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Toa of Kenn

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Toa of Kenn

  1. Bin ja schon wieder zurück. War aber sehr schön

  2. Check out my latest topic VF. The web serial booklet has been completed.


  3. Cool I have worked in berlin for 4months last year! I love that city! I hope you have visited it !

    Nice to get some "German feedback" here at BZP!

  4. Danke!

    Dir auch Frohe Weihnachten!

  5. Do you already have BiA9 in your pipeline?

  6. Dur auch Guten Tag ; )

  7. Fine. Hope you're good too.

  8. Guys could you please STOP discussing gender-issues in my comments? Do that in profiles of user's who have hose gender issues!

  9. Hallo.

    Leider bin ich krank. Mein hals tut weh! : (

    Das Wetter ist aber gut!

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Finally 18 : ) Well not that great in the US, I guess 21 is better. In Germany the 18th is the best birthday!

  11. Hey good job with the second magazine. If you want to advertise it in my blog I'd need a link to the frontpage (like with the first edition).

  12. Hey, hab mich gefreut von dir zu hören! viel zu tun im Abistress?

  13. Hey, how's it goin'?

  14. Hey, nice profile pics.

    How´s the progress with RoS? Surel looks ###### cool.

  15. Hi guys,

    me and Gatanui want to involve the German fans more into BZP. We hope to tell you more soon...

  16. Hi Swert

    be strong these days. Iknow what it feels to have to miss a family member.

    Though I wish you a successful new year.


  17. Hi! Nice that you take interest in Germany! Hope you enjoy staying here at BZP!


  18. How's BiA5 going? Hope your exams have been good so far ^^

  19. I think there is a "Who comes from germany" topic somewhere... but basically there are just people saying the come from germany or have ancestors or relatives here... nothing special!

    Have you already read my topic "The puzzle comes together in S6T

  20. Ja bin in Trier geboren und studiere jetzt in Heidelberg !

  21. Jup that's right. Have you ever been there?

  22. Just to let you know. Serials are up. I am in Berlin inA ugust so it can take a few days til I can do updates.

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