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Blog Comments posted by Gatanui

  1. That's the advantage of subjects like mathematics, where a theory is either true or wrong and does not have any facets in between (except simply not knowing which one of both it is). Here, it's entirely normal for a student to point out a mistake the professor has made during the lecture, and the professors are totally cool with it. All that counts here is if your argumentation is logical or not (and if the premise of the argumentation makes sense, obviously), and while personal opinion may play a role in whether the professor is more inclined to believe you beforehand or not and some people may be more stubborn to insist on their view, it's not what counts in the end. Obviously, this doesn't mean there are never any discussions in mathematics, boy do they happen and still, sometimes a professor or tutor may not recognize a proof or argumentation you're absolutely sure of. But usually, the only thing that counts in the end is still logic, and I love that. :)


    -Gata signoff.png

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    9 years is a very good run. Might I ask why you don't like smartphones?


    Also, good luck for your test. :)


    -Gata signoff.png

    A mix between paranoia and some observations of how it changes peoples' habits, I suppose. ^^"

    (now, I don't want to generalize smartphone users, though. Really, it's just not the right piece of technology for me.)


    I have a good friend who says just the same. Generally, as also with computers and many other things, what matters is how you use it. Of course you need to be careful not to spend too much time with it and yes, I'm afraid many people do. This doesn't mean you need to either. You don't hate knives because they can be used to kill either I suppose. ^_^ But of course it's totally fine if you don't want to get a smartphone. :)


    -Gata signoff.png

  3. The impact Templar's work has had on BIONICLE and on me personally is immense. I think one can safely say it simply wouldn't be the same without them. By focusing on the Matoran, the story simply felt more natural, more human. The Matoran weren't just plot devices that only existed to be rescued by the heroes, they were characters with depth and emotions you could identify with. In fact, I feel that identifying with a Matoran was easier than with a Toa, especially for children, which may also be because of the slightly childish attitude the Matoran sometimes had (which made them even more sympathetic).


    -Gata signoff.png

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  4. Two soldiers are standing on a mobius strip. One says to the other: "Don't shoot, we're on the same side!"


    That counts as math, right?

    It totally does. :P



    Imaginary (also complex) numbers will never cease to amaze me; they're non-existant...

    I have to argue against this: they do exist, they just exist outside of normal numbers; this is just like how irrational numbers exist outside of the set of fractions of whole numbers, but they still exist.


    (Alternatively, there's the wonderful debate over whether any number actually exists, or whether they simply manifest themselves in our world, but that's a philosophical debate for another day. :P)


    Unfortunately, my brain is not giving me any good puns right now.




    You know I had the exact same line of thought, then I got to the part where I wondered if any number could actualy be considered to exist so I decided not to say what I wanted to say about the imaginary numbers. :P


    -Gata signoff.png

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    I cannot for the life of me draw on my tablet. I somehow manage with my DS, though

    Your DS drawings are quite cool! :3

    Tablet with a pen (as in, graphics tablet), or fingers ('regular' tablet)? 'cause I really have troubles with using only my fingers, whereas using a pen just feels so much more "natural", because I'm more used to it... at least there's a lot more control with a pen. ^^


    A Surface Pro 2? That's awesome, I love that device. The only drawbacks are that it's quite expensive and a bit too heavy for a tablet imo.


    -Gata signoff.png

    I view it rather as a mobile PC than a tablet... if that makes any sense xD

    It's cool, yes, although I'm only slowly getting used to it, with Windows 8 and stuff... ^^"


    That's what it's intended for, but it's a bit too small to use as a real PC (without an external screen) and a bit too heavy to use as a tablet. Still love it, though. :P


    -Gata signoff.png

  6. My high school chemistry teacher nearly killed me when she dropped like waaaay more sodium or potassium or something than she meant to into a thing of water, there was this explosion and smoke filled the whole room and poor me was sitting right up front closest to the thing :P


    Chemistry is amazing

    Hey, we once had an explosion, too, only that it was intended. :P What was really fun was how there was just the bang and a flash of light and when you looked again the ceiling, but nothing below, was full of smoke. :P


    -Gata signoff.png


    What are you switching from/to? I love that kind of thing. I love updating software of any kind, even if there are no notable changes. Don't ask me why. :P


    -Gata signoff.png

    From Windows XP to Windows 7, for obvious reasons. ^_^

    And I'm rather the opposite, why fix something that isn't broekn? =D (except for security-related and/or virus scanner updates, those are okay. )


    You did pretty much just wait for the very last moment, though, didn't you? :P


    If the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" philosophy was that wise we'd still be stuck in the past. ;)


    -Gata signoff.png

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  8. ... How come, Gata?


    Note: I technically did not ask "why".


    Anyway, switching things up for me is normally exciting. So long as backups exist, I see no reason to be nervous. It's not like your software will become so advanced that it takes over the-ROOOOBOTS!


    Sorry, got to go dance with these rust buckets. B(

    You may ask. :P It's just that I myself don't really know why I even love updating software when there are no visible changes. I do know, however, that I just love almost everything that has to do with computers.


    -Gata signoff.png

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  9. Sorry to hear about your exam. :( Hope you can all talk to your professor and find a solution. I have a consolation for you, though. Have some spinnies! :D














    The spinnies appeared on a random per-member basis on each pageload. Also, Tekulo, that "penguin thingy" is a Nixel from the Mixels theme. :P


    -Gata signoff.png

    • Upvote 3
  10. You are still 15, if I can trust your profile. I'd say in that age it's equally normal to sort of be in a rush as to simply not really care about it yet. If you haven't found anyone, it certainly wouldn't be too wise to rush anything. Then again, I'm not sure I'm the one to talk about this topic, as I'm in university and I've never had a girlfriend ever. :P Same goes for my brother who's 19. There is no point in rushing that kind of thing, I think. You'll know it when you are there, if you try to force anything chances are you are going to fail.


    -Gata signoff.png

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