  15. You still play imaginary games? *winnage* So do I. I don't and refuse to believe that imaginary games are for little kids Looks like you had fun.
  16. Mr.E

    Explosions For The Win!

    Ah, dissecting the common cannonball. My favorite
  17. Mr.E

    Recent Changes

    Blasphemy. Everybody knows that both lightsabers and broccoli are an essential helping of Vitamin A, therefore 3 cannot possibly be the answer.
  18. Mr.E


    Glow in the dark teeth? Isn't that like a complete rip-off of Bionicle? It'd suck for a little Bionicle-freak to walk up to you during your evening stroll thing. "Hey, how're you doin - " "PIRAKA!" Band name...how about W.T.H.D.I.S.F? Stands for What the Heck Does it Stand For?
  19. Everybody hates it when you clog up the bandwith with virtual hugs. That's why I chose Mr.E's Mini-Hug 2000 XP OSX: now my hugs can be up to 2 KB! Call now for a free, that's right, FREE hug from the very same flea infested lice carrying sweaty unshaved UPS delivery man that comes to your door to deliver your MMH2000XPOSX! What are you waiting for, order now! Our software is 100% working and bug-free! (the -accuracy-of-this-statement-is-not-confirmed) Yes. Virtual hug.
  20. Mr.E

    Part Of Me Just Died.

    Dude. That. Is. AWESOME. Seriously. I am loving it.
  21. Mr.E

    Superman Returns

    Yeah, I kinda thought about that weight thing when I watched the cartoons and read the comics. I haven't gotten a chance to watch the movie, on account of men in spandex scare me. But I do love explosions. Sounds like you're having just about the exact same type of summer as mine. At least my school starts soon...something to do. Yes, detention is something to do. *wootparty*
  22. Sounds tempting though, Cap'n. Very tempting.
  23. Mr.E

    Fear Da Floating Heads

    That 'Your Fat' link hurt my feelings. I'm very self-conscious about that, you know Nice new additions
  24. I did too just say Matoro is overrated. Oh yeah, I went there Exo. Epsilon is also a fraternity. Epsilon = Member = Fraternity = Letter of the alphabet of the Greeks. Therefore, Epsilon is our favorite Greek Fraternity. Yay!
  25. Mr.E


    Wow. That must be oooooone ugly sword. J/k *this is going to hurt* Omicron is indeed an amazing letter. For he organises Brickfest BBCs. And that is most amazing.
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