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Everything posted by Sharkictus

  1. Maybe they can fix it by drinking soem Mata-Nui in a can.
  2. Sharkictus

    Prepare For It

    HAve some of Mata-Nui in can. Precious drink of all makuta. Teridax used and took over Perhaps you can too! Buy Mata-Nui in Can today!
  3. Maybe Spehrus Magna IS the Soviet Russia of the Bionicle World.
  4. Sharkictus


    Nothing in ancient Egpytian or or Chinese history is inovlved with Europe. OH and there are still South American Tribes uninvolved with Europe. Whose history we somehow know.
  5. I hated the Teridax name. Note the past tense. Now I'm used to it... And like it.
  6. Should be answered this week right? Or next?
  7. Sharkictus

    Survey 2

    ..I wanna be a plasma matoran...
  8. Biomech..er...deadmech..Whatsup dude? Long time no talk?

  9. I remember you...Bornicle..good times..good times.

  10. Good bye TE...I will miss you.

  11. They still take tests at this age... Augh.
  12. Sharkictus

    New Prince

    I was scared for a second...I thought it said Lady K is dead..
  13. ..Sigh... I had unique questions..so..yeah. But awesome I guess..
  14. I hope my mustache Halhi mask question will be answered.
  15. Sharkictus

    Hit Or Miss?

    If only we had the MU map, then you could do a BZU map. I think this a good idea. Not entertaining though, but good.
  16. Easy. Trying to explore the hole where water bursting out rapidly and going into was extremely dangerous and would equate death. They assumed it was unimportant. Just side effect of the MU crumbling. And Vultraz finds a different entrance to the Core. That's been confirmed. Some random tunnel on the west side.
  17. I haven't seen either in ages.
  18. First one sounds more like a Jesus reference then a Disney reference. And Phil? Wth dude?
  19. You still have to finish this malarky dude.

  20. Sharkictus


    WHY SO SERIOUS? Had to the Joekr thing. Anyway, awesome.
  21. Sharkictus

    Unfortunate News

    Ahh, I hope Scholastic does pick soemone good. Since books sales will prolly pick up with the movie. If they advertised the books in set instruction booklets, or on the site...I'm sure they be higher then they are currently. But the 09 movie will be the biggest boost.
  22. Wow, we've been around here BZP for about the same amount of time. And I just realized I got mine.
  23. Sharkictus

    Mr. Big

    Mata-Nui should take a shower. Falling asleep in that dirty water, Jeez.
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