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Uncle K.

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Uncle K.

  1. The first and only time I ever played football landed my in the ER.

    But I don't have heart problems.


    I have have everything else problems.

    Aaaaaaaaaaand of course, it's storming literally right over my house, and I was playingwashing dishes in the sink, cause my dishwasher won't work.

    And I get to work with rusty nails tomorrow! Without shoes! 8D

  2. Dude, sorry, but that wasn't cool. - Nikira

    Edit: I spoke with someone last year who thought that happened to him, but it wasn't the case. Surviving one is a miracle, and they always find good uses for their life.


    I understand that may be the case... but still, as a major pro-life person, I'd rather you didn't poke at that subject around here, please. It's a bit touchy for me. - Nikira




    I had to get stitches once. And of course, they said they would disappear in six months. Turns out, they didn't go away, and for about five years I had to go back to the hospital twice a year, because the stitches ripped out and the spot above me eye under me eye too, would start bleeding. So basically it's like I was crying tears. (One of the coolest times was it happened at school, and I had half the lunch room crowded around my table before I knew the stitches had ripped out.

    Then they figured it was because of certain skin properties on my face that they didn't know about, I still don't. It's like, all moisture is absorbed and sent to my sinuses.

    And with acid reflux, it isn't fun. :P


    I have like, health problems or something...

  3. I had to get like, a huge dosage epinephrine shot because my body stopped functioning when I got surgery.

    I had a whole big problem with the wheelchair too, when they make you leave in one. And I fainted as soon as I stood up.

    So I had to get another one, which made me stay away for sixty something hours, I don't remember right now.


    Cute nurses gave me candy! 8D

  4. My VBS was done several weeks ago. Our was a water theme. And Pirates vs Ninjas vs Robots vs Monsters.


    (I think the church council is getting pressured for ideas...) >_>


    You wouldn't by any chance be going to momentum, would you?

  5. I had VBS several weeks ago.

    Although, I got stuck with the third-graders.

    Oh well, we didn't have enough helpers, and I at least got another person my age to help with me.


    VBS is fun.

    *runs around with hose- dousing out fires*

  6. You'll see me! :D












  7. You were one of the reasons it got closed.

    Annoying members for the sake of annoying them is asinine and immature.


    I frankly am glad that particular war got closed.

    It wasn't fun with the barrage of unfair actions and stupid edits.


    Now what I do want to see is a Splee War.

    (And the RPG FWIII is already being considered by Dok and myself.)



  8. "Uncle_K.com,Join us,You hurl what we do to."Join us



    There's no underscores

    There's no spaces

    There's no grammar!

    And I can't read your post

    I already started the first faction and began the war

    I can't abandon my team


    (I can ignore periods, I'm too cool for them.)


    ~Jamie :wub:

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