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Everything posted by Neaku

  1. Knee cannons were cool, and I only just removed them. I don't really know I kinda like it like this. And the colors are the same as the wip shots. I just dulled them down and added shadooows. and there goes my good lighting (rain)
  2. Neaku

    Marching Band

    I miss it already and I still have one more year. :'(
  3. Neaku

    A Gift For Bzp

    pweee I have loved b_d art for the longest time :3
  4. real photos probably tomorrow when I get good lighting
  5. Neaku

    The Suburbs

    BUT IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL I can't wait to have the physical copy. :3
  6. Neaku


    Yay Deev. It sounds like the boss already likes you. hehe
  7. That's expensive, but I love having stuff shipped to my house. ;-; Decisions... Also Legendary edition is... legendary.... I think I'll skip the models though, and maybe get only the game or the next step up if I decide it's worth it.
  8. I was wondering how you use so much storage. Then I realized you watch whole seasons on stuff and use FLAC for your music. Oh wow. I really should get a better sound card. I really should get a better income. ;-;
  9. wait do you love the an cooldude due to the filter or do you love the bad grammar of your?
  10. Neaku


    Also one is a girl hehe
  11. Neaku

    The Suburbs

  12. Neaku

    The Suburbs

  13. Neaku


    I noticed you had your name back before this entry. That's how much I stalk love you~ I had a Twitter, but I never found it much useful and it just was another thing to help waste my time on the internet. :L
  14. Neaku

    Well Then

    katie I want other ways to talk~~
  15. Neaku

    Man O' War

    They are practically exact copies...... ._.
  16. Neaku

    Name Changed!

    Hah I still remember when Gamma told me how to do a one letter name. Gamma <3 But anyways I likey.
  17. Neaku


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I've been asking around and apparently their faces were never shown on the train tracks or something and I had just assumed they were young. I thought I had seen their faces, but I could be wrong. I really should watch it a second time, even if just to see the beginning scenes again.
  18. Neaku


    Movie of the year. All years. It's currently #3 on IMDb's top 250 movies list. I understand it will probably go down, but that's pretty big. But seriously, go see it. I loved it. The only problem I had was (spoilers because I don't want to spoil ANYTHING): » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Leo and Mal had grown old in limbo right? Then how come when they killed themselves with the train, they were young again? I understand it could be something with limbo but I didn't think it worked that way. And the ending. Really? I like how it is currently but I feel it wouldn't have as much controversy if the last couple seconds were done differently. Also went to that record store nearby me, and it was alright. They had a lot more vinyl and posters etc than the one I saw in Canadialand, but there were less lesser-known band CDs. I ended up buying Teen Dream by Beach House. I almost went with Broken Social Scene's Forgiveness Rock Record, but I figure I would be able to find that again a bit more easily.
  19. AROUND THE WORLD AROUND THE Daft Punk is really awesome. I absolutely love Discovery, and Digital Love is so cute. :3 But once you listen to a good amount of their stuff, listen to their Alive 2007 album. It will blow you away. You like the songs individually? Just wait until you hear them together. And I'm bad with names. :L
  20. Is this shared between your family and friends or something? If not, what is the point of buying the same game twice?
  21. I know for a phone with Verizon's basic UI, you press one of the soft keys which will open Options and then one of the options will be to save sound or ringtone or something of the sort, then you just go to your ringtones and set it as the ringtone. Of course it is probably different for every carrier and UI.
  22. Neaku

    The Best Moc In Ages

    Retiniece is absolutely amazing. *cries*
  23. I use Last.fm. I like it better, but Pandora is cool too, I know a lot of people who use it and like it.
  24. Neaku

    Gottem Bro

    my grandma randomly gave me $20 it was canadian money too
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