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Status Updates posted by phinto

  1. uh... luke?

  2. uh... no your 16.

  3. uh... ok ill join you. what is this?

  4. uh... OMK.

    S.O.L. is shadow of lazyness.

  5. uh... superkid im...


    *ran into his home and comes back in 3 sec*

    not have wii and... i never played super mario galaxy.

    im playing super mario galaxy theme. get it?

  6. uh... uh.. s-sorry.

  7. uham! hukster i said

    make the comic

    about me and hukster vs the clones.

  8. um... the comic... dark needs you... bionicle coming... on 2015

  9. updated the kakama

  10. use your element powers to search for pepena. my elemant is water. whats yours?

  11. vahki... pepena is not coming back... but im going to find out why.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      The peeps that run this show have to look at your comics and be like: DAANNG THESE COMICS ARE FLY!


      But that won't happen.

    3. phinto



      is it too bland?

    4. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      No, it just doesn't happen.

  13. well happy b-day darks ^v^

  14. well happy B-day huks!

  15. well i'll like to say.

    heres jonny!

    i said

    heres jonny!

  16. wep: zamor luncher

    eyes: lime glowing

    hair: glowing T-lime

    human: Avery

    t-shirt: blue

    shorts: purple

    shoes: aqua

    skin: white\yellow

    eyes: cyan

    hair: brown

  17. wha!? *Uepari and phinto face ech ohter*

    uh hi?

  18. whare's a details?

  19. what about the dark709 comics the movie 2 kit in razor?

    can you make that for everyone and me?

  20. what about your comics? are you stupid or lazy?

    you can't think of something funny in your comics?

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