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Creep Of The Deep

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Everything posted by Creep Of The Deep

  1. CRY SOAM MOARRRRR. I love TF2! I mostly play with Demoman, Soldier or Pyro, but I'm really a master with Medic. I don't always play TF2, but when I do I play as a Medic. Stay Übercharged my friends. EDIT: Forgot, my Steam is creep.of.the.deep or Vinyl Scratch.
  2. And her sibling rivalry with Octavia.This. I remember that I'm in a forum where I and a friend roleplay as VS and 'Tavi. Feels good man. If someone ever changes his/her name to Octavia, please tell me first xD
  3. Sans name that is. Excuse for the bad quality, my new camera would get here one of these days and my parents have the old camera I had. Anyway, the 2.0 recently got here a few weeks ago, since I got my freshly new Furno, Stormer and Breez 2.0 I decided to test the mocing capacities. I came up with three mocs - Here's one of them, and by far my favorite. Name: Daniel "Scratch" ClarkeOccupation: ScientistEquipment: Gravity Gun, Spears, Catching Claw and Infrared VisionBiography: Daniel Clarke was one of the first fully mechanical creations of the Great Beings, with no soul or emotions. He used to work closely with the Great Beings, seeing the creation of the Mask of Life and the creation of Mata Nui.When the Energized Protodermis was first found, Clarke felt betrayed as the Great Beings tested the substance on him, the result was something rather interesting from the viewpoint of the Great Beings, the Protodermis gave Clarke a soul, now having a soul and feelings. A secondary effect left Clarke blind for life.After the Core War happened, the Great Beings began to develop a failsafe in case something went wrong, the result was the great Mask Of Life - The Kanohi Ignika, and a giant mechanical being called Mata Nui that was sent off the planet a few moments before Spherus Magna shattered into pieces. When The Shattering occured, Clarke was left in Bota Magna where he positioned his home in a cave, getting resources from the wildlife of the planet and developing a multi-tool shield equipped with Spears, a Claw and a shooting device that altered the gravity of the objective. After Mata Nui reunited the three pieces of Spherus Magna into one, Clarke began to help the survivors on Bota Magna getting them to a safe place. FrontBackSideviewSideviewFront (again) Consider that I only have three of the new sets, so I don't have that many possibilities.
  4. I played Bad Company 2 in a friend's house. Loved it, great series. But I'm staying with Call of Duty until Battlefield ever gets released in Wii or when I get a new console.
  5. If the rules pre-downtime are still up, then you can't link at any other type of forum or site with message system. If that site has no message system, then you're allowed to.
  6. Trixie's Voice Actress also is Gali and Roodaka too. THE GRRRREAT AND POWERFUL ROODAKA.
  7. Of the originals? BWEEZ. Of the 2.0? BWEEZ. Of the 3.0? BWEEZ Will probably be Rocka, or Bulk. Because, y'know, Do NOT bypass the filter. -B6 wolves.
  8. PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE. Confound these Megadeth, they drive me to unsleep. Apart from Megadeth I like Metallica, A7X and various other Metal artists that I can't remember at the moment.
  9. They drive me to make a blog entry.
  10. I know what you're thinking, "BAAWWWW ANOTHER SONIK GAEM IT WILL SUK SONIK ALLWAIS SUKS BAWWWW" Well let me tell you that you are wrong. Know why you are wrong? . OH YEAH BABEH While celebrating Sonic's 25th birthday, a mysterious force (Called Time Eater in the files) sends Sonic and his friends (inb4 bawww friends) back in time where Sonic meets Sonic!That's right babeh, Classic Sonic back and more chubby and cute than ever. In this game you control both Modern Sonic (Unleashed and Colours styled gameplay) and Classic Sonic (Traditional 2D gameplay) as they race well-known stages including Green Hill and Chemical Plant Zone (Effing Chemical Plant <3) and facing popular enemies from Sonic's timeline. Level List Classic Era: Green Hill Zone - Sonic the Hedgehog, Chemical Plant Zone (<3) - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sky Sanctuary Zone - Sonic 3 & Knuckles (OH YEAH) "Dreamcast" Era: Speed Highway - Sonic Adventure (<3), City Escape - Sonic Adventure 2 and Seaside Hill - Sonic Heroes (Note that Seaside Hill is on the Dreamcast era because Sonic Heroes was released in the era of the PS2 and Gamecube, the same era as the Dreamcast.) Modern Era: Crisis City - Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 (<3), Rooftop Run - Sonic Unleashed and Planet Wisp - Sonic Colours (Eh...)SPOILERS - BOSSES LIST BELOW. Sonic Generations will release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on November 1st. There's also a 3DS Version on development with different level list but same bosses. I would post pics, but I'm tired to look for posts. Who's excited for this game?
  11. Confound these ponies, they drive me to fail at school. Just let's not start with the "X is the best pony" argument please. ... Because Steven Magnet is the best pony. IT'S TRUUUU...
  12. Works good here. Tried using another Browser? Clearing your Cookies/Caché?
  13. Did you ask a moderator before you made this topic? Anyway, I got Breez, Stormer and Furno 2.0 a month ago, my first sets with the new building system. I love it But the 3.0 will take a while to get here though.
  14. Oh ok, I'm good with your opinion. Oh and, Sonu, Vinyl Scratch is better than your Pinkie Pies.
  15. I respect your opinion, but I suppose you watched the show before saying that? Just to be sure.
  16. Become a Brony.Join other forums (I spy a little Dorek on one of those ;D). Bought Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for my PC.Got into Prestige 6 in Call of Duty: Black Ops Wii.And I got my very first 2.0 sets one month ago. Feels good man. .
  17. From my past encounters with this skin, I feel it's more of a glitch. Did you try to make it again?
  18. POH-KNEES. I became a brony... July or June I think. I fell in love with this little character: OH YEAH But out of the Mane Six, my favorite is probably Applejack.
  19. ohaithar Soooo we all know that BIONICLE had a tril- Tetralogy (?), some of the movies are good, others are not so good. Which is your favorite movie of the Tetralogy? Mine is probably Web of Shadows, followed closely by... The Legend Reborn *hides*
  20. Ohai, Time Eater attacked this forum too.

  21. UGH.

    Don't ever call me sidorak king again.

    Call me Nat. Or Breez

  22. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Combustible Lemons... IN SPACE
  23. D'oh he died. (?)

    OH WELL. Let's take control of his account and turn him into a My Little Pony lover :D

  24. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I'm so going to change my name to Space Core when I can. Space. Space!? SPACE!? SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!11
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