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Uncle K.

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Uncle K.

  1. I said Official faction.

    Official factions go in my blog directory.


    Although, if you say there's room for one more faction, I'll gladly update my blog.


    (because you can always over-complicate things instead of leaving them alone.)



  2. There are no new official factions being accepted.

    There are three options to choose from.

    1) Make an alliance with an already existing faction and set up a secondary base camp within their limits

    2) Join a pre-existing faction (preferably the closeteers)

    3) ignore my words and create an unofficial faction that is neither on the map or acknowledged on the official fruit war website (coming soon)



  3. I've been hit by so much fruit I can't even post with my deathreaction.


    I've set up a map in my blog so we can recruit people to different stations then have the battle here...


    *hit by fruit*

    *crawls limply back into closet/bunker*

    *awaits impending fruit scented doom*

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